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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Day 79. feeling good about myself, and a lot richer (not that I smoked a lot 8-10 a day, <30 years+> but all the other things that you would buy because you are in the shop) Like Gemini65 have no problem being around smokers, and kept the weight off by chewing lots of gum. Lung capacity has increased, can catch the kids again. I think the body's cleaning process is working well.

To all those who don't think that they can do it :- YOU CAN

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Tashant32 well done for having another go, hope it goes well for you. I used to take my tablets at 8am and 4pm and worked ok for me. Also, if they are affecting you too much just take half the dose. A lot of people on here have done that and it has worked just as well. I know how scary it is. I was terrified before I stopped and it actually took me 5months to physch myself up for it, but with Champix it wasn't as bad as I imagined. I remember feeling very lost and loney without smoking, but I was never tearing my hair out desperate to smoke, its the habit that was harder for me to let go of. And that just gets easier with time. Anyway, good luck!


Hope everyone else is doing well, come on Oldshirty you can do it!


Gemini, you really don't understand how much that sounds like me - terrified doesn't even cover it. I think its because i've been smoking for so long it's become part of my every day life. I know it's going to be tuff but i just hope after everything i have read on here that i'll NOT give up as easily this time.


Well i start my pills tomorrow so i'll let you all know how i am going soon. I'll deffo take the advice on the pill popping too, sounds like a plan!

FINGERS CROSSED everybody. Here's to the first day of the rest of my life - smoke free :)


Tashant x

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Thinking of you all and hoping you all make it !

It's a great feeling to say I don't smoke the next thing I want to say is do you have this in a smaller size but to be honest I find losing weight much much harder than I found giving up smoking 20+ fags a day, I think thats cos I didn't need willpower. Let me know if they invent the equivalent of champix for slimming!!!!!!!!!


lol Kazpa, you can never say never!!!!!

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Good luck you all, I still pop in now and then just to see how everyone is doing. I am still battling with getting the weight back off still over a stone plus I need to lose now but easier doing it with weightwatchers.


It really is a great feeling when you know you don't smoke and not even think about it that often. I know you can all do it.



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Goodness! What a flurry of activity!


Tashant--no I haven't set a quit date as yet. Let me know what you are planning and maybe we could try on the same day?! I know what you mean about you smoking so long and it being part of your every day life. When you have smoked for as long as you have not smoked, you have trouble redefining who and what you are (I know this sounds melodramatic but for me it is true). You are right; the process is totally scary but with some determination, I know we can do it! Good luck with your tabs. I hope you don't find them too traumatic this time...


Kazpa--I wish I could say the same :-) I find losing weight infinitely easier than stopping smoking (but usually while I'm still smoking!), but stick with it! I'm sure it will pay off :-)


Gemini, I hope I can :-( I Promise to try my best and--with any luck--last longer than I did last time :-) Your night out must have made you feel brilliant! All of those vices at the one go...I am utterly in awe!


sittingbull--you are definitely an inspiration! I have such conflicted emotions about the whole thing and yet I know that smoking is comlpetely and utterly pointless. Why on earth do we hang on to it so?!


Taimah, I can't wait until I am at your stage! The idea of not thinking about smoking is a notion I can't quite entertain at the moment...although I would sincerely like to :-)


The good news is (if there is good news for me on this forum!) is that I am back to my pre-champix weight with WW. Watch it all go downhill when I try to stop again :-))


Good luck all x


Tuesday morning update: Just back from the Doctor. He's given me more champix and patches as well. No excuses now :-)

Edited by Oldshirty
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Good luck Tashant and Old Shirty, I KNOW you can do it. I was no different to you, and if I can then you can and I'm sure we can all say that. Champix makes it so much easier to deal with, ok its strange at first, but you get used to it. Look forward to hearing how you got on.

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Hello All,


quick update - i'm now on day 4 of the pills (1st day of double dose) keeping my fingers crossed because as of yet i'm not having any problems. Thanks to everyone for their support and encouragement, it REALLY does mean alot. :)


OLDSHIRTY: My quit date, according to the pills, is 14th of Feb. YES i am hanging on untill the very last day hehehehehe well old habits die hard as they say. :gag:


Oh and a quick question? Has anyone joined the Life Rewards scheme and what did you think or do you think?


Ok i need to shoot - concentration levels slipping a little. I wonder if this is because of the pills, surely not already? lol Must be old age!



Tashant x

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Thanks, Gemini and Tashant!


My son's therapy has been temporarily postponed so I guess I'm going to have to move forward without a date.


I think I would probably benefit from having a 'quit buddy' Tashant, so I shall try with you on the 14th Feb :-) Please keep me informed of your progress...


Good luck to us both :-)) x


P.S. TC, how are things going with you?!

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