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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Hi all.. .. I found this site and started reading it from the beginning this morning .. I gave up when I realised I was only on page 86 of almost 300 :) lol .. I'm on day 10 of Champix and first day smoke free (last cig that I didn't even want yesterday at midday) .. I've smoked 20-30 a day for 25 years and have failed miserably in previous half hearted attempts to quit, despite losing my mum to emphysema and my dad to a stroke, my addiction was absolute. I've spend the last 14 months using NRT products of every description and it's got me nowhere (except poorer - these things are so expensive!).. I really am optimistic about Champix. I have had no bad side effects yet.. none whatsoever.. no nausea (apart from when someone is smoking nearby!), just some vivid dreams .... I'm happy to have found you guys as I'm sure it's not going to stay this easy ....:confused: and I REALLY want to do this !

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me too ive now got the tablets lets see how i go, funny thing is i am now starting to get worried now about stopping, i know ive got to do it but it seems serious now!!!


Sheffgrow i know exactly how you feel, infact i found i actually started to smoke more - not realising, but gradually reducing again now. Day 9 of the pills at the moment and the cigs starting to either taste diferent or i'm not getting the same hit. Now this depends on any given cig lol VERY STRANGE!


Anyway back to your first point lol I too was worried, but i'm starting to accept the inevitable and actually looking forward to it. Well not the giving up part;) but the fact i WILL be able to say i'm a non-smoker :D


Keep us posted on how you get on with the pills and good luck - YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!


Tashant x


P.s Has anybody heard from my smoking buddy? (Oldshirty)

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Sheffgrow you will be fine! Once you actually stop you will hardly think about it. I think thats why they tell you to pick a day and stick to it. Good luck hun!

You too Tash, I love being able to say i'm a non smoker!!! Oh and no, not heard from Oldshirty!!! Hope all is ok!!!


Edited by djtuffcat
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Hello everyone, I was on here well over a year ago and had my last smoke on October 1st 2009... I AM STILL SMOKE FREE.. sure, I put on a little weight but Champix worked for me, don't get me wrong, I love the smell and I will even light one for my girlfriend, but I will never smoke again.. Keep at it everyone... email me if I can ever help.. c.fisher@blueyonder.co.uk... Good luck..

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hey im back, fell off the wagon big style over christmas, but now off with a vengence 2 weeks clear so far. had to go back on the champix but taking half twice a day.

was doing some research into why the nausea was affecting some more than others and found this.


Smoking cessation is a challenging task beyond doubt but with Champix the task becomes a lot easier. The active ingredient in Champix is varenicline tartrate. Another ingredient of Champix is lobelia which acts as nicotine by stimulating the nervous system. These harmless herbal extracts purge the nasty effects people link with smoking cessation such as depression and weight gain."


lobelia extract is also known as pukeweed for the effects it has when overdosed. it seems some of us are more susceptible than others

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P.s Has anybody heard from my smoking buddy? (Oldshirty)


Yes Tashant! Still here and girding up my loins for next week! Are we still on?!


I am in awe of all of you who have quit (Gemini, Scottf, thebigfish and especially nicoteenie--3 years is amazing! and now DJTC--you're sounding so positive!)


Good luck with your tabs and subsequent quit attempt Sheffgrow and Paddy8. Like you say, Paddy8: Champix can lead us to water...but we have to be the ones who drink :-) Sheffgrow--I'm with you there. Letting go is the biggest problem (for me at least). You sound as if you are really on the right track this time OptiMissT. Keep it going :-)


f.i.g.j.a.m, I'm delighted to hear you are trying again. I am the master of 'falling off the wagon' so it's good to hear that you want to get straight back on again! That's interesting about the nausea. I only have the odd wave now and again. I put my lack of sickness and other symptoms down to the fact that I have been a really heavy smoker. I wondered if those who smoke fewer per day experienced more side effects compared with someone who smokes heavily (probably really skewed logic--but there you go!). Anyway I'm grateful for that at least!


Keep going everyone who is trying and congratulations to everyone who has managed to eradicate this evil!


Cheers all x

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There you are you bugger, LOL!!!

Oldshirty, I have my pom poms at the ready to cheer you and Tash on!!!! :-)


On what you were saying about side effects! I was on 30-40 a day last year when I first did Champix and had every side effect going!!!! This time I was on 20-25 a day and i'm having the vivid dreams, every night without fail!!! And the tiredness!!!! The eating isn't anywhere near as bad as last year. I've had a few sweet cravings but I don't buy sweets so I just let it pass!!!! I put on a stone in 8 weeks last year! This year i'm doing cardio at least 4 times a week and so far staying the same weight and also feeling good for the exercise. Trying Zumba for the first time tomoz!!!! Thinking about exercise and working it around my work shifts gives me something else to focus on as well!


Good luck to everyone!!! You can so do this and the support is always here if you need it!!


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Hi, here's another newbie ... I'm having trouble even messaging ... so if I keep sending the same message I'm sorry ! I don't have much experience with this sort of thing ... anyway to cut it short I have been reading this thread for a very long time, in fact not long after it started (thankyou Jabber)


I don't want to go into my quitting experience at the moment, mainly because I don't think any of you would have the time to read it :) I am now on day 3 of champix, Paddy I think we are at the same stage, would you like a quit friend ? ( I would ) I'm in Australia so you're only a few hours beind me ... everyone on here is an inspiration regardless of where we are all at ... the point being we all have the same goal ... kind regards to all ...

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