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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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what's happened to the other 2 - Oldshirty and Tashant - are you ok lol!


Not having much fun here, I'm afraid, Gemini :-( I've tried keeping myself busy but all I can think about all day every day is smoking. The urge to buy a packet is increasing with each passing day. I'm thinking maybe to bow out for a few months and make a fresh attempt when the mind is stronger. All I know is I'm pretty fed up with the whole business. I have an appointment on Wednesday with the smoking cessation nurse to discuss everything, so we'll see...


Tashant--I hope you are faring better than I! Well done Soozie :-) You sound very relaxed and happy. Let's hope that that's the end of them for good! Hope things are still going well ttdab and DJTC. Well done sittingbull and Borolass. I'm glad that my posts make you chuckle, sittingbull--though not this one I'm guessing!!




P.S. Fred and Sheffgrow...are you still doing okay?!

Edited by Oldshirty
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Well OS, hang in there, 'Chin up old chap'. take it one day at a time, and each day it will get a little easier. Try not to give it away before wednesday.....by then you will it a lot easier. If you feel the urge to have a smoke, go and pick up an apple, peel it and eat it or pick up an orange, peel it and eat it......it will take you mind off your task of quitting, and being fruit, it is good for you and peeling the fruit takes time. Or if possible, go for a quick walk.

Give it a go mate


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I don't know what to say Oldshirty, maybe the tablets aren't working for you or maybe the time just isn't right, but you gave it a try, don't give up trying ;)


No worries, Gemini. I really do appreciate all of the support you have given me. If I do not make it this time it won't be because of a lack of support from this forum and you especially! Either way, I'll do it eventually :-)

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Well OS, hang in there, 'Chin up old chap'. take it one day at a time, and each day it will get a little easier. Try not to give it away before wednesday.....by then you will it a lot easier. If you feel the urge to have a smoke, go and pick up an apple, peel it and eat it or pick up an orange, peel it and eat it......it will take you mind off your task of quitting, and being fruit, it is good for you and peeling the fruit takes time. Or if possible, go for a quick walk.

Give it a go mate



I'll definitely give it a go Neil, thanks. I do so admire all of you who have had the strength of character to see this part of it through. I must be such a wimp :-))

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far from being a wimp.....you are having a good go at beating this habit. I think we have all been controlled by a very nasty and very sinister drug that very large multinational companies and governments earn a lot of revenue from, and really dont want us to succede in quitting

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I feel for you Oldshirty but don't feel a failure because you are giving it a good try just hang in there until you see the nurse if you can. I am now day 11 on champix and day 5 not smoking, I have had some cravings but no where near as bad as without champix thats for sure. I also keep arguing with my thoughts because they are ridiculous. You know when that little voice says "why am I doing this" or "I need a cig" I just keep telling it to shut up and recognising it as the addiction and not me....do I sound mad?:loopy:

As I have said before I have given up twice and stupidly started again so for me it is the staying stopped, I am trying to prepare myself for those moments in the future. For now just getting through this first difficult bit. Oldshirty trust me it does get easier, try and think of all the reasons you are stopping for, I hope you do ok.

Everyone else (sorry can't remember all names) must be champix brain, hope everyone is doing well and not struggling too much and thank you to all that have quit it is great to have your support.

It is my husbands first day smoke free today and the first time he has stopped, he seems to be ok... I hope so:roll:

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Oh Oldshirty, i'm sorry to hear your having a bad time of it!!! I second what the others have said. Try and get through to Wednesday! Your first few days are going to be the worst but it will get easier. I'm on 4 weeks now, can't believe how quick its gone!!! Try the going for a walk when you have a bad moment, breathe in the fresh air and think about why your doing this, get a bit of positive thought going!!!

Hope everyone else is good!!! ttdab, its nice to see i'm not the only one suffering with champix brian, haha!!!


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Hi everyone, I really should be in bed by now, but thought I should do a quick report in ( even though I've been scrubbing all day and I'm absolutley knackered - but thanks to champix I can't sleep anyway haha ) ...


Thankyou so much Neild, Gemini65 and Oldshirty ...


gemini 65 ... for me I don't have a pattern that makes me smoke again (apart from stupidity !) I think I get complacent and think it's OK to have 1... but of course it isn't ... but you know all this ... you don't need me to tell you :)


Oldshirty ... you're obviously having a hard time just at the moment but I hope I'm not too late ( the awful time difference haha) but if you do have a smoke you do know it will only put you back where you started ... and because you DO want to quit you will have to start again :)


off to bed now ... day two over with (and just for the record - hubby's smokes are just there for the taking haha)


stay strong everyone :)

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Good morning Soozie.

How did you go on day 1?. I trust that all went well and you found it to be not as difficult as you anticipated?

Sittingbull, 4 months....time flies when you are having fun!. Do you quietely feel very pleased with yourself and now confident that you have now kicked the habit?. I, sure as hell feel like that now.


Well NeilD, we must of stoped around about the same time, and yes it does feel good. At work others are trying to quit now, some on champix and others on patches, but everyone who is on the patches (who were on the patches) are back on the evil weed, only one of the three of us who were on champix has started smoking again.

OLDSHIRTY, YOU CAN DO IT. Everytime you think of having a fag, think about yourself, the holiday that quitting will of paid for in six months time:cool: or shove a load of gum in your mouth, eventually you will bite lumps out of your mouth with all that chewing, :hihi: and having a fag wont make your mouth feel better. COME ON YOU CAN DO IT. If at first you don't succeed, try try again.

Well done Soozie, keep it up.

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