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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Yeah im going to start taking the pill earlier. Maybe its just me with the odd craving haha! The OH was ready to kill me the other day, my mood has been up and down all the time! Its not great, but all worth it if it works! When are you looking to quit or have you? I think im ready to stop, I really cant be bothered to smoke now its horrible. Think il just finish these and see about not buying any more.

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Yeah im going to start taking the pill earlier. Maybe its just me with the odd craving haha! The OH was ready to kill me the other day, my mood has been up and down all the time! Its not great, but all worth it if it works! When are you looking to quit or have you? I think im ready to stop, I really cant be bothered to smoke now its horrible. Think il just finish these and see about not buying any more.


OH MY GOD!!!!!!! lol Well you know when I said I thought my mood was ok and it was probably just my daughter being '16' and I would ask OH what he thought ooopppsssss well i've just been out with OH to walk the dog and lets just say that a journey which took us over 30 mins to get to, took me just under 20 mins to get home from arrrggghhhhhh. Massive mood swing attack, snapped at OH, accused him of ignoring me etc etc and stomped off home like a woman possessed :loopy: lol


By the way as you probably worked out maths was never my strong point lol so basically if you take your pill at 7.00 am then you can take it again at around 4.00 pm and so on I take mine at 6.00 because I was falling asleep too early lol


Take your time quitting there is no rush ( I quit on the 14th day so now it's been 6 WHOLE DAYS CIG FREE!!!!) but I have read lots of comments on here that people quit either well before their date and some even take longer. It just depends on the individual, really.


Anyway keep us informed and good luck.


Tashant x

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Haha, it happens! I think most dont know they are being awful. Somebody was humming across from me at work the other day and I felt like ripping their lips off, and im a very mild mannered guy usually! It seems to subside *touches wood*

Didnt want to comment on the maths but I got what you meant lol!

Congrats on that, how does it feel not having a cig? Do you get cravings? I dont know what id do with the extra time haha. What would I do in my break at work??

I said id finish the cigs iv got then stop but I dont even want to finish the 5 I have left, all could change in the morning though when I get my cuppa.......... we shall see

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Hi All,


As my last post of today I'm offering a whinge-free guarantee...nope, nothing...not a peep...


Just wanted to say thanks to everyone once again for your messages of encouragement and it's great to see you Tashant--mood swings and all! You are doing brilliantly well :-) I will do my utmost to turn around this hideous mindset and try to feel glad that I no longer smoke <wobble>. Soozie and Neil, I keep going back to my list of reasons to stop and I have kept myself pretty busy this afternoon which does help. The kitchen got a right good seeing to!


A warm welcome to the forum Raxs. Sounds like your tablets are working well and you are on your way! Do keep us updated and good luck to you and everyone else quitting :-)


Can I be impertinent and ask everyone how many cigarettes you were all smoking before you quit?!


Enjoy what remains of the weekend folks!


OS x

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OS - let's hope you make it through to Wednesday.

The one thing I would say is that if you do decide you really can't do it and you light up, the ciggie will probably taste absolutlely dreadful :gag: . If that's the case then try and stub it straight out and keep remnding yourself that the taste that you are craving and remembering doesn't exist. The real taste of ciggies is that taste you get when you first light up.

I'm speaking from experience as that is what I did - over 2 years ago!!!!

Good luck


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Hi OS, yeah they are really good just had one cig today and i have none left and have no intention to buy any more. I used to smoke around 15 a day. Smoking is awful and not something I want to do now. Good luck all

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Sorry to hear you are having a bit of a wobble, before I quit (19 weeks today ) I was smoking between 20 to 30 a day and had done for 37 years without ever trying to stop. I was known as the person at work who told the boss when they brought in the smoking ban on 1st January that my new years resolution was ' To smoke to the best of my ability in the face of all adversity Forever

A friend has called round this morning who I haven't seen for ages, made him a cuppa and he said where's the ashtray gone, told him it was outside and he just looked at me in amazement and said you of all people haven't stopped?? Felt so good saying yes I have actually.

Anyway Tashant, Raxs, OS and everyone else just setting out good luck, keep it up it really is worth it.

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Oh also meant to add in my post that after seeing me quit my daughter, her husband, my brother, 2 work colleagues and my friend have all stopped/stopping. One or two having a bit of a wobble but my daughter has been stopped for 15 weeks, my son in law for 6, myhusband and son have never smokedbut this means my immediate family are all now non smokers!!!

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OS - I'm ashamed to say that just before I quit I would have been smoking about 40 a day, I found that over recent years when life has become financially easier ie. the children have grown up etc. the amount I spent on smoking didn't matter compared to when I was younger and money was very tight ...


well done Kazpa you must feel fantastic, not only with your own success but the fact that you have inspired so many other people close to you :)


day four is just about over for me ... I'm feeling really good, hope you all are as well :)



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