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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Bloody hell I need to keep on here everyday cos you lot get busy when i'm not around, LOL!!!

Alright Chamquitters!!!!!


To all my other Chamquitters, hope all is going well with you's!!!!

Well, i'm 5 weeks smoke free now and tonight has probably been my hardest night!!! Loads of cravings...


So Chamquitters, keep going my friends!!!!! xgx


DJ i'm glad you haven't joined the others - I think they may have hit a black hole that has somehow bypassed my area lol Might have to rename this TEAM Chamquitter :help:


So glad to hear you're 5 weeks free by the way, well done and give yourself a pat on the back lol I'm 2 weeks, as of tommorrow, although I was hoping it was going to get easier :cry: I sooooooooo could easily have committed murder for a cig today and yesterday come to think of it :loopy:


Anyway keep it up you are doing really well.


Tashant x


P.s sheff, paddy and any other newbies good luck and keep strong - WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!! :D

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Thanks Luby and Tash!!!! I've felt much better today!!!


Think it just proves that although we have these little miracle pills, we still need that little bit of will power to back us up!!!

I keep thinking back to last year and how easily I caved in, I think thats were the dream came from the other night, i'm so determined to win this battle as I fear its the last chance I have. If I don't do it this time I never will and I really don't want to smoke anymore!!!

With each and every day I wake up I'm so proud of myself, it makes it so worth while!!!


So to all of you, keep going Chamquitters!!!




Ps) Well done so far Tash, 2 weeks is brilliant and it does get easier and you find it easier to get over the cravings and bad days!!! :-) xgx

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Hi Y'all!


No--I'm not ignoring you all and no--I haven't started again but I've been working to deadlines...Also, I'm a grumpy old trout, so I didn't think anyone would benefit from my presence :-))


Went to see quit nurse on Friday and she said 'I really think you should consider coming off the tabs and start using the nasal spray'... 'Ex-squeeze me?' 'Baking powder?' I have bally well struggled for two pigging weeks and you want me to come off my tablets?!


Well done team chamquitter(s) --e.g. Tashant...you are doing brilliantly. I would respond to more individual comments but I still have a thousand words to knock off before I hit the sack. Should be clearer tomorrow...


OS x

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Hi all, sorry about my lack of posting, the internet has been playing up! Yeah still doing ok, got past the week mark now. Even wen out drinking and didnt smoke. Still being a mardy git and hate everything but we are getting there, well done everyone! Good to hear you are doing ok Tashant! And OS keep going strong and keep trying on the tabs.





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Hi Chaqmquitters,well done all of you it's good to see everyone doing so well:clap::clap:

I am now two weeks thats 14 whole days and have to say not feeling too bad at all, I have had some good days but from experience I know those cravings will catch me out again:roll: Feeling strong though and as I have stopped twice before for 6months and 1 year I am really having a chat with myself about the fact that I can not even have a puff of the dreaded weed again!! So far really do think I have cracked it as do not want to go through this again.

My husband stopped Thursday its his 1st time and was smoking 30 a day so he is doing really well although has said he thinks he would be able to have the odd one however thank god for champix because that thought may be less strong when he finish's them in May.

Anyway keep going!!!:banana::banana:

Couldn't resist Mr Banana Man :)

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Hi Y'all!


No--I'm not ignoring you all and no--I haven't started again but I've been working to deadlines...Also, I'm a grumpy old trout, so I didn't think anyone would benefit from my presence :-))


Went to see quit nurse on Friday and she said 'I really think you should consider coming off the tabs and start using the nasal spray'... 'Ex-squeeze me?' 'Baking powder?' I have bally well struggled for two pigging weeks and you want me to come off my tablets?!


Well done team chamquitter(s) --e.g. Tashant...you are doing brilliantly. I would respond to more individual comments but I still have a thousand words to knock off before I hit the sack. Should be clearer tomorrow...


OS x


:banana: whoop whoop Glad to see you back OS - so did you convince her to stay on the pills or not?


Raxs I better let you off then hadn't I lol :hihi: Well done by the way. Huge pat on the back me thinks.


Ps) Well done so far Tash, 2 weeks is brilliant and it does get easier and you find it easier to get over the cravings and bad days!!! :-) xgx
DJ I am going to hold you to this you know lol


Hi Chaqmquitters,well done all of you it's good to see everyone doing so well

Here, here TT and I'm just glad i've got my team mates back even if one of them thinks she is a fish lol


'Chamquitters' come onnnnnnnnnnnn we can do it!!!!!!!! - 'we are fammmmiiiiiilllly... lalalala an I got all my sisters with me' (ooopppsss and a brother too).



A slightly hysteria induced Tashant x

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Hi All


My you have been busy but glad to hear that you are all doing so well.


Loubylou - hello :D I also started again last year after 5 months, but am going into my 10th month this time and finding it much easier this time around. Like you I started thinking I could have the odd one here and there and was soon back on them, but really regretted it and realised that I hadn't been missing anything at all. It took me a long time to get the courage to quit again though and I really never want to go through that again. Oldshirty I think now that you have got this far you should think do you really want to go through another quit when you are so far down the road now, it would be a shame to turn back. It does get easier, I hardly ever think about it now. And if I do I think positively like Paddy, about all the good things about NOT smoking.


Soozie, so sorry to hear the news about your brother and hope you have a great time at the wedding. Just imagine how hard it would have been to get on a flight from Oz to Gibralter if you were a smoker, all them hours without a fag, and now you don't need one!


Keep going everybody, you are looking and smelling fantastic and look at all that money you have :D

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Hi everyone, still here and still going strong (although I did have another wobble day on Sunday but got through it I'm pleased to report)


yes gemini I am looking forward to NOT getting the itch for a smoke, we have total flying time of 30 hours with a 2hr stop at Singapore and 4 hr's at Heathrow and then onto Gibralter, it' so hard to to find a place in any airport where you can smoke now, I shall sit back and relax for once :)


glad to see everyone is doing really well, tomorrow will be two weeks for me yiiiiiippppppeeeee haha ...

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Hello peoples!


Please forgive me for my dummy spit the other night :-)


Feeling a little calmer today!


A huge congratulations to everyone managing to keep off the ciggies! Well done on two weeks Soozie. You should feel really proud of yourself getting through your wobble :-)


Gemini, I have absolutely no desire to 'go through' this again. I just wish it was a bit easier. Smoking still occupying a huge proportion of my waking thoughts...


Yes, Tashant--I convinced her to let me have a bit longer on the tablets. In response to erm...was it Gemini or sittingbull or maybe DJTC?...(sorry--previous page), I decided to change the times I take my tablets, swapping down to one 1mg tab in the morning instead of two 0.5mg at breakfast and lunch as well as taking my night time tablet in the evening rather than at bedtime. The only difference I have noted is that I have had more nausea, so much so that I couldn't face taking my tab this morning. I think evenings have been slighly better, so maybe I'll stick with taking that one earlier...(oh...and I'm still a grumpy old trout and you are still as nutty as a fruitcake!)


Well done to you too Raxs! You and I have to be hardy, not Mardy! Another two-weeker, TT ! Brilliant! You sound as if you are definitely in the right frame of mind for this attempt!


DJTC--5 weeks is awesome--you are well and truly entitled to feel proud of your self :-) Paddy, I was going to say one week is great but I'm thinking it must be closer to two now?! Well done!


How's it going Lubylou?! You still okay? Not ripping anyone's head off or anything?!


Sheffgrow, I can totally identify with your feelings but at least you coped with the really bad day without smoking. That shows courage and resolve. Keep going :-)


Sittingbull you are right, I think--once a smoker always a (potential) smoker--or at least that's definitely true in my case. And you are also right about there never being a 'right time' to do it. Four months is something to be really proud of and you can rant all you like...you are in good company :-)


Thanks for your positive vibes Kazpa--gratefully received :-))


I hope I've remembered everyone--you've been a really busy bunch lately! But I had better stop now or else a) my children will starve or b) I'll bore you all to death. There's a thought, actually: for those of you who have trouble sleeping whilst taking champix, you should just come on here and read a couple of my posts...instant sleeping tablet!!


Keep it going team chamquitters and newbies and oldies alike :-)


Cheers all!


OS x

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