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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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3 weeks and 4 days down :banana: ive had a fair few iffy days but i got through them me and the hubbs went to thorpe park yesterday which was a challange in itself as we smoked in the car before and that journey was tough but we had sweets to occupy us also when we were at the theme park there were tons of smokers but believe it or not we walked miles that day and never got out of breath once it was a great day and an even better one because we werent smoking :thumbsup:


well done chuck- thats top news!! I found the ability to breathe again to be one of the first things to come back- just wait till you can smell things properly again- going into a restaurant is amazing!!



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well done chuck- thats top news!! I found the ability to breathe again to be one of the first things to come back- just wait till you can smell things properly again- going into a restaurant is amazing!!




thanks honey :)

the negative thing about the smell thing is I can smell people more who dont smell very nice and it makes me feel ill :gag: when before i'd get a whiff and that would be it.

I get some funny looks though when I spray perfume around myself to stop me from being ill.

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my quit day was last monday and so far so good :)


champix is working for me so far, the upside being no cravings (oh and the dreams!!!), there really isnt that "pain in the belly" mad craving you get when going cold turkey! the only downside seems to be that sicky feeling when i take the morning dose (only lasts about 20 mins though).


i have had a couple of iffy moments, but more related to "habit" than craving....everytime i get off a bus i feel like i ought to light up:) and getting home in the afternoon can be a bit stressy................i wonder how long it takes for these habits to break?


pretty bad nicotine withdrawl this week also, plenty of headaches,chest pains, that feeling of being spaced out and now the dreaded cough has started :( i googled this tho' and looks like it only lasts for about 10 days.


really really felt like a smoke about 5 mins ago, so came on here and posted this instead!


i already feel like a non-smoker and have no intention of going back there:suspect:


good luck to you all

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I have read loads of horror stories now re this drug..bloomin el should I carry on. I don't think I can miss my odd glass of wine as well!!!


i had a couple of glasses last night, first drink in a week. it made no difference to me and i slept just the same, just the usual "very real" dreams :)

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Hi everyone ! Hi Yomama, Gemini, Rustee and others..

A few will remember me from 2 years ago !


Hello Glowster Boy, I remember you from your last attempt and mine :-)

I am in my 7th week now and will not stop taking the pill before 6 months is passed.

Inger from Oslo

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What I remember the most from my last attempt on Champix was the activity on this forum. So motivating and helpful and very funny messages. Why this decrease in activity?

As for my hoola hoopwith weights, I have lost 1,5 centimeters on my waist the last months, so my black and bruised right hip (I only can do it properly to the left) was worth it.

Are you still doing ok out there? And Lynn you are an inspiration:banana:

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Hi.1st looked at this thread 15 months ago when i started taking champix,and im pleased to say although apart from having to come off the tablets after 9 weeks im still a non smoker.I had the odd blip twice and smoked a sneaky one but it made me feel ill so didnt start again,good luck to anyone who is just starting with it xxx

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Are you still doing ok out there? And Lynn you are an inspiration:banana:

Welcome back Inger and Glowster Boy. Good luck with your attempts.

I pop by a coupe of times a week for a nosey. It does tend to go quiet for a while then it goes crazy again with newbies - lol

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In my 7th weel now Lynn and I will never ever again think that I ca be a partysmoker:loopy: I have learned my lesson.

Congrats to y'all for being nonsmokers and stay on the narrow path

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