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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Lubylou--I remember reading your thread and wondering what happened to you :-) Good to see you back, trying again!


Do you mind me asking--what made you start again last time?!


Good luck tomorrow :-)


OS x

P.S. Hope your kiddies are well :-)


aww thanks love,

well someone said to me that they only smoke in the evening and maybe i could be one of those people, i tried one to see if i could and that was it, within a week back to same as before, so here i am again, grrrrrrrr


and yeah they great love xx

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thanks tc and os ... must admit I feel much better today, and just so glad I didn't light up a smoke yesterday.


OS -my brother is on radiotherapy every day for the next 10 days, he then gets a break from treatment, that's when they are getting married. He lives in Spain but we are originally from England, he wanted to go back there to get married but he's not allowed to fly and getting there by land was going to take too long so the next best thing was for them to get married in Gibraltar that way they are still being married under British law, so all the family from England and us over here are heading to gibraltar, we are leaving on the 12th March, the wedding in on the 16th, I shall take my supply of tabs and hubby can have my duty free smokes (actually I'll swap them for his duty free booze haha) oh my god - cheap fags and I can't smoke them thats the ultimate in deprivation isn't it :)


Welcome lubylou I also remember you from last year ... good luck this time around :)


ttab well done on day 9 I'm not far behind you, it really helps that a few of us have stopped around the same time, it's like we're all in the same boat haha

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thanks tc and os ... must admit I feel much better today, and just so glad I didn't light up a smoke yesterday.


OS -my brother is on radiotherapy every day for the next 10 days, he then gets a break from treatment, that's when they are getting married. He lives in Spain but we are originally from England, he wanted to go back there to get married but he's not allowed to fly and getting there by land was going to take too long so the next best thing was for them to get married in Gibraltar that way they are still being married under British law, so all the family from England and us over here are heading to gibraltar, we are leaving on the 12th March, the wedding in on the 16th, I shall take my supply of tabs and hubby can have my duty free smokes (actually I'll swap them for his duty free booze haha) oh my god - cheap fags and I can't smoke them thats the ultimate in deprivation isn't it :)


Welcome lubylou I also remember you from last year ... good luck this time around :)


ttab well done on day 9 I'm not far behind you, it really helps that a few of us have stopped around the same time, it's like we're all in the same boat haha


thanks hunni feeling very sick this morning grrrrrrrr

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Hello all,

Soozie, my thoughts go to you,your brother and family, It brings things home to you, I'm 48.

Oldshirty, I've not had a fag for four months, but I still think and feel like having one. I think that giving up smoking is similar to giving up alcohol (being an alcoholic) once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic, you just control it by not having a drink. Same with smoking, once a smoker always a smoker, I just control it by not having a cigarette. I know that if I fall of the wagon that I will start smoking again, and do I want to go through all that hassle of the first 4-5 weeks again NO i don't, Do I feel better for giving up? YES I do. Do I feel proud of myself for (hopefully) kicking the habit? YES I am.

Do the members of my family appreciate the fact that I have given up smoking? YES they do. Giving up smoking is such a non selfish act, because everyone around you benefits. ( and NO before anyone says it, I still feel sorry for smokers and the lack of their human rights, being over ridden by the rights of the non smoker)

There seems to be a few newbies on here, all I can say to you is that it is never the right time to quit, There is always tomorrow, and tomorrow never comes, life isn't easy, and giving up smoking comes into the same category, do you put your life off till tomorrow? NO.

I'm sorry for the rant, maybe reading Soozies post has re-kindled some thoughts of the past.


If at first you don't succeed, just quit.

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Hi All

Raxs, Tashant, OS, Lubylou, DJtuffcat, Paddy, TTdab and anyone else who is trying to quit you all have my positive vibes and keep it up. You can all do it.

Soozie My heart goes out to you I lost my sister in law and one of my best friends to lung, brain and spinal cancer at the age of 50, she had smoked since she was 15 as had I, when she died my mum was appalled that I carried on smoking. I did wonder if subconsciously I was thinking of this when I quit as well as the fact my 100% anti smoking son and his lovely girlfriend were having a baby.

Your brother won't expect you to stop but somehow it feels respectful to my sis in law to have stopped to me. OMG I've just read this and it sounds weird but it's the best explanation I can give for how I feel.

I hope you have a wonderful time with your family even though I'm sure it will be sad sometimes, take lots of pics ( after all you won't have a cig in your hand ) and cherish the moment. x

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Sooozie uses the word DEPRIVATION . I dont like to use that word , i think that if i start feeeling deprived i could start smoking again . I also think that when we start feeling deprived we become irritable and depressed then blame the lack of smoking or the Champix for our bad moods . I've done int in the past , "Why me , why cant i have a cig , i'll only smoke at weekends " etc etc . A month later i'm back to 40 a day . What are we depriving ourselves of ? - wasting our money , healthy heart and lungs , self respect ( standing in the rain because we are addicted ) , smelly clothes . I prefer to think about the money that is staying in my bank account and how my health will improve .

Edited by paddy8
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Oh my, you have all been very busy the last few days!


OS x

P.S. Team chamquitters...Are things okay for you?!


OS this member of the team is doing, surprisingly well, when she keeps herself busy. I think that's the key - try not to think about it too much otherwise I start to over analyse and doubt my decision :loopy:


SOOOOOOOOOOOO how are things with you? You don't sound like you have been having a great time of it of late. In fact some of what you said

I’ll be honest folks—I truly feel as if someone has died and I am bereaving big-time. I have been watching this forum for a good few months now (and have read every last post) and everyone seems to have finally been positive about their champix-quitting experience. I would love to say the same but I can’t. This makes me think of three possible reasons: a) the tablets aren’t working, b) I have thought about it too long and have become immune to their effects or c) I don’t really want to give up right now.


I don’t know what the reason is, but I can’t go on like this. I am seeing the smoking cessation nurse tomorrow and if she can’t help me, I’ll consider ditching this attempt altogether and coming back to it when I’m allowed to start the tabs again. I need to be able to stop thinking of quitting smoking as a loss as opposed to an outright benefit. Sorry if I’m a disappointment to anyone…

sounds exactly like I did last year :suspect: My only advice would be to TRY and think positive and change your mindset, because if you don't you will fail this time. NOW LISTEN AND LISTEN GOOD :rant: even IF (and it's a big one :hihi:) you do fail this time SO WHAT! you are no more a disappointment than most of us on here. I'm sure if everyone was as honest there would be a stream of past failures posted on here, so PLEASE STOP beating yourself up - okey dokey, smile and be happy with your decision. Life is far too short to be miserable!



Hi All

Raxs, Tashant, OS, Lubylou, DJtuffcat, Paddy, TTdab and anyone else who is trying to quit you all have my positive vibes and keep it up. You can all do it.


Thanks for the vibes hehehehe feeling quite positive lately too.



There seems to be a few newbies on here, all I can say to you is that it is never the right time to quit, There is always tomorrow, and tomorrow never comes, life isn't easy, and giving up smoking comes into the same category, do you put your life off till tomorrow? NO.

I'm sorry for the rant, maybe reading Soozies post has re-kindled some thoughts of the past.


You are quite right (Oh, i'm one of the newbies by the way) and normally I would wholeheartedly agree with you, but just sometimes and I do mean SOMETIMES, for most of us, there is a tomorrow - SAD :sad:but also very true.


On that note I would just like to offer you Soozie my deepest condolences and I wish your brother an extremely happy wedding day and all the best. My Uncle died of lung cancer last year, so I have an idea of how you must be feeling right now - devasted doesn't even begin to cover it. So chin up and keep it strong for him because i'm sure he'll be needing your strength to help him cope.



As for the second time rounders advice, I really don't know!!!! Compared to last year i'm just finding it all a lot easier, but then like i've said before, I smoked a lot more last year! I think the focusing on the exercising has taken a lot of my thought time. I now feel guilty if I don't do my 30 mins a day (6 days a week mind, need a day off, haha)!!! I feel really good for it too


This sounds so much like me dj apart from the 6 days exercise that is lol badminton called off tonight - half term, so went take the dog with OH. The Zumba was a blast though, you were right, I never stopped laughing lol So even though i'm not doing something exciting 6 days a week I suppose I am exercising by taking the dog for a walk, right? lol It does take an hour :gag: lol the things we will do in order not to smoke eh? hehehehe


RAXSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!! where are you hiding - come speak to us. I have a feeling 'Chamquitters' is dwindling right under my nose boo hoo :hihi:


Ok, I have gone on enough now, ciao for now. (I hope that's how you spell it lol)


Tashant x

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