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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Hello everyone- keep going, its 16 weeks quit for me on sunday!!!


Remember though all you need is 1 fag to set you back off smoking again- stay strong and if you get the urge to smoke just walk away and do something else!!



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Yea Loubylou, I said hi to you last week, I think we did quit the same time before, I remember you and was it you that was so happy to be buying stuff for their children with the fag money or was that somebody else? Glad you are getting on well this time. I am sure we will all be more careful not to go back this time, for me I just don't see the point in smoking anymore, I realise that it does nothing for me apart from make me want another, makes me cough, makes me stink, makes me feel anti social, makes me have to go outside all the time and makes me poor and as long as I keep thinking this then I am fine!


haha it was me love, we quit on same day last time, i ended up doing 14 weeks then starting again grrrrrr, i used to spoil the kids more, it felt brill:D


And yeah i hope this is our last time hun, i do feel the same as you, my advisor just said to me, there will come a piont when i think i cant keep putting myself though this stopping smoking thing all the time. it is hard, so why do we give in so we have to come back, i'll never know:gag:


And well said on all that last bit, i shall remember that myself x

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Hi there Lynn

Nice to see some old faces, I hope you did better than I did:thumbsup:

have a great rest of the evening.

I am one hour ahead of you so it bedtime for me

Talk to you later guys :-)

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well im into my second week of the pills and its goin really well the fags seem tasteless now and im not getting the urge to smoke one thing i will say tho is my appetite is not what it used to be I feel full up and i get that full tummy feeling all the time not that im complaining :D

the down bit is i havent stopped fully ive just cut down to 3 a day from my 20 a day i think its the habit of having a fag summat to hold in my fingers im hoping when it gets to 16th march i can report back and say i havent touched a fag

hope everyones going ok and ill check back with ya'll soon x

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You will do fine I am sure. I smoked as usual until my stopdate. It is easier than you think, but still you have to work on it. And for me the difficult part came after a long time when I thought I could be a partysmoker. So now my status as a nonsmoker is for keeps:banana:


Good luck:hihi:

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As ingers says TJ the urge will gradually reduce and reduce and before you know it you will be off them totally- just make sure you never miss a pill and keep out of situations where you can be tempted!

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Hi Everyone, Today is one year for me. It feels great to be able to say this. I am still working on getting the weight off. Now that I have the one year under my belt, I will start the next year trying to thin out. Everyone is doing so well. I always think about how hard it was and know that if I ever smoke one again I will never quit. It was just too hard and this is what keeps me going. It does get easier, so don't give up. Good luck!! You can all do it!!!

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