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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Hi everyone ! Hi Yomama, Gemini, Rustee and others..

A few will remember me from 2 years ago !

Attempt 1 -> I was a success for 5 months then.. lapsed. :-(

Attempt 2 -> Have been over 5 weeks smoke free now on same course as last time however I have looked back to where I may have gone wrong..

Firstly, I only stuck the course for 5 weeks - mainly because I was getting too many restless nights (constant dreams that I could remember clearly through the following day) and also stomach upsets. I also stopped taking the pills prematurely because I felt cocky enough to think "I've cracked this - easy peasy now..."

How wrong I was

This time around I am following the prescribed dosage throughout. and going to stick to the 3 months course. However the restless nights have returned with avengence and I'm in a dreamy state the following day... ! I have had to reduce my 2 blue pills down to 1 as I doubt I would be able to work otherwise. I know each of us has different side effects whilst others dont have any..

I am taking the one blue pill with my main meal tea (taking it with food apparently alleviates the upset stomach and other side effect..)

Would welcome your opinions and whether others have the same problems.

And whether I should change anything I am doing...

Good luck everyone and nice to be back (well in a way it is haha !)

John in Gloucester

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1 week today and its getting soooo hard :( i really really want a ciggie but i know i would disapoint myself.

I hope this craving goes as im being a tad bitchy towards friends and family and I dont want to be help needed please i really dont want to lapse :(

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1 week today and its getting soooo hard :( i really really want a ciggie but i know i would disapoint myself.

I hope this craving goes as im being a tad bitchy towards friends and family and I dont want to be help needed please i really dont want to lapse :(


Hi SJ! Hang on in there, you're doing brilliantly! I know exactly how you feel and as you have probably read, I have resorted 'other means' to help me deal with the habit.


From the way I understand it, folks have problems at various times during the early weeks. Some have problems at one week, some at three weeks, some longer. For me it was all of the time and trying to figure out what to do with myself, given how much I smoked before hand. I think many people suggested that one thing to do is try to change your routine (if you haven't done so already). A couple of people actually lit up a cig and realised that a) it wasn't the taste they remembered (and therefore there was no point in doing it) and b) it was disgusting, revolting and off-putting. Tashant and I caved in at one point as did Gemini (if I remember correctly). But I can understand your need to keep it going :-)


I suppose you have to examine the reasons that you are feeling like this. In my case, I adored smoking--everything about it and you could say I was the ultimate reluctant quitter (and at only 5 weeks, I'm still not out of the woods!).


I know how miserable it feels but it will get better (as everyone before me promised it would!) So keep strong and go with your gut...whichever way it takes you :-) Good luck x


Would welcome your opinions and whether others have the same problems. And whether I should change anything I am doing...


Hi Glowster Boy! Welcome (back) to the forum! It's good to see you trying again. 5 months is brilliant!


I had a bit of a problem with taking a full mg dose at one go and asked my doc for 0.5mg tabs for the first part of the day which I took at breakfast and lunch. I kept my 1mg tab for night to take literally just before I went to bed (although I guess this wouldn't suit you if you are having sleep disturbances). I did swap this night tab back to the time of my evening meal time as you are doing at the moment. That's still what I am doing and the nausea isn't really a problem--or not often anyway.


Lots of people recommend taking the tablet with meals, not taking the tablet too late and I seem to remember one series of posts which suggested that raising blood sugar would be the answer (e.g. lucozade and bananas, as I recall!).


I'm so glad you have decided to try again, Glowster Boy (I remember your posts from first time round!). Hope the side-effects aren't too traumatic, and good luck with this quit attempt!


OS, its so nice to hear (read) your happy! If you've found something thats working for you then why not??? Well done hun and keep up the good work!!! xgx


Thanks, TC! I am very happy...la la la la la (trill, trill!). And I have just tasted a very lovely (0mg nicotine) chocolat au lait vapour!! All the pleasure (of smoking and eating) and none of the calories or nicotine...:-) Perfect!


Ha ha I am glad that you are finally happy Oldshirty


If there is no nicotine in it then it can't do any harm. Somebody at my work has been sucking on one of those plastic inhalators with no cartridge in it for about 6 months now, its like its his dummy


I can see this becoming my dummy too! But interestingly, I have only used it when I have hit: 'GIVE ME A CIGARETTE NOW OR I WILL KILL SOMEONE' :-)) and at other times, the thought doesn't even occur to me :-))


Tashant, Raxs, Paddy, Sheffgrow, Lubylou, TTDab, Soozie,...erm...who else...oh yes, Maxofe (sorry if I have forgotten any others...) hope things are going well for you :-)


Cheers all, OS x

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Many thanks O.S. ! Have now switched to taking my blue tablet with breakfast ! :). Will be interesting to see if my dreams (and dream like state next day) are reduced ! God - I hope so ! Can't walk around like a zombie for 12 weeks ! I must be one of the unlucky ones for suffering more than most in this area..

And excellent advice re the lucozade and bananas ! I have a pretty active job and often burn up energy (without replacing it quick enuf) so I'm now stocked up for each day !

Cheers !

John in Gloucester

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I had my last cigarette in April last year, I've been through many of the things that a lot of you guys talk about, but this is a first for me. The other night I had a dream where this guy took out a packet of fags, put one to his lips and lit it. I could smell the smoke, and asked him for one, he opened the packet and offered me one, and at that moment I woke up.


It was so realistic, I don't want one of those again. :evil:

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Bloody hell OS!!! It comes in flavours??????


85+ different flavours on the site I have been using! Fruity ones (apple, cherry, melon, raspberry...) Sweet ones (caramel, chocolat au lait, marshmallow...) beverage ones (capuccino, whisky, pina colada...), savoury ones (roast beef, roast chicken...although why you would want one of these is beyond me!) and tobacco flavoured ones (loads!) I have steered clear of these ones because I don't want to take the chance that I'm going to go back to tobacco :-))


I know it's not ideal in terms of getting over the habit of smoking but I don't use it like I used cigarettes and I'm viewing it as a 'bridge' between being a smoker and being a non-smoker. It only costs 45p (often less) a day so I reckon it's fine for now :-)) I'd better stop talking about it now in case I get told off for being 'off topic':o


It was so realistic, I don't want one of those again.


That's almost a year now, crookesey. Your subconscious making a last ditch attempt...and you won!!!


well I didnt have a ciggie I was very brave and ate grapes instead lol I hope i dont feel like that again though i was acting like a super bitch but if i do i'll have to make sure i have tons of grapes in lol


Well done SJW! Grapes, cherries, apples....anything! Stuff it in there :hihi:


Will be interesting to see if my dreams (and dream like state next day) are reduced ! God - I hope so ! Can't walk around like a zombie for 12 weeks !


I remember feeling desperately tired, Glowsterboy. After lunch, especially. But I don't feel so tired now for some reason?! Maybe it'll get better for you too :-))


Team Chamquitters...where are you?!

OS x

Edited by Oldshirty
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