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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Can I be impertinent and ask everyone how many cigarettes you were all smoking before you quit?!


OS I was a typical 30 a day smoker :blush: which I find shocking really, but hey ho that was me lol Then I started to smoke roll ups for a couple of months and managed to cut down to nearly half (between 15/18) per day, which I thought was a great thing lol That was untill I spoke to the Nurse who quickly and rather sternly told me it didn't matter how many I smoked I was still doing the same damage :o Anyway after starting the pills my smoking slowly started to decrease to about 6/7 I think? That was untill my quit date was approaching and all of a sudden, which I think I may have mentioned in a previous post, my smoking became rather irratic boo hoo I think by the time I reached THE day I was back to about 15 which brings me to today.




I have spent most of today trying to convince myself I DON'T SMOKE!!!!!! blah de blah BUT I am making it worse - cus my bloody brain is saying YES YOU DO!!!!!!! Just have the one. See what it tastes like. Most postings I have read have said they have done this - so why not you?

:help: :help: :help: :help:


I may possibly need a straight jacket by the end of this process - dribbles lol

I'll also let you into a little secret - I am now sitting here waiting and wishing my Daughter would hurry up out of the house because I think I have left some tabaco in my room :loopy:


Tashant x

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Sorry to hear you are having a bit of a wobble, before I quit (19 weeks today ) I was smoking between 20 to 30 a day and had done for 37 years without ever trying to stop. I was known as the person at work who told the boss when they brought in the smoking ban on 1st January that my new years resolution was ' To smoke to the best of my ability in the face of all adversity Forever

A friend has called round this morning who I haven't seen for ages, made him a cuppa and he said where's the ashtray gone, told him it was outside and he just looked at me in amazement and said you of all people haven't stopped?? Felt so good saying yes I have actually.

Anyway Tashant, Raxs, OS and everyone else just setting out good luck, keep it up it really is worth it.


Cheers for this inspirational message Kazpa it really is needed, for me, today!


Tashant x

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Can I be impertinent and ask everyone how many cigarettes you were all smoking before you quit?!


OS I was a typical 30 a day smoker :blush: which I find shocking really, but hey ho that was me lol Then I started to smoke roll ups for a couple of months and managed to cut down to nearly half (between 15/18) per day, which I thought was a great thing lol That was untill I spoke to the Nurse who quickly and rather sternly told me it didn't matter how many I smoked I was still doing the same damage :o Anyway after starting the pills my smoking slowly started to decrease to about 6/7 I think? That was untill my quit date was approaching and all of a sudden, which I think I may have mentioned in a previous post, my smoking became rather irratic boo hoo I think by the time I reached THE day I was back to about 15 which brings me to today.




I have spent most of today trying to convince myself I DON'T SMOKE!!!!!! blah de blah BUT I am making it worse - cus my bloody brain is saying YES YOU DO!!!!!!! Just have the one. See what it tastes like. Most postings I have read have said they have done this - so why not you?

:help: :help: :help: :help:


I may possibly need a straight jacket by the end of this process - dribbles lol

I'll also let you into a little secret - I am now sitting here waiting and wishing my Daughter would hurry up out of the house because I think I have left some tabaco in my room :loopy:


Tashant x


Hang in there, don't do it. You DON'T smoke anymore! Just think how daft you will feel scraping around for some tobacco dregs, chill out and read or something. I went for a walk earlier and now feel great. Keep getting pangs but nothing I can't handle.


Think how proud you are of no longer being a smoker, don't ruin it we can do it! Just think how it smells.


Keep it up




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Hang in there, don't do it. You DON'T smoke anymore! Just think how daft you will feel scraping around for some tobacco dregs, chill out and read or something. I went for a walk earlier and now feel great. Keep getting pangs but nothing I can't handle.


Think how proud you are of no longer being a smoker, don't ruin it we can do it! Just think how it smells.


Keep it up





Cheers for that Rich,


however ( hangs head in shame) as soon as my daughter had left the building I did it :rant: so not happy with myself and now need to get rid of the rest or i'll be back ... (sounds familiar) Yes the smell did get to me but suprisingly the tase wasn't that awful - not a good sign. Soooooooooooo it's back to my room and flush the rest ( I actually had nearly half a packet left :rant::o) Which takes me back 6 days ago - I must have been really determined to leave that lol


So the plan: 1) get rid of tabacco. 2) fabreeze the bedroom lol. 3) Get my car cleaned as there is still evidence of a previous life in there. 4) JUST THINK, IT WAS A BLIP -never to be repeated. 5) Keep fingers crossed. 6) Look to Mr Carr to spur me back on track. YIPPEEEEEEE I'M A NON SMOKER :suspect: It's in there somewhere just need to re find it again.


Wish Me Luck!!!!

Tashant x

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I did too Tashant <also hangs head in shame>. I could quite happily have chain-smoked the entire packet but thought I'd better not and cut up the rest in a rage (at myself). Like you say--it's just a blip and we very nearly made a week, so if we can do it for that period of time why shouldn't we be able to do it permanently? <sigh>


Thanks for the moral support and inspiration Kazpa. No wonder you feel proud of yourself! Likewise Rich--keep it going. We'll be willing you on :-)


Lyn, 2 years is pretty amazing and after a wobble, that gives Tashant and I some hope that we can follow in your footsteps :-)


Soozie, don't feel embarrassed about 40/ day considering some other people I might mention (i.e. me!) I suppose I should 'fess up about my pre-quit smoking since all of you have been kind enough to share with me:


Prior to champix: 70-75/ day

After starting champix but before first quit: 60-65/ day

Before second quit: 50-55/ day.


I feel very embarrassed and I'm going to go now <sheepish grin>


Keep going everyone...


OS x

Edited by Oldshirty
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I did too Tashant <also hangs head in shame>. I could quite happily have chain-smoked the entire packet but thought I'd better not and cut up the rest in a rage (at myself). Like you say--it's just a blip and we very nearly made a week, so if we can do it for that period of time why shouldn't we be able to do it permanently? <sigh>


Thanks for the moral support and inspiration Kazpa. No wonder you feel proud of yourself! Likewise Rich--keep it going. We'll be willing you on :-)


Lyn, 2 years is pretty amazing and after a wobble, that gives Tashant and I some hope that we can follow in your footsteps :-)


Soozie, don't feel embarrassed about 40/ day considering some other people I might mention (i.e. me!) I suppose I should 'fess up about my pre-quit smoking since all of you have been kind enough to share with me:


Prior to champix: 70-75/ day

After starting champix but before first quit: 60-65/ day

Before second quit: 50-55/ day.


I feel very embarrassed and I'm going to go now <sheepish grin>


Keep going everyone...


OS x


OS I know it shouldn't but just the fact that knowing i'm not on my own in doing something STUPID makes me feel a little better oopppsssss double edged sword I think.


Well I went upstairs to Fabreeze my bedroom and it stank vile :gag: So that was a bit of a shocker - I just hope the stench sticks in my mind and keeps me going. No infact I don't 'HOPE,' I WILL keep it in the forefront of my mind as a reminder.


Ashtray now out of the car also - washed and on window ledge. It's not going back in untill I am COMPLETELY FREEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! :D


Dreading telling the OH when he gets in :blush: I'm so embarrassed and disappointed with myself I could scream ARRGGGHHHHHHHHH lol


Anyway shall I stop giving myself a hard time now? Think I'd better or i'll be scratching down the loo for any left over shreds lol


As for smoking habits, everybody is different and I don't think the amount you USED to smoke should determine your embarrassment levels. I think all smokers, no matter how many you smoke, feel some sense of embarrassment and a lot of this is due to all the government campaigns,the banning of smoking in public places etc and the brain-washing that inevitably accompanies this. So even if you were on one hundred a day, so what? Your'e not now are you and at least you are trying - that goes for everyone else too (Suzie).


Lyn I so look forward to the day when I can be where you are now and wish you all the best. CONGRATULATIONS and CELEBRATIONS la la la la :hihi:


Tashant x

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Don't worry guys it happens, just got to look past it now and think of the future. GO TEAM!!!!


lol Cheers Raxs and worry about what? hehehehe


Loving the GO TEAM!!!!!! we should give ourselves a name, don't you think?


ermmmmm thinking about that one - any suggestions would be great by the way. What do you think OS????? :hihi:


Tashant x

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Originally Posted by Raxs

Hang in there, don't do it. You DON'T smoke anymore!




Just thought i'd give you some of YOUR own advice - TAKE IT!!!!!!

And get rid of the beer it doesn't help.


Tashant x


P.s Oh and deep breathing supposed to work too, may even give that a try myself too lol

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