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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Well I just popped in to give a bit of encouragement - I had my last cigarette on 25 March 2009, so I'm just coming up to 11 Months. I really don't ever think about cigs now, except perhaps when I see one of my friends outside work in the freezing cold, having a smoke. Then I just feel glad it's not me. I really don't miss it folks, and you won't either. Just hang on in there - I promise you, you will count it as one of the best things you ever did.


Any side effects you get from the Champix are nowhere near as bad as the side effects from cigs. Would you believe me if I said I haven't coughed all winter? It's true, and previously I would have had at least one bad bout of bronchitis, and a rotten cough for weeks afterwards.


But best of all is the happiness you feel when you realise you are no longer a smoker. Good luck everyone - especially you Gemini - seeing as you were one of the people who encouraged me on here, when I first started on the Champix.:wave:




This is the last time I posted on here, in February 2010. Just popped back to say it's now coming up to 2 years since my last cigarette and I still don't miss it, in fact I don't even think of smoking. Even when my mum died in October last year, I never gave cigs a thought. So I just wanted to give a bit of encouragement to anyone who is just starting out on the Champix: I still feel just the same as I did in my post above, only more so. People tell me I have never looked better, and I certainly have never felt more alive. Hope that helps!!


CG x

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This is the last time I posted on here, in February 2010. Just popped back to say it's now coming up to 2 years since my last cigarette and I still don't miss it, in fact I don't even think of smoking. Even when my mum died in October last year, I never gave cigs a thought. So I just wanted to give a bit of encouragement to anyone who is just starting out on the Champix: I still feel just the same as I did in my post above, only more so. People tell me I have never looked better, and I certainly have never felt more alive. Hope that helps!!


CG x

Hey Charliegirl, great to hear from you! I'm still here. On my second attempt and will be 9 months next week, am finding it much easier this time around. I'm sorry to hear about your mother, to be honest in the back of my mind I do think that it would be something like that would make me start again, so its good to hear that you didn't xx

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thankyou djtuffcat and oldshirty for your words of encouragement, ttdab have you set a quit date yet ? and what about you Paddy ??? I'm stopping on Thursday ... today is day five of the tabs ... must admit I'm still smoking the same amount but today I went for a walk and I had this wonderful calm feeling that came over me, starting to feel very positive about this, having some wacky dreams though, not sleeping very well, wake up at ridiculous times and can't get back to sleep, feel like I've had a hard days night !!! haha

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Keep going. For those of you who are in the early stages and saying nothing is really happening that is just how I felt. The day before I had my last cigarette ( day 9 ) I said that the tablets were doing nothing for me and I was smoking more than usual, on day 10 without even thinking about it I smoked only 6 cigarettes instead of 20 - 30 and on day 11 I didn't smoke any. I didn't pick a quit date it was almost that the day picked itself.

Can I ask those of you have fallen off the wagon in the past how it happened, I am currently convinced that I will never have a cig again but when I read that people have started again after 6 months or a year and my daughter stopped for 10 years I get a bit concerned that I will return to it at some time because tbh I really enjoyed it.

Good luck to everyone who is quitting this week especially.

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Well can't quite believe it but hardly smoke anything yesterday and out with friends drinking! So Soozie to answer your question my quit day was going to be Wednesday but so far today have not had any cigarettes!! Just taken my second tablet so probably won't have another. It is amazing just have no craving at all they do come into my mind at times but the thought goes so quickly. So Day 6 is quit day. I have got a few left and will be throwing them away tomorrow if I make it through today. Does anyone know if you can stay on the lower dose if you have given up when taking them?

Good luck everyone I am truly amazed!

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That's great news ttdab! Sounds as if you're well on your way! Let us know how things go... I don't know about the dosage of tablets. Maybe someone else can answer that.


Charliegirl, congrats on two years--that's brilliant (and thanks for the encouragement!). Like Gemini, I think I would struggle if something dire happened. It's great that you managed to maintain your resolve.


Glad you're in a positive frame of mind Soozie. Hopefully things will go smoothly for you.


It's early days yet, Paddy. As Kapza says it happens for different people at different times and some feel no different and just have to decide on a quit date (and try to stick to it!). That's where I am right now :-))


Tashant, you're very quiet. Are we still on for tomorrow?!


OS x

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That's great news ttdab! Sounds as if you're well on your way! Let us know how things go... I don't know about the dosage of tablets. Maybe someone else can answer that.


Charliegirl, congrats on two years--that's brilliant (and thanks for the encouragement!). Like Gemini, I think I would struggle if something dire happened. It's great that you managed to maintain your resolve.


Glad you're in a positive frame of mind Soozie. Hopefully things will go smoothly for you.


It's early days yet, Paddy. As Kapza says it happens for different people at different times and some feel no different and just have to decide on a quit date (and try to stick to it!). That's where I am right now :-))


Tashant, you're very quiet. Are we still on for tomorrow?!




Yes we still on, i have 4 cigs left and when they gone then thats me - done:) Already warned the hubby and daughter they outside as of tomorrow. Don't think the shed is my daughters idea of good night out lol


Sorry i've been quiet, apart from the pills knocking me out come 9.30ish, i've also had some medical issues which are only adding to the side effects of pills :( I was sent to the hospital, though, and they are trying to sort me out :gag: Fingers crossed eh x


Good luck all you newbies to the pills, i'm going to try to stick with them as they do EVENTUALLY have an affect.


Also to all those who have made it yeaahhhhhh you have all done really well. Your posts keep me motivated and encouraged that there will be a positive end to all this TRAUMA lol Keep it up and keep posting PLEASE!!!


Oldshirty, good luck for tomorrow and keep me updated as i will you.


Tashant x

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