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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Hi Glowsterboy and welcome to the second-timers club, there are a few, including myself, here. I was the same as you, lasted 5 months the first time, but missed it every day. But doing really well this time and at 10 months now. I think for me I really thought I missed it and was missing out on something but once I started again I realised that I wasn't missing anything at all and hated being addicted again and having cigarettes rule me rather than me deciding when I wanted one. I still sometimes think that if I could be a "social smoker" then I would, but I know that I can't and that just keeps me away from them!


SJ well done on not giving in, I remember that the times I didn't give in I felt so good afterwards, the feeling shouldn't last long so maybe just try and do something to distract yourself, with me I used to clean everything in sight!!


Well done Scottf and everyone else :love:

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Team Chamquitters...where are you?!

OS x


:thumbsup: Here!!!!


Sorry it's been a while, but truth be known I haven't had the energy or more importantly the inclination to post anything, i'll explain hehehe


It seems my life is no longer my own :huh: Between work (which is manic at the moment) my hubby (who has deserted me and bogged off fishing) and my teenage daughter (who in the space of a week has suddenly turned into a 40yr old) i'm absolutely shattered :gag: Hey ho the life of a wife and mother eh? NOTTTTTTTTTT lol I don't do domesticity very well can you tell :o


Anyway OS i'm glad you are finally happy about not smoking, if it's working for you then why should it be wrong. All them different flavours though - you sure they not just re-packaged lollipops?


Heyyyyyyyyyyy look what we did anyway :banana:

My name is Tashant32, and I am a nicotine addict.

I have stopped nicotine for 1 month, 11 days, 14 hours, 15 minutes and 9 seconds (39 days).


I've not smoked 1029 death sticks, and saved £319.65.

I've saved 3 days, 13 hours and 47 minutes of my life.


Seriously, I know we have both had our problems but I can honestly say I never thought it would be as easy - if you know what I mean, did you?


Zumba was brilliant thanks, Tashant. I shook my thang like the best of them :-))


Glad you enjoyed it OS - I think I maybe addicted, absolutely loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it.


You do make me laugh! How about chewing gum, have you tried that? ... really hated leaving the office on Friday which is stupid isn't it. Maybe you need to go to places where you can't smoke to feel the benefits of your achievement, shopping centres, cinema etc!


Gemini my mouth has never experienced as much action as it has lately - oopppssss you know what I mean :blush: I must have tried every flavour of gum on the market, I finally settled on 'black mint' airwaves, yum yum.


The amount of sweets, cakes, crisps or anything else I can consume that has been shoved down my throat is amazing lol I don't think I have ever eaten so much in all my life. Thank God for the exercise I say or I would most definitely have put around 50st on by now lol


pssstttt shopping centres and cinemas VS running or swimming - now there's a hard decision:huh: This may take me a while :hihi:


Keep up the good work everybody and to all you NEW newbies - it does get better, trust me!


Tashant x

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Hi all well done everyone!:clap: I haven't posted for a while but keep looking in.

I am 7 weeks smoke free today and had my first trauma last Wednesday when my 10 year old son broke his collarbone.


I was at work and had to get to hospital, the first thing I thought of was ..... yes you can guess a ciggie!! then remembered I don't smoke so was driving telling myself to just breath breath like I was in labour!! Anyway I made it and didn't smoke but the last few days have been stressful and I started moping around seeing no ciggies as a loss. So I decided to read Allen Carr as my subconcious mind was doing my head in as it kept coming up with all these reasons/senarios when I could smoke!!:loopy:


Allen Carr book was brilliant and has helped change my way of thinking and I will keep going back to it and fight these stupid thought with the book and champix.

I have quite twice before

1st quit for 1 year started again because I had put on weight and was turning 40!


2nd quit for 6 months and started again last May because I thought I could be a social smoker:huh: Now know there is no chancwe of ever having a ciggie again and have not put on weight this time thanks to following weight watchers.


Has anyone else used this book?

Anyway well done everyone and I love reading everyone elses experiences it really does help.



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We're off to our favored beach front venue in Spain, my wife still smokes, however it doesn't bother me. I used to walk on the beach/sit on the rocks watching the waves coming in, and of course having a fag. I'm really hoping that I can smell the sea, something that I have never previously been able to do.


This is going to test me, if I pass it it's job done. I think that I will take a hip flask with me, and have a nip of brandy instead of the fag, alcoholism here I come.

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hi everyone 3 weeks smoke free i went out sat night for a drink was really worried incase i ended up having a ciggie i wasnt interested in fact watching my hubby keep getting up for one i felt sorry for him having to keeo going outside well done everyone

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hi everyone 3 weeks smoke free i went out sat night for a drink was really worried incase i ended up having a ciggie i wasnt interested in fact watching my hubby keep getting up for one i felt sorry for him having to keeo going outside well done everyone


A short while ago most smoking was conducted indoors, these days it's outside or nowt. Smokers these days appear to reach for the fags, the very second that they step outdoors. I reckon that the smoking ban increased my cigarette usage no end.


I predict that smoking in pub beer gardens will be the next thing to be banned. I can't see families with kids standing for being surrounded by smokers.

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Hey all. I picked up my champix px today, after failing with patches and inhalter and feel quite positive UNTILL a work mate told me this evening that her friend had hallucinations and extreme suicidal thoughts whilst taking the drug!! ARGH my last hope is dashed. I havn't read all the post's, as there are sooo many, but has anyone had such extreme side effects whils taking champix????

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:thumbsup: Here!!!!


I don't do domesticity very well can you tell :o


You are preaching to the converted here, man :-))




Anyway OS i'm glad you are finally happy about not smoking, if it's working for you then why should it be wrong. All them different flavours though - you sure they not just re-packaged lollipops?


They are--absolutely, Tashant!! Only calorie free :-)




Heyyyyyyyyyyy look what we did anyway :banana:

My name is Tashant32, and I am a nicotine addict.

I have stopped nicotine for 1 month, 11 days, 14 hours, 15 minutes and 9 seconds (39 days).


I've not smoked 1029 death sticks, and saved £319.65.

I've saved 3 days, 13 hours and 47 minutes of my life.


Seriously, I know we have both had our problems but I can honestly say I never thought it would be as easy - if you know what I mean, did you?


Far easier than it has ever been before...still hard...but definitely more managable. (And even easier for me now although if you can do it without 'cheating'...even better!!)




Glad you enjoyed it OS - I think I maybe addicted, absolutely loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it.


Me too!! Have ordered the DVDs. I find it easier 'letting it all hang out' without the remotest chance of an audience :-))



Keep up the good work everybody and to all you NEW newbies - it does get better, trust me!


Tashant x




: I am 7 weeks smoke free today and had my first trauma last Wednesday when my 10 year old son broke his collarbone.


I was at work and had to get to hospital, the first thing I thought of was ..... yes you can guess a ciggie!! then remembered I don't smoke so was driving telling myself to just breath breath like I was in labour!! Anyway I made it and didn't smoke but the last few days have been stressful and I started moping around seeing no ciggies as a loss. So I decided to read Allen Carr as my subconcious mind was doing my head in as it kept coming up with all these reasons/senarios when I could smoke!!


Allen Carr book was brilliant and has helped change my way of thinking and I will keep going back to it and fight these stupid thought with the book and champix.

I have quite twice before

1st quit for 1 year started again because I had put on weight and was turning 40!


2nd quit for 6 months and started again last May because I thought I could be a social smoker Now know there is no chancwe of ever having a ciggie again and have not put on weight this time thanks to following weight watchers.


Has anyone else used this book?


You poor thing:-) But you made it through...congratulations!! My son broke his collarbone a year past Christmas. He was booked on a skiing holiday with the school but couldn't go... he is booked on this year's trip!


Re: Alan Carr. I went to a seminar which cost me £125 for two and a half hours. I walked home (several miles) feeling very happy and confident. By day three I was (literally) suicidal. I fully understood the reasoning but I clearly wasn't ready to quit at that time.


The difference this time is that I abhor conventional cigarettes for the way in which they have contolled me (and partially because of societal restrictions in terms of the places one can smoke) I felt like an absolute leper. I don't feel like that now :-)


Hope you are not tempted on your hols Crookesey and good luck to LadyB and Sharon on your quit attempts...you can do it :-)) Just keep strong!


To all other newbies and oldies out there...keep the faith...it will be worth it in the end :-))


OS x

Edited by Oldshirty
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Hi everyone ! Hi Yomama, Gemini, Rustee and others..

A few will remember me from 2 years ago !

Attempt 1 -> I was a success for 5 months then.. lapsed. :-(

Attempt 2 -> Have been over 5 weeks smoke free now on same course as last time however I have looked back to where I may have gone wrong..

Firstly, I only stuck the course for 5 weeks - mainly because I was getting too many restless nights (constant dreams that I could remember clearly through the following day) and also stomach upsets. I also stopped taking the pills prematurely because I felt cocky enough to think "I've cracked this - easy peasy now..."

How wrong I was

This time around I am following the prescribed dosage throughout. and going to stick to the 3 months course. However the restless nights have returned with avengence and I'm in a dreamy state the following day... ! I have had to reduce my 2 blue pills down to 1 as I doubt I would be able to work otherwise. I know each of us has different side effects whilst others dont have any..

I am taking the one blue pill with my main meal tea (taking it with food apparently alleviates the upset stomach and other side effect..)

Would welcome your opinions and whether others have the same problems.

And whether I should change anything I am doing...

Good luck everyone and nice to be back (well in a way it is haha !)

John in Gloucester


Hello John and every one trying to quit smoking. I did try the champix for one week and the night mares I had really frightened me, and being physically sick each morning really put me off taking them. I should have stopped drinking wine and taking these tablets with food also which I wasnt aware of. But well stopping smoking and stopping having the wine is really hard for me. I cant do both at the same time. I still want to stop smoking very badly as I dont enjoy my addiction being in control with my life. I will try patches again. Thanks.

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3 weeks and 4 days down :banana: ive had a fair few iffy days but i got through them me and the hubbs went to thorpe park yesterday which was a challange in itself as we smoked in the car before and that journey was tough but we had sweets to occupy us also when we were at the theme park there were tons of smokers but believe it or not we walked miles that day and never got out of breath once it was a great day and an even better one because we werent smoking :thumbsup:

Edited by sjwilliams
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