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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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lol surprisingly well Gemini :D


Yesterday (day 1) a bit of a nightmare I think because of the initial enormity of what I am trying to do I just moped around and from time to time really wanted to smoke I then started thinking to myself, 'do I really want to give up? etc' I don't think it helped not being at work yesterday (my day off) BUTTTTTTT I stayed strong and said YES YOU DO, so just bloody do it!!!!!


WELL today (day 2) has been completely different - I have actually enjoyed being able to tell people at work that I HAVE QUIT!!!!! Yeahhhhhhh and they have been great, really supportive. One of my collegues is even going to be joining me soon and said we should support each other, this also made me smile as well as feel great - somebody asking ME to support them in giving up smoking, must be a mistake lol


I'm determined to keep this positive frame of mind, though, about not smoking as I think it really helps - well it helps me anyway. Take for instance I have had a few really stressful days lately and I could easily have put this attempt off, but I took other peoples advice, on here, and said to myself, 'Sharon the past few days will have been just as stressful whether you are smoking or not' and guess what? :o IT WORKED lol and I didn't smoke, as well as it all being quite true of course.


Soooooooooooooo thanks to all you Old Timers hehehe and your postings - you see we, as newbies do pay close attention and, hang on to your every words sad but true I know :loopy:


Oldshirty - how goes it at your neck of the woods? lol Good I hope and keep us posted.


Anyway, I am going to let somebody else get a word in as I think my head may explode with all this self praise lol :hihi:


Gemini thanks for keeping tabs on me it really does keep me motivated :D


Tashant x


P.s what a flurry of activity recently - so HI to all you newest newbies and keep going it will be worth it.

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Terrific Tashant, keep up the good work....the longer you control it the easier it will get




Thanks NeilD, I will most certainly try - NO INFACT I WILL hehehehe determination is the key and I do hope you are right about time.


Oh and by the way, I really enjoyed your little ditty from a previous post (the little boy and his train? I think) :loopy: the pills are seriously affecting my concentration levels at the moment, anyway the moral of the tale was brill so thanks again.


Tashant x

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Again, 'goodonya' Tashant.

Champix did effect my concentration as well. I think it was the pills anyway, although it could have been that our body is so used to the effect and habit of smoking or that our mind is spending so much time trying to come to terms with withdrawal from smoking, which has been major and dominating part of our lives for so many years it is effecting our concertration. Even now after nearly 30 weeks I still think about the past habit , then I think, "it is the past and you cannot dwell on the past", and I am not going back to the past!.

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Howdy Folks!


Firstly thanks for all you well wishers--especially you Gemini--always there for all the newbies!! You too Neil. You have done so well! 7 + months must feel really good!


Zwirli, congrats on your quit! I haven't had a straightforward experience on Champix (probably because I wasn't quite ready on my last attempt--nor am I out of the woods yet!) but I think most people agree that it helps those who generally wish to quit smoking. It says a lot about you in that you stuck with the side effects of the tablets in favour of quitting! Well done you :-)


In Uppers, I think lots of people experience side effects that can be mild to extreme depending upon the individual. In the first week of Champix I had minor headaches, in the second, desperate tiredness (which still comes and goes). Otherwise all I have is the occassional wave of nausea. I can generally (but not always) avoid this by taking the tab with some carbs (of some description) and a glass of water. If side effects are minor for your sister and mum, I would encourage them to keep taking the tabs...Lots of people have experienced some quite profound success using the tabs...


Tashant, sounds like things are going really well for you--that's brilliant :-)) Your first day was like my first day (last time round) but this time, I knew what to expect so it didn't seem too bad. Had a couple of wee 'wobblies' today that lasted no more than a few minutes and I am still frequently automatically reaching for the ciggies ( I have already done that three times since starting this message!). But I just need to remember that I don't smoke anymore--reprogramming the mind, so to speak!


I listened to a stop smoking CD by a guy called Jason Vale which I bought about seven years ago but never listened to. It's pretty 'Alan Carr', if I remember the seminar correctly but the theory made more sense this time round, I think. The thing I will take away from it is 'I can smoke, but why would I want to given that nicotine is the very thing that made me feel that I needed to smoke in the first place?' in other words, what is the point in craving something that only stops the cravings for something that created the craving in the first place? Oh dear, I've gone cross eyed :-)) Well...it made sense before I wrote it down!


If nothing else it will act as excellent distraction therapy--after two and a half flipping hours of talk/ repetition/ brainwashing/ relaxation/ suggestion/ hypnosis...or whatever you want to call it ;-)


Continued success, Tashant! We can do it! And good luck to all other newbies (we are on a new page but if my memory was better, I would name you all...let's see...paddy8, Soozie, ttdab, Sheffgrow...was there anyone else?!) DJTC, I trust things are going okay?!


Cheers all x

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Well here I am last day of smoking for me ... just want to get it over with now and get on with the rest of my life ! to be honest if I carry on sleeping as much as I am now I will hopefully wake up one day and it's all over, I'll be like a grizzly bear emerging from it's winter hibernation (even though it's summer here haha.)


It's great that so many people are doing and have done so well, the support here really does help ... my hubby smokes a lot so it's very difficult to talk to him about how I'm feeling, he has no interest in quitting and because I've tried so many times before I suppose he's fed up with hearing about it lol.


I will post tomorrow with an update, by the time most of you have woken up I will be through the best part of day 1 ... only problem is we're having some timber floors installed at the moment and we have to get up really early to be ready for their 7am start so my day will be much longer than usual, I can't even go to bed for a nap because the noise is horrendous and there are six strange men all over the house !!!


Take care everyone :)

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Good luck Soozie!


Hope everything goes well for you on day 1 :-)


If you can't go to sleep (which of course would be the ideal choice!) you should try to do something completely different--something you wouldn't normally think about or consider.


My youngest lad spained his ankle today so that took up a fair bit of my attention (not that I'm suggesting you inflict any such injury on anyone close to you!). Although in fairness, spending time in a place you can't smoke (e.g. A&E) makes life easier when you are trying to quit!


OS x

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That's so funny oldshirty, we have to wait in our a&e for ages over here so maybe it could be a goer lol.


Thanks djtuffcat, surprised you too are both still up, obviously the tabs aren't making either of you tired unless of course you're on nightshift or holidaying in Oz !

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