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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Yikes you lot!!! I leave you on your own for a weekend!!! :-S


OK OS and tash, so theres been a little hic-up but you can get past that! Take that as your little test!!! Stay positive guys and don't beat yourselves up!!


OS, you mentioned you were halving your tablets. I read on a fact sheet that you shouldn't do this, i've copied and pasted it;


1. Can you cut the tablets in half?

Champix tablets are film coated and are not scored. We do not recommend that Champix

tablets are cut in half. We cannot guarantee the effectiveness of the product if the tablet is cut. We would suggest the patient discuss this with their doctor for further advice.

If the doctor does recommend that the tablets are cut in half, it would be best for the

doctor/pharmacist to monitor the patient for any problems.


Just made me think, maybe you should ask your quit nurse on Wednesday!!!


Hi Raxs, well done hun! Your doing really well!


I noticed the subject of mood swings rear its ugly head!!!!! I had a stonker of a week on week 2 I think, like a mad woman!!! I've settled down a bit since!!!


Keep going everyone!!!



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No problem chuck- as i said- stay strong, its bloody hard at times and you will feel like giving up but once you resist and push though you will feel much better!!


Thanks for that Scott and I AM SERIOUSLY doing my best - feeling a little better now:P think this is due to my weekly dance class though hehehehe Nothing like a bit of Salsa to lift your mood :P


Hi guys, how are we all doing and feeling today? Good to hear that Tashant! The twinges are manageable arent they, I have had a few. My vice today has been food! Im hungry all the time! Trying to be healthy too. The guy who was sat next to me last night plans to quit soon lol.


Is anyone else feeling sickening optimism?? Hahaha!








Well I never Raxs lol that was exactly how I was feeling up untill the other day. However, i'm now getting back into that frame of mind - slowly, but hey it's happening :) Yes the twinges are manageable, i'm just looking forward to the day when they are no more :gag:


Oh and tell THAT GUY get a bloody move on!!!! lol At least then you can both do it together. Nothing like a bit of support on a daily basis, especially if you can see them face to face - as it were. :huh:


OK OS and tash, so theres been a little hic-up but you can get past that! Take that as your little test!!! Stay positive guys and don't beat yourselves up!!



Will do dj and thanks - I decided as of this morning that I am now a reformed 'beater upper' lol especially of myself anyway, but I can't say the same for my poor family awwwww bless em.


I noticed the subject of mood swings rear its ugly head!!!!! I had a stonker of a week on week 2 I think, like a mad woman!!! I've settled down a bit since!!!


So glad you mentioned this as I can now forewarn the family lol Although, I think I might be a little premature with this side effect :twisted: and i'm sure OH and Daughter would agree. Think I may have to go out and purchase a couple of hard hats for them ooopppsss lol


OS how's it going at your neck of the woods? Good I hope! Much better day for me today and i'm sooooooo glad. No more BLIPS,HICCUPS or whatever they are called for me. :nono:


Hope all you other newbies are doing ok? Keep the faith!


Tashant x


P.s I think we might need some more advice/tips from the 'Oldies' out there. We know you are watching and lurking in the background :P come speak to us - don't be shy lol

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had a strange experience this morning, my daughter had just finished getting ready and the perfume she was wearing smelt divine, when I asked her what she was wearing she looked at me oddly and said the perfume she usually wears ! think I must be getting my sense of smell back haha ... after she left for uni I snuck into her room and gave myself a quick squirt hahah

well done those of you that have made it through the first week that will be me tomorrow, can't believe how fast the week has gone, off to the shops now


hope you all have a lovely smoke free day - when you all wake up that is :)

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Good evening campers :)


Hope we are all well? It seems to have gone a little quiet on here :suspect:


Anyway day 8 nearly over with hehehehe and yes I survived it smoke free!!!!! I think I'm going to set myself a mission - to get as fit as possible by keeping as active as I can for the foreseeable. Well that's the plan anyway lol


So it was Salsa last night, Zumba tonight, not sure about tomorrow i'll probably go take the dog with OH (fingers crossed it's not a repeat of the last time lol) Badminton thursday and think I may have a night off Friday :loopy: I'll see how i'm feeling. Would suggest going out but i'm soooooooooooo keeping away from booze for a while too.


OS how are things with you? Keeping strong I hope and not letting the GITS get you down. 'WE'VE GOT THE POWER' yeahhh yeahhh yeahhhh (song in there somewhere) PMA, OS - Positive Mental Attitude.


Raxs how goes it with you? - not eaten yourself to death have you lol Carrot or Celery sticks is the recommendation lol As for me it's a tube of mini eggs or a block of dairy milk tut tut tut YESSSSSSS!!!!!!! I know, I know it isn't good, but just at this moment in time I DON'T CARE and i'm sure all my weekly efforts will counteract some of this :D


God I can go on sometimes. So i'll love you and leave you all, wish you well and i'm sure you'll be updating soon. Hint, hint, :hihi:



Soozie well done for tomorrow, a week is your first milestone :banana: You go girl!!!!! pom poms at the ready here lol


Tashant x

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Hi guys, just checking in. Good to hear all is going well Tashant! Yeah Im surprised Im not in a food induced coma! Im sure it will die down. Keep going as I keep hearing it will all be worth it!


OS how are you doing? Hopefully ok!





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Hi guys, just checking in. Good to hear all is going well Tashant! Yeah Im surprised Im not in a food induced coma! Im sure it will die down. Keep going as I keep hearing it will all be worth it!


OS how are you doing? Hopefully ok!






hehehehe as long as its healthy food you should be fine and Doctors these days can work miracles you know, so panic not! lol


IT WILL BE WORTH IT!!!!!!!!! If I say it loud and enough times it will come true.


Tashant x

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Hello all . I stopped smoking on Friday afternoon so i am now a non-smoker . We took our grandaughter to Butlins for the weekend , i didnt want to smoke and i i even felt sorry the the smokers standing in the smoking shelter. My Mrs tried to stop , she did not smoke on Sat or Sunday but shebought some yesterday evening after i took the little un home . She was gagging for a smoke all weekend . I read the Allen Carr book again last week because i felt that qutting was more of a psychological thing to do than a physical . I needed all the help i could get . Good luck to every one else , try not to tell yourself that quitting difficult . Try to convince yourself that you can and will stop smoking without any great physical or emotional trauma

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Well here I am start of day seven,


Tashant you sound so positive well done, with all that exercise you're doing you can scoff the choc's until your hearts content :)


Raxs it's hard not to eat everything is sight because it all tastes so good don't you think ? when I was making dinner last night I think I ate a full portion while preparing it, I was so full by the time I'd finished cooking I couldn't eat my meal, gave it my best shot though :)


Where are you OS ?


I think Paddy is right about the psychological thing, in the past when I've quit I have talked myself into having a smoke, convinced myself that I'm happier smoking and that I like being a smoker, which of course isn't true, there was definately no sign of a physical craving it was all in my head, that's when the list of reasons to quit comes in handy


anyway another cuppa for me and then I'll get on with day SEVEN !!!!

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Well done Paddy!!! Your now officially a non-smoker!!! Theres nothing like kids to make you more determined, my neices and nephew have certainly spurred me on.


Soozie, welcome back to your senses, LOL!!! I'm still getting it now, smells and tastes!! And day 7, well done hun, your doing really great!!!


Raxs, i'm sure the eating will calm down, main thing is your not smoking hey!


Tash, your fitness idea sounds like a good plan if mine is anything to go by! I've got so into it. Its really helped keep my mind elsewhere and I feel great for it! As for Zumba, what great fun (I will have that Shakira flat tummy in time for my hols in May, haha)!


OS!!!!!!?????? Hope your ok!!!



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