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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Yeah, im not going to smoke. I don't have any and the shops are shut :) I can just feel it more now. Yeah I find taking a deep breath feels like having a drag off a cig which tames the craving a bit. The guy sat next to me smokes and the whiff I get puts me off too.





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OS I know it shouldn't but just the fact that knowing i'm not on my own in doing something STUPID makes me feel a little better oopppsssss double edged sword I think.


I totally know what you mean :-)) You want everyone who tries to succeed but when it isn't immediately straightforward for someone else, you don't feel so much of a failure. Lyn should be our inspiration as far as that is concerned!


Well I went upstairs to Fabreeze my bedroom and it stank vile :gag: So that was a bit of a shocker - I just hope the stench sticks in my mind and keeps me going. No infact I don't 'HOPE,' I WILL keep it in the forefront of my mind as a reminder.


That's the right attitude! I smoked outside so nothing smells any worse in here...although I do hate smoking outside...partly because of the stigma and partly because it doesn't really satisfy the habit of smoking (if that makes sense).


Dreading telling the OH when he gets in :blush: I'm so embarrassed and disappointed with myself I could scream ARRGGGHHHHHHHHH lol Anyway shall I stop giving myself a hard time now?


Don't beat youself up <she says beating herself up!> but we all have to do this in a way that feels right. We are here and trying to quit. That has to be a good thing...


As for smoking habits, everybody is different and I don't think the amount you USED to smoke should determine your embarrassment levels. I think all smokers, no matter how many you smoke, feel some sense of embarrassment and a lot of this is due to all the government campaigns,the banning of smoking in public places etc and the brain-washing that inevitably accompanies this. So even if you were on one hundred a day, so what? Your'e not now are you and at least you are trying -that goes for everyone else too (Suzie).


You are right, of course. Part of my problem is that I work from home, using the PC. I can easily type and smoke which makes changing my routine very difficult. As soon as I change my routine, I can't work--haven't been able to for the past week :-(


I know it will be worth it but right now it feels a bit hopeless :-)


Lyn I so look forward to the day when I can be where you are now and wish you all the best. ).


Me too :-))




Okay...I think I might have found someone at least as nutty, if not nuttier than I am :-)))


Don't worry guys it happens, just got to look past it now and think of the future. GO TEAM!!!!




Loving the GO TEAM!!!!!! we should give ourselves a name, don't you think?:any suggestions would be great by the way. What do you think OS?????


Yes! I might need a little time but we should come up with a decent 'team' name:-)


Check out 139 on Sky right now. Father Ted is off the fags for Lent! The line 'lovely, lovely fags' keeps on occurring to me :-) Although, they're not lovely...are they?!


Have a good week everyone...Goodnight, all!


O.S x

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6 weeks so far, <REMOVED>


OS I think this has been done by somebody official - well it does say 'edited by Esmee' at the bottom of the original message oopppsssss Who's been a naughty Donkey then lol :hihi:


Anyway back to the task in hand lol DAY 7 - WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, MY FRIEND, AND WE'LL KEEP ON FIGHTING TILL THE END -oh yes we will :hihi: Don't you just love Queen hehehehe


Ok back to earth now and i'v only had a few twinges today, but nothing like yesterday, SOOOOOOOOOOO the car has been cleaned to within an inch of its primer and also smells divine.


I might even attempt to cook a pie for OH for his tea tonight. :o Because he was so supportive last night when I told him about what foul deed I had committed yesterday :huh: awwwwwwww bless him :love:


Me thinks all the guilt and hate fuelled feelings were all in my head :help: deffo going to be in need of a straight jacket I can see it now :D


You are right, of course. Part of my problem is that I work from home, using the PC. I can easily type and smoke which makes changing my routine very difficult. As soon as I change my routine, I can't work--haven't been able to for the past week :-(


I know it will be worth it but right now it feels a bit hopeless :-)


Perfectly understand what you are saying here, I USED(lol) to smoke like a trooper when I was on my PC too. Not quite practical to change your routine when it's your living I agree. What I do now, though, is try to sip water instead. Your still getting that hand to mouth action as well as running to the loo alot:hihi: Which I don't mind, actually, at the moment because it's also flushing out all them EVIL toxins we've got in our systems.


The guy sat next to me smokes and the whiff I get puts me off too.


LOL Raxs tell him!!!!! tut tut tut now i'm being naughty and I think on that note I shall leave lol


Giggles to herself - sorry! lol


Tashant x

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Oh dear just caught up, what a lot I missed over the weekend lol. Glad to hear that you are back on track though. Must admit i know how you feel as I was the same the first time I quit. Unfortunately I have a 24 hour garage opposite my house and as soon as the idea of buying some fags had entered my head I was off like a greyhound out of its trap. Always felt terrible afterwards though and wished I had stopped and thought about it first - as if you do that the thought does go away!! Somebody said to me on here that its only a thought, not an instruction!! Somebody mentioned deep breathing - yes it does work - and I have a stop smoking hypnosis video which tells you to take 3 deep breaths when you get a craving, and after 9 months I still do this without thinking and it does help. Keep going everybody, as somebody said it is so nice to be free and not be controlled by that little white stick.

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Yeah, keep going people, I have been stopped since November now and although the first few weeks are tough- its soooo worth it in the end!!! I swear!!


S :) x


Thanks for that Scott it's reassuring to know - especially at the moment.


Isn't it amazing how, on this forum, somebody bobs along and leaves exactly the right message for that moment????? Sweet!


Tashant x


P.s Hello Gemini, has it really only been a weekend since you last posted? Well if so? It feels like it has been the, bloody, longest last few days of my life. lol

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Thanks for that Scott it's reassuring to know - especially at the moment.


Isn't it amazing how, on this forum, somebody bobs along and leaves exactly the right message for that moment????? Sweet!


Tashant x


No problem chuck- as i said- stay strong, its bloody hard at times and you will feel like giving up but once you resist and push though you will feel much better!!

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Hi guys, how are we all doing and feeling today? Good to hear that Tashant! The twinges are manageable arent they, I have had a few. My vice today has been food! Im hungry all the time! Trying to be healthy too. The guy who was sat next to me last night plans to quit soon lol.


Is anyone else feeling sickening optimism?? Hahaha!







Edited by Raxs
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