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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Greetings all.


Began taking Champix March 6th. By the end of the two week cycle I was only interested in a puff or two once a day. On day two of the second cycle I stopped all-together. Finally off the weed after a quarter century.


Started getting constant headaches, nausea and blurry vision. I decided to cut down my dosage to 1 tablet daily for the remainder of the pack. By Friday, feeling really nauseous, thinking I'd have the weekend to detox I stopped taking them all-together (three days left). When I went to work on Monday I thought everything was going to be great.:cool:


There was an upset in the office and I completely lost it.:rant: I had to leave before some one got hurt. Once home I felt better but when I returned to work the next day and my boss called me into the office to discuss the previous days events I went off the deep end again... felt like driving my car off into the ocean on the way home.:help:


That night when I tried to talk to my wife about everything that was happening ( me not being at work ect.) I went into a blind rage and started shrieking like an animal.:shakes:


Decided the best course of action was to go back to taking the pills until I could see my doctor to find an alternative medication for everyone's well-being. Hope I still have a job.:?


I can't be sure but I think the nicotine we've been consuming all our lives had radically altered our brains chemistry. Without it... I don't know. I can only hope things get better.:sad:


I've read a post which talks to the possibility of weening down the dose gently. Splitting the pills in half and so on.


Perhaps the doctor can help.:idea:

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Hi all!!!


Just thought i'd drop in to let you all know I have finally completed the 12 week course of Champix!!! Yay!!!! However, i've decided to give myself an extra week just taking 1 tablet a day at lunchtime. I feel great! 10 weeks and 5 days smoke free and not even the urge for a sneaky puff!! Compared to my failed attempt last year, this is a major achievement for me. Yes i've gained a couple of pounds and re-discovered my love of food, but with my new found love of exercise, a couple of pounds is nothing compared to last years full stone! :gag:


Just wanted to pop in and say a massive thank you to all of you on this forum, especially the peeps that have been on the same-ish timeline as me - Oldshirty, tashnat, soozie to mention only 3 but there are so many more, thank you to you all, you've been a massive support and I will continue to recommend this forum to anyone I know attempting to quit with Champix. I will also continue to come on here myself and offer any advice I can to future newbies and I suppose still for my own support as i've still got a long way to go!!!!


To anyone about to quit with Champix! With the right frame of mind, these tablets are a wonder drug! Yes you'll have your moments, but they will be much more managable and easier than without them!!! Always stay positive, constantly remind yourself as to why your doing this and enjoy all that extra cash! :D


Everyone has disappeared lately, would be nice to have a few updates from the Chamquitters!!! I am very proud to be a part of your team!!!


Lots a love, Gemma xgx :love:

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I tried them also 2 weeks and they turned me into a deep depressive state. Just had suicidal thoughts, my appetite went, and I have acted terrible to my partner. We have parted through this. He cant understand what went wrong with me.

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Greetings all.


Began taking Champix March 6th. By the end of the two week cycle I was only interested in a puff or two once a day. On day two of the second cycle I stopped all-together. Finally off the weed after a quarter century.


Started getting constant headaches, nausea and blurry vision. I decided to cut down my dosage to 1 tablet daily for the remainder of the pack. By Friday, feeling really nauseous, thinking I'd have the weekend to detox I stopped taking them all-together (three days left). When I went to work on Monday I thought everything was going to be great.:cool:


There was an upset in the office and I completely lost it.:rant: I had to leave before some one got hurt. Once home I felt better but when I returned to work the next day and my boss called me into the office to discuss the previous days events I went off the deep end again... felt like driving my car off into the ocean on the way home.:help:


That night when I tried to talk to my wife about everything that was happening ( me not being at work ect.) I went into a blind rage and started shrieking like an animal.:shakes:


Decided the best course of action was to go back to taking the pills until I could see my doctor to find an alternative medication for everyone's well-being. Hope I still have a job.:?


I can't be sure but I think the nicotine we've been consuming all our lives had radically altered our brains chemistry. Without it... I don't know. I can only hope things get better.:sad:


I've read a post which talks to the possibility of weening down the dose gently. Splitting the pills in half and so on.


Perhaps the doctor can help.:idea:




Glen, its a 12 week course, not two. Yes when I got to week 10, I cut down to one a day.

Now 5 months smoke free, but still not always easy.

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Hey all. I picked up my champix px today, after failing with patches and inhalter and feel quite positive UNTILL a work mate told me this evening that her friend had hallucinations and extreme suicidal thoughts whilst taking the drug!! ARGH my last hope is dashed. I havn't read all the post's, as there are sooo many, but has anyone had such extreme side effects whils taking champix????


Yes. Lady B. Please read some of my former posts. My husband has been having psychotic episodes for 4 months now. Thankfully, they are getting less violent and severe and I dont fear for his and my safety any more.


Today the Sun newspaper has again highlighted the indiscriminate prescribing of Champix and clearly states "Experts say it appears most risky for people with underlying mental health problems" and there is a huge article on page 23 about the Dad who killed his wife and children when taking the drug and drinking alcohol.... which is exactly what my husband did. My hubby also has mental health problems and has been on/off anti depressants for 5 years. He was actually taking anti depressants when the practice nurse prescribed his Champix FFS!


Please be aware of any changes in your feelings, behaviour and thinking.


Good luck

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Yes. Lady B. Please read some of my former posts. My husband has been having psychotic episodes for 4 months now. Thankfully, they are getting less violent and severe and I dont fear for his and my safety any more.


Today the Sun newspaper has again highlighted the indiscriminate prescribing of Champix and clearly states "Experts say it appears most risky for people with underlying mental health problems" and there is a huge article on page 23 about the Dad who killed his wife and children when taking the drug and drinking alcohol.... which is exactly what my husband did. My hubby also has mental health problems and has been on/off anti depressants for 5 years. He was actually taking anti depressants when the practice nurse prescribed his Champix FFS!


Please be aware of any changes in your feelings, behaviour and thinking.


Good luck





Look pickchau, I am very sorry about what happened to your husband,BUT champix has helped a lot of people to give up the weed,(myself included, 5 months now) please , I feel that your inability to read the leaflet that comes with the pills, stating that if you are a manic depressive etc.... DON'T TAKE THEM, let the norm out there take them and try them for themselves (without the aid of washing them down with alcohol). I really feel that your negativity is ruining peoples chances of giving up the weed and is ruining this site(if they were that dangerous they would not be prescribed by EXPERTS on the national health). Once again i am really sorry for you and your husband and i hope things return/get better very soon(change your practice/let your doctor know what the nurse did, or didn't do as the case may be). Now give everyone else a chance.O and don't trust everything that you read in the sun (look who owns it?)

This site helped me to quit, and I would like to help people who contribute to this site to quite, with encouragement and sharing how to overcome cravings etc.... LONG LIVE CHAMPIX thankyou, end of rant.:rolleyes:

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Here Here sittingbull!!!

This forum has turned into a negative doom and gloom in the last week or so! I, unlike your good self, don't feel sorry for these people. This forum has been an absolute god send to me so I can't imagine the negative effect its having on any newbies out there at the moment!

This drug has been an amazing help to a lot more people than your minority, please go and start your own forum elsewhere!!!

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