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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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There you are you bugger, LOL!!!

Oldshirty, I have my pom poms at the ready to cheer you and Tash on!!!! :-)


Cheers for the poms poms dj it really does help to know people are routing for you :)


As for Zumba i'm also giving that a go for the first time Tuesday, so thanks for the update, it sounds like fun. I also have to agree i've started to think about what excercise i am going to, in the week, to keep my mind occupied. I think convincing the mind, i don't smoke anymore, is going to be the hardest part for me anyway here goes, for tomorrow.


Tashant x

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You'll be fine Tash, try not to dwell on it too much. I hardly think about it. My hubby is amazed that I haven't really spoken about about it either. We went out for Sunday dinner today and they seated us right next to the exit to the smoking area. I was just looking at the people out there thinking, wow I used to do that!!! I do think the focusing on exercise has helped a lot. I'm up to 30 mins cardio 5 times a week now and I feel really good for it.

Good luck for tomorrow, I will be thinking of you and Oldshirty! Let us know how you get on!


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Yes we still on, i have 4 cigs left and when they gone then thats me - done:) Already warned the hubby and daughter they outside as of tomorrow. Don't think the shed is my daughters idea of good night out lol


That's the first step, Tashant. Your OH and daughter will just need to deal with it! I am very lucky--no smokers in the house other than me!


Sorry i've been quiet, apart from the pills knocking me out come 9.30ish,...

Have you tried taking them literally before you go to bed? If the pills knock you out--as do they me--you don't feel any effects from the second dose...


i've also had some medical issues which are only adding to the side effects of pills :( I was sent to the hospital, though, and they are trying to sort me out :gag: Fingers crossed eh x...


Oh dear. I hope you are okay. If your health issues are more pressing than stopping smoking, perhaps you should wait until your immediate problems are sorted out?


Good luck all you newbies to the pills, i'm going to try to stick with them as they do EVENTUALLY have an affect.


That's definitely the plan, anyway :-)


Also to all those who have made it yeaahhhhhh you have all done really well. Your posts keep me motivated and encouraged that there will be a positive end to all this TRAUMA lol Keep it up and keep posting PLEASE!!!


I agree! Your postings make all the difference to newbie quitters like us!


Oldshirty, good luck for tomorrow and keep me updated as i will you.


No probs, Tash! Smoked my last cig as well as being firmly 'patched up'. Let's hope I can do it this time :-)


You'll be fine Tash, try not to dwell on it too much. I hardly think about it. My hubby is amazed that I haven't really spoken about about it either. We went out for Sunday dinner today and they seated us right next to the exit to the smoking area. I was just looking at the people out there thinking, wow I used to do that!!! I do think the focusing on exercise has helped a lot. I'm up to 30 mins cardio 5 times a week now and I feel really good for it.

Good luck for tomorrow, I will be thinking of you and Oldshirty! Let us know how you get on!



Well done DJTC! Sounds like you are definitely in the right frame of mind! Good luck! We are rooting for you :-))


OS x

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To all the 'newbies' and 'oldies' just starting out and starting out again. Remember the childrens story, "the little train that could", "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can, I know I can, I know I can, I know I can", he reached the top of the hill and away he went.....the power of positive thinking....Whoooo.

I am 29 plus weeks without smoking. No regrets whatsoever. There are times when I think that I may fail and take up smoking again. I think of the consequesces.....stupidity, selfishness,cost, smell, grandkids and possibility of a shortened life.......No I dont think so. After 43 years of being a fairly heavy smoker, I will not be taking it up again!. The pros and cons just do not add up! I believe the adiction to tabacco is the easiest to overcome, the habit , for me was the most difficult to overcome. even now occasionally I instincively go to pick up my cigarettes, because that is what i have done for the past 43 years.

So to Tash, Soozie, OldShirty, Paddy8 and all you others, hang in there, if you can handle the side effects, keep going till you get to the top of the heap. In the end I believe we will all be better for it.

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Good luck Tashant and Oldshirty!!! Be strong we can all beat this horrible habit ......well with the help of our little friend Champix and the support from this forum.

Well I did have 2 puffs of a ciggie last night just to say a final googbye sad I know but that is that I have a few left and I am going to burn them!!!!

I am feeling ok and ringing the nurse to see if I can stay on the lower dose or maybe 1mg in the morning and 0.5 at night so will let you know.

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My mum and sister have just started on Champix and both are having side effects.


They are both on the second week and my sister is having headaches whilst my mum has been sick a couple of mornings. (& no she's definitely not pregnant) LOL


Has anyone else experienced any of these side effects? I know they both really want to stop but can't see them putting up with these for too long and hope it doesn't make them come off the tablets.


Thanks in advance and well done to all of you who have managed to give up :)

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My mum and sister have just started on Champix and both are having side effects.


They are both on the second week and my sister is having headaches whilst my mum has been sick a couple of mornings. (& no she's definitely not pregnant) LOL


Has anyone else experienced any of these side effects? I know they both really want to stop but can't see them putting up with these for too long and hope it doesn't make them come off the tablets.


Thanks in advance and well done to all of you who have managed to give up :)


Hi, i started with champix on the 3rdof february, after 15 years smoking 20 cigs a day. My boss was affraid for me because of site effects and sent me the link to this forum he googled.

I did read through nearly all pages and that helped me a lot. The first 2 weeks i was sick in the morning and once my head nearly exploded at night. Since day 14 i dont smoke anymore at all, and i am so happy, nearly no cravings, better taste and smelling improved. was even last Saturday at a small party with 5 smokers and didnt want to smoke at all. was disgusted by the smell of cigarettes.


my 3 month old daugther is very happy to have now more time with me.


I can just say to anybody, that tablets are great, and if you feel sick, stop the smoking, not the tablets. that worked for me. YEAH !

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Hi everyone, well two more days of smoking for me then I'm done ! once again thankyou to everyone for your advice and messages of support ... on the full dose of tabs now and I'm sleeping a lot and my mouth tastes awful, still smoking as normal but have to admit it feels more out of habbit now as I don't seem to be getting the same feelings from them - not sure that makes sense ! I'm foccusing on Thursday morning and I thought I would change my morning routine maybe go straight in the shower rather than straight outside with a cuppa and smoke !

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