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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Thanks, Gemini and Tashant!


My son's therapy has been temporarily postponed so I guess I'm going to have to move forward without a date.


I think I would probably benefit from having a 'quit buddy' Tashant, so I shall try with you on the 14th Feb :-) Please keep me informed of your progress...


Good luck to us both :-)) x


P.S. TC, how are things going with you?!


Hello again all,


Well i'm about to embark on my first day of blue pills tomorrow :roll: i just hope they don't have the same affect on me as last time or i'll be doing a Jabber hehehehe


Oldshirty a 'quit buddy' sounds like a good plan to me as i'm already trying to think of excuses not to stick to the date boo hoo Sooooooooo going to need all the encouragement i can get.


I spent most of yesterday and this morning reading the posts on this forum and i must say that all the varied and shared experiences have been really helpful - so thanks to everyone for sharing. PLEASE keep it up as it is so HELPFUL for us newbies. Thanks :)


Well i suppose i'd better get on with my life for the rest of the day i don't want to be turning into a p.c potatoe.


Good luck to everybody who is at the beginning of their journey and Well done to all of you who have managed to quit!!!!!!!!


Oldshirty, i will keep you posted with my progress.


Fingers crossed for us both .


Tashant x

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Crikey, has it been that long since I was last on? You lot can talk, haha!!!


So how we all doing???


I'm doing really good. I had my first real test this weekend. Went out for a few drinks on Friday with my best friend who smokes and her popping out for a fag didn't bother me. Then on Saturday, had a bit of a family gathering at the in-laws and again, when the smokers were going out the back for a fag, I just stayed in and had cuddles with my baby niece. Can't say the same for my husband though who sneaked out a few times for a crafty fag. He's so obvious, I sussed him after his first one the goon!!!


So i'm on day 18 smoke free and so far i'm only really struggling with the tiredness and dreams so i'm going to take my evening tablet a little earlier tonight and see if that helps.


Hope everyone else is doing well!!! Keep going folks, it gets easier each day!!!



Edited by djtuffcat
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Im 12 weeks quit today using champix and i must say that im feeling great- i have put on a little weight but that im attributing to xmas too.


Im not having no cravings, i can go out and drink with my friends without even thinking of going outside for a fag, i feel much better when im playing sport or running and i can finally smell and taste things properly again!!


So if you have just quit- keep going, it is so worth it in the end- even though its hard at the start! :) :)

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Hello , i've been reading this thread since last Tuesday when ibooked an apppointment at the doctors . I saw the doc this evening and got my Champix starter pack , i willl take my first pilll in the morning . This is not the first time that i 've tried to quit , i stopped for 3 months 2 years ago by reading the Allen Carr book but i got streesed and thought that i could just have a couple of cigs because i'd stoppped for so long . How wrong i was , i smoked a fulll pack then felt guilty about and thought " sod it , i cant stop smoking " . Well , i'm going to try again

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Hello , i've been reading this thread since last Tuesday when ibooked an apppointment at the doctors . I saw the doc this evening and got my Champix starter pack , i willl take my first pilll in the morning . This is not the first time that i 've tried to quit , i stopped for 3 months 2 years ago by reading the Allen Carr book but i got streesed and thought that i could just have a couple of cigs because i'd stoppped for so long . How wrong i was , i smoked a fulll pack then felt guilty about and thought " sod it , i cant stop smoking " . Well , i'm going to try again


i have been to my doctors on numerous occasions saying i need a tablet to stop smoking i smoke about 20-30 a day and it is simply getting too expensive,

all the doctors do is tell me to go to the chemist and see them there about stopping smoking, shouldnt the doctor be helping me? if i was a heroin addict he would be prescribing me methadone not the chemist so why because im addicted to nicotine am i treated differently?

did you all get your tablets from the docs or the stop smoking people at the chemist?

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Initially , the doc told me that i would have to see the smoking cessation nurse and attend the counsellling session before she would prescribe it . I pointed out that i work long and irregular hours . I also told her that i had been to the smoking cessation before and that i had researched Champix on the internet . I think she was questioning my level of motivation , it seems that some people think that Champix is a magic pill that willl stop them smoking without any effort of thier own . I did agree to go to the Quit smoking shop in town because i can call in there any time without an appiontment .

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I have only ever seen my doctor for Champix. I suppose everywhere is different but You can only get them on prescription. Go back to your doctor and tell them you've done your research on Champix and found this forum which has offered you help and advice!!! Tell them you've tried to quit with NRT's and they don't work for you!

Good luck!


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Well done Scottf, you have done really well. You too djtuffcat - I bet you could smell the smoke on your husband straight away, can't believe that I used to smell like that! Good luck Paddy, now you know that you can't even have one once you stop, that's the thought that has kept me off them this time as I done the same the first time I stopped. Good luck sheffgrow. I had to see a quit nurse every 2 weeks, I'm not sure about the chemist as my chemist said they couldn't do it as you need the prescription signed by a doctor, good luck anyway I'm sure you will be given it, come and let us know how you get on.

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My doc gave me a prescription for Champix last night , initiallly she told me that i would have to see the cesssation nurse but after a little persausion she gave me the prescription and she wanted me to see a cessation adviser . I went to drop-in Quit shop in town today , to get my next script they willl give me a note to give to the docs receptionist and i then return later to pick it up . There is a little bonus from the Quit shop , 6 weeeks free gym membership .

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Free and Healing for Three Years, 7 Hours and 11 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 76 Days and 3 Hours, by avoiding the use of 21926 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me £6,997.98.

Just an update to my journey good luck to all that are tryingto quit it is so worth it. I never think about smoking now unless it is to pity people in the snow or that are gasping for one and cannot have it. Thank you Champix and Allan Carr.:hihi:

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