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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Hello Soozie , your message was ok . I dont think anyone on this thread is bothered about spellling or garamer , we are all here to suppprt each other with stoppping smoking and staying stopped . Well , this is my 3rd day on Champix and i am stilll smoking a lot , maybe even more . It seems strange that i am attempting to stop but told to carrry on smoking . I am even beginning to question whether i reallly want to stop smoking , how stupid is that ? The adddict voice in my mind (subconcsious) is tellling me that i like smoking , I willl have to change the tape eh , i'lll start flicking through the Allen Carr boook again and read other positive articles on the net about stopping smoking

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Hi All

Just want to say I am now on 17 weeks without a cigarette and am determined not to go back, however I do think I have to be an all or nothing quitter and could not risk thinking I could just try one. I feel so much better and as someone said can't believe I and my home used to smell so badly ( even though I never noticed it )

Interestingly my son who has been one of my biggest supporters and is the father of the reason I gave up, my gorgeous grandson Fintan said last night that he thought I would go back but be an ' outside smoker ' I was really surprised as I had said that I couldn't imagine going near Fintan smelling of smoke and would hate for him to be exposed to smoke by me.

Good luck Paddy8, djtuffcat, oldshirty,soozie and everyone who is trying - it is weird at first, try and change your routine and then you won't miss the 'habit cigs' at least.

Good Luck x

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Hi Paddy, thankyou for your reply (and Kazpa), I know what you mean about questioning whether you really want to quit, I've been doing that since I was 16, seriously I've been quitting ever since I started 30 years ago, but we wouldn't be here if we wanted to carry on smoking, I don't believe anyone really wants to smoke, most of us would never have lit that first smoke if we knew what was ahead of us, I'm also smoking more than I usually would, not really sure why. I'm onto day four of the tablets today, hubbby comes home from work today and smokes like a chimney, he'll be home for 9 weeks so I'm going to have to be really strong to get through this. Have you picked a quit date yet ? I keep changing my mind, I'm thinking maybe day 10.

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Kazpa, you've done brilliant! Bet the whole family are so proud of you!!!


Soozie and Paddy, try not to be negative about the whole process. Pick your date and stick to it. Also, write a list of pros and cons!!! You'll be so suprised!!!


You can both do this, the tablets really do work, even if they don't feel like they are yet!



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Did I do OK with first message ? how do I refresh ? keep on logging out and back in to see if anyone has answered me ( how sad is that :( )


Hi Soozie! Welcome to the forum!


It's not sad at all! I think I checked the forum hourly when I first signed up! I think the thing to remember is that sometimes this forum is extremely busy and other times very slow. I think it depends on the number of newbies trying to stop at the same time as you. You have paddy8 and Sheffgrow pretty much at the same stage as you as well as OptiMissT; Tashant and I (at similar stages) and DJTC a little further along the line, as well as the 'new oldtimers' like scottf and gemini. Then you have the longer term regulars e.g Kapza--to name one of many success stories.


I am even beginning to question whether i reallly want to stop smoking , how stupid is that ? The adddict voice in my mind (subconcsious) is tellling me that i like smoking , I willl have to change the tape eh


You are absolutely no different from everyone else on this forum (from what I have seen). Many quitters feel a real sense of trepidation in stopping smoking, regardless of the method. I know I do :-)


as someone said can't believe I and my home used to smell so badly ( even though I never noticed it )

Good luck Paddy8, djtuffcat, oldshirty,soozie and everyone who is trying - it is weird at first, try and change your routine and then you won't miss the 'habit cigs' at least.

Good Luck x


That's one thing I did notice on my brief quit: the absence of the smell of smoke in the house and on everybody living here. Since starting after my failed attempt I have been very careful in smoking in an isolated area, keepng clothes in a smoke free environment and washing and brushing my teeth every time I go out of the house. I didn't have to go to such lengths when I had stopped :-)


Thanks for your good luck :-)


I don't believe anyone really wants to smoke, most of us would never have lit that first smoke if we knew what was ahead of us, I'm also smoking more than I usually would, not really sure why.


Too right, none of us would have started! Your desire to smoke more is probably an anxiety about what you will do without the cigs. I am still sort of in the same frame of mind. I would like to think that I recognise that smoking is completely pointless and will try to keep that notion firmly in my conscious thoughts. I have already failed once on this attempt, so I'm probably not the best person to tell you that everything will be easy :-)) But if you are truly ready...it will not be too traumatic. I have to say that times of enforced abstinence these days are definitely far easier with the tabs...

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There you are you bugger, LOL!!!

Oldshirty, I have my pom poms at the ready to cheer you and Tash on!!!! :-)


Pom poms are definitely required :-)


On what you were saying about side effects! I was on 30-40 a day last year when I first did Champix and had every side effect going!!!! This time I was on 20-25 a day and i'm having the vivid dreams, every night without fail!!! And the tiredness!!!! The eating isn't anywhere near as bad as last year.


Oh well...bang goes that theory ;-))


This year i'm doing cardio at least 4 times a week and so far staying the same weight and also feeling good for the exercise. Trying Zumba for the first time tomoz!!!! Thinking about exercise and working it around my work shifts gives me something else to focus on as well! .


That's great TC! I have been doing WW and have lost a decent amount of weight in readiness for this quit attempt.


Exercise definitely does improve the way you feel!


I did toy with the idea of Zumba. It looks like brilliant fun (I love strictly!!). Do let me know how you like it?! It was a toss up for me between this and Charlene-what's-her-face's Turbo Jam. I went with this because of the Amazon reviews. I'll let you know how that goes...

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I went tonight Oldshirty! It was really good but bloody hard work and quite fast paced but everyone just does what they feel comfortable with. I was knackered and it was only a 45 minutes class, haha!!! Definately going back next week, it was great fun. The other thing I quite liked was it was full of all ages and sizes so nobody would feel out of place!


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Hi just found this site thankfully! I am on day 4 of champix and so far felt ok reduced smoking from 20 a day to 10 a day already and the ones I am having taste awful so really hopeful. I have given up twice before once for 1 year and again for 6 months, both times I used hypnotherapy.

Today I will be taking 2 tablets and have decided will set my stop date when I see how they affect me. I am thinking if 1 tablet can do this then 2 might help me to stop anyway will wait and see. It is really useful to read other peoples experiences.

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