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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Good stuff all! I bought myself an electric cig with no nicotine content, is that cheating? It feels a bit like cheating. The vapor looks like smoke, doesnt taste or feel like it much though. Good to hear everyones doing so well! Keep it up!





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I bought myself an electric cig with no nicotine content, is that cheating? It feels a bit like cheating. x


I don't think it's cheating as such, Raxs (you could be emulating smoking on a pencil, afterall!), but I guess the idea with the tabs is that they should technically alleviate the cravings so that you can stop thinking about (the act of) smoking and instead get on with finding alternative means of occupying your time/ hands/ mouth ?! I tried the nicorette inhalator several years back and found the taste disgusting (albeit impregnated with nicotine, which yours is not) and it felt a little bit silly...?!


I guess the answer is--if you feel that it is helping you to quit smoking, and it doesn't contain any nicotine, then it's right for you :-)


I'm probably not the best person to be talking to though, since--right now--I would quite happily smoke a dried out twig or even a rolled-up newspaper :-))


OS x

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Hello all, Are any of you using the Champix web sight "liferewards" ?

Just wondered as I have now completed the......well read for your selves.


Hi Sittingbull,


It's time to go our separate ways


OK - there is nothing more we can teach you. You know how to keep cigarettes out of your life now and for ever. So congratulations - you've won. It may have been tough at times. You may have needed us some days more than others. But you stuck with it and toughed it out. The very fact that you are still logging on to LifeREWARDS™ is the main reason you have succeeded. Success never comes easily - it comes from having a vision, preparing to succeed - and having the determination to succeed.


So all you have to do now is log on one more time. Have a look back at all we have done together - and at the same time take a look at the bigger picture on your last ever LifeREWARDS page.


Your doctor may have recommended an additional 12 weeks of treatment with CHAMPIX® tablets. If this is the case, don't forget to continue taking CHAMPIX as instructed by your doctor, even after your LifeREWARDS programme finishes. Consult your doctor if you have any questions about continuing treatment.


Goodbye and good luck in your new life.




Your friends at LifeREWARDS™



If your not using it, give it a go, it may help you.






LifeREWARDS™ is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace discussion with a doctor or other qualified healthcare professionals. You can change your email preferences by visiting the 'My profile' section of your website once you log on at http://www.myliferewards.co.uk. If you are not registered on LifeREWARDS™, or wish to unsubscribe to these emails, please call 0800 345 7905.

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Sittingbull, this is brilliant! You must feel as if you have finally 'made it' :-)))


I haven't signed onto 'liferewards' but will click on the link you give and have a look...


I've had a very challenging day today; maybe the most 'down' I have felt so far with this quit attempt...and don't see myself pulling through just at the moment...but--I know that things always look better in the morning, so I will wait and hope for that :-)


Hope Team Chamquitters et. al are coping...

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Oldshirty, it's was just handy to use to look back at what you have done and why you are doing it. Handy to read when you want that fag, it will either put you off, or you will forget the urge. Useful at the start.

O and also has a counter that shows how many days you have gone without smoking (that's what makes you feel good)

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My doctor dosent want me to take Champix because I have a history of depression and she says if I take it I may be wanting to do self harm to myself as it has side effects such as this. So I have to consider this. So instead I will use patches and self will. Its hard but I have to do this. Hope other people will have a recovery from smoking with Champix.

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Hello all , i am still a non-smoker , i have'nt posted for a few due to a severe bout of laziness . It's now 2 weeks since i had my last cig . I re-read the Allen Carr and looked at other stop smoking articles on the net which helped me think about all the positives about quitting instead of moping about not being able to smoke Also , reading posts on here and typing positives on here has helped to reinforce it in my mind . For example : i used to smoke 40 a day , at £6 a pack = nearly £5000 a year . I looked on E-bay this week and found that i could buy a good used Mercedes with full service history for £5000 , i went to the pics last week ( last went pics 30 years ago ) and i enjoyed it without wanting to escape for a smoke , i visited my mother today and sat in her house for 3 hours without thinking about smoking . I thought about it when i left and laughed . I dont try to stop myself thinking about smoking coz it wont work but when i do think about it i suck a mint and say to myself " i am now a non-smoker , i am healthier ,wealthier and i smell sorta Ok now Lol . its not easy to start with , I had to keep repeating it to myself . Well , makes sense to me and it's working for me .

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I stopped on champix 6 weeks ago, i had to stop taking them after 4 weeks though as they were messing with my head lol. feel loads better for stopping and have even started doing some exercise which is unheard of :)



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I've had a very challenging day today; maybe the most 'down' I have felt so far with this quit attempt...and don't see myself pulling through just at the moment...but--I know that things always look better in the morning, so I will wait and hope for that


Hope Team Chamquitters et. al are coping...


OSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I'm here and SEEM to be coping ok, at the moment, which is excellent. Just got back from my weekly badminton session and feeling good. The exercise is most definitely helping combat all the extra food and sweets I am shoving down my throat lately :gag:


So sorry to hear you are still struggling; you are right when you say things always look better in the morning, hang on in there okey dokey I've actually been thinking about you this week heheheheh :hihi: don't get excited now!!! lol I think you may possible be struggling so much because you are spending too much time at home. Now I know you actualy work from home also, which is going to make getting out the house slightly more tricky. But, if you REALLY REALLY want to quit this time you are going to have to make time to get out of the house a bit more. Take it from somebody who experienced the very same dilemma, last week.


As you may be aware last week was half term - well I spent most of the week driving myself crazy. At certain points during the week I couldn't stop thinking about smoking. It came as a bit of a shock as I had been doing so well. Then it dawned on me - WORK was going to be my saviour. I just couldn't wait to get back lol how sad is that? I spend the last week, before a holiday, wishing my life away for the break and here I was wishing my life away to get back :hihi: I hope I conveyed that little snippet of information correctly lol


Basically the moral of the tale is this - you need to be either, that EXTREMELY BUSY so the day passes and you haven't had the chance to think about it ORRRRRRRRR in an environment where you CAN NOT light up, which takes the pressure off you choosing. Homelife provides non of the above options. When your workng, although you may be busy, you know you can take a break anytime you want and you can pop outside, or wherever, anytime for a quick puff :sad:


Now lol I have a feeling I might have depressed you even more - ooppsss sorry. DON'T DESPAIR I have another plan! No more flowery Mr Carr for you I think good old fashioned rage and profanities is the way forward :heyhey: Everytime you start to feel, something, anything you need to get mad and mean. Soooooooooooo mad you scream, shout, swear anything and tell them where to go BECAUSE YOU ARE STRONGER AND THEY WILL NOT WIN YOU!!!!!!! You actually need to say this out loud by the way:nod: Whilst you are doing this OS you also NEED TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE - if only for a few minutes until the craving etc has gone.


The idea is that the mental work plus the removing yourself from the situation can only be of some benefit. Just give it a go. You can't be any worse off than you are now can you? :D Ok epic reply now over with and yet again I haven't got the time to reply to anybody else lol


Good Luck and let me know how you go on will you?



Good stuff all! I bought myself an electric cig with no nicotine content, is that cheating? It feels a bit like cheating. The vapor looks like smoke, doesnt taste or feel like it much though. Good to hear everyones doing so well! Keep it up!





Raxs - if it helps then you go for it!!!! Good Luck



Tashant X (18 days today :D)

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I stopped on champix 6 weeks ago, i had to stop taking them after 4 weeks though as they were messing with my head lol. feel loads better for stopping and have even started doing some exercise which is unheard of :)




Well done you Bob and keep up the good work. Exercise has become my friend also hehehehe It works though so its all good me thinks.


Tashant x

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