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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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When I quit smoking, I didn't bother with any meds. I just recorded how many cigs I had each day and reduced the number by one - and sometimes half a cig. On occasion, I smoked the same amount of cigs I did the previous day. Within 3 wks, I'd stopped smoking.

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Its been 7 months for me since i quit with Champix, although i was lucky enough to have hypnotherapy at the same time. Having heard some not so good reports on these tablets, I read everything i could find before i made the decision to take Champix and then discussed any worries i had with my doctor.


I would advise everyone to do the same thing before they start on these pills.


I was lucky and only really had one bad side effect and that was constipation!!!


For me the Champix made the cigaretts taste nasty and the hypnotherapy helped with the habit. I know i will never go back.:)


Good luck to everyone that is trying to quit, there is light at the end of the tunnel :)

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Here Here sittingbull!!!

This forum has turned into a negative doom and gloom in the last week or so!


I agree with you. This is not good for the newbies trying to quit.


Originally Posted by pickchau

Yes. Lady B. Please read some of my former posts. My husband has been having psychotic episodes for 4 months now. Thankfully, they are getting less violent and severe and I dont fear for his and my safety any more.


Today the Sun newspaper has again highlighted the indiscriminate prescribing of Champix and clearly states "Experts say it appears most risky for people with underlying mental health problems" and there is a huge article on page 23 about the Dad who killed his wife and children when taking the drug and drinking alcohol.... which is exactly what my husband did. My hubby also has mental health problems and has been on/off anti depressants for 5 years. He was actually taking anti depressants when the practice nurse prescribed his Champix FFS!



I myself gave up in October 2009 with champix and the help of this forum and I am still smoke free. Giving up smoking itself can make you feel very depressed and even dare I say it suicidal. You cannot blame the champix as there have been so many people on here that have given up by taking it. Do you seriously want to die from a smoking related illness?

I certainly don't.


Good luck everyone just remember you can do it.



Edited by esme
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Well I daren't post today - I don't want to be another negative post :cry:


TUFF!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to vent somewhere lol


Ok so it's been over a week, I think, since I lasted posted. Head is still in the shed - not sure if it's the pills, constant dreams, lack of sleep or the birds (i'll explain about the birds another time) but I am generally beginning to feel like poo. :gag:


I have now cut my pill intake down - nurses orders as she will not be able to prescribe me after my 12 week course, so i'm currently taking half in the morning and the other half in the evening. HOWEVER!!!!!!!! ALERT TIME here me thinks. Over the past week or so I have gradually been showing signs of SERIOUSLY WANTING TO DO SOME DAMAGE :confused: I don't want to go into all the details, but suffice to say I shall be mentioning this to my nurse tomorrow. The worst part though, for me, is that I have also wanted to smoke, at times, just as badly as those first few weeks? I seriously can not go through all this again - so if anybody else has had any similar experiences????? :help: I would love to hear from you as well as any possible solutions - DESPERATION doesn't even begin to cover it at the moment, thanks in advance :)


Holy Moley lol


anyway on a more positive note, I hope everyone else is doing great.


Well done DJ by the way, you have made it to the 12 week mark - congrats!


O/S: Hope everything is cool your end?


Raxs: Where have you gone? You popped on to say hello etc you didn't have time blah blah but you had still quit then NOTHING since :huh: Come speak to us - shareeeeeeeeee lol


Oh yeah forgot to say I think I have put about twenty stone on too lol :hihi: slight exaggeration there I know, but bloody feels like it anyway :gag:


Speak soon

Tashant x


Ps Gemini, you usually have some words of wisdom, come talk to me - No pressure or anything lol

Edited by Tashant32
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Firstly, I'm soooo glad i'm not the only person getting pee'd off with the demics on here trying to depress us all!!!!


Hey tash!!! I've had a funny old weekend!!! I was trying to wean myself off the tabs by taking one a day for an extra week, well, I lasted all of 2 days before I forgot to take my tablet so I sacked it altogether!!! A couple of days after this, I have just enjoyed the best 2 nights sleep i've had in 13 weeks!!! Still some dodgy dreams in there but i've slept well and woke up early feeling refreshed!!! Could be something to do with the fab weather we've had but I think the light has appeared at the end of the tunnell. I've had a few cravings too, but they've been more than managable! Got a lung full of someones fag outside McDonalds today, It nearly put me off my burger!!!

Keep going hun!!! Its gonna get better!!!


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Well I daren't post today - TUFF!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to vent somewhere lol


Ok so it's been over a week, I think, since I lasted posted. Head is still in the shed - not sure if it's the pills, constant dreams, lack of sleep or the birds (i'll explain about the birds another time) but I am generally beginning to feel like poo.

I have now cut my pill intake down - nurses orders as she will not be able to prescribe me after my 12 week course, so i'm currently taking half in the morning and the other half in the evening. HOWEVER!!!!!!!! ALERT TIME here me thinks. Over the past week or so I have gradually been showing signs of SERIOUSLY WANTING TO DO SOME DAMAGE :confused: I don't want to go into all the details, but suffice to say I shall be mentioning this to my nurse tomorrow. The worst part though, for me, is that I have also wanted to smoke, at times, just as badly as those first few weeks? I seriously can not go through all this again - so if anybody else has had any similar experiences????? I would love to hear from you as well as any possible solutions - DESPERATION doesn't even begin to cover it at the moment, thanks in advance


Holy Moley lol


anyway on a more positive note, I hope everyone else is doing great.


Well done DJ by the way, you have made it to the 12 week mark - congrats!


O/S: Hope everything is cool your end?


Raxs: Where have you gone? You popped on to say hello etc you didn't have time blah blah but you had still quit then NOTHING since :huh: Come speak to us - shareeeeeeeeee lol


Oh yeah forgot to say I think I have put about twenty stone on too lol :hihi: slight exaggeration there I know, but bloody feels like it anyway :gag:


Speak soon

Tashant x


Ps Gemini, you usually have some words of wisdom, come talk to me - No pressure or anything lol


For goodness sake! I leave you all alone for five minutes and all hell breaks loose :confused: :hihi:I need to catch up on what's been happening...


Tashant, is your mental state due to cutting down your tabs? I'm still taking my tabs but have reduced to half in the morning half at night. I went through a few days of a sort of gnawing anxiety that I couldn't quite put my finger on (and still have the occasional bad day). The dreams are back for me too...and not all that pleasant this time round. I'm thinking about cigarettes more but fortunately when that happens I just reach for my ENIC which seems to stave the desire for all of...oh...30 seconds :-)


Sorry you're feeling so bad but you've made it to 8 weeks (I wish I had a banana to post here!). That's pretty damn good, I think.


Well done TC, you're doing brilliantly:hihi: And everyone else who has managed to stay off the evil weed.


I'm going to go back and see what I missed now....<gulp>


OS x

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Hi all and glad to see this board still kicking


I have read lots of negative post on the last 2 pages I think most of you can see past them .....yeah champix can and does have side effects I had a little of all but they passed a very few are unlucky and they dont pass and if they are on board we all encourage them to seek medical advise ...............so please look after each other and support and listening is what will help.


If it wasnt for this forum no way would I have been successful I quit nov 7th 2008 dont miss them .......well some times but very rarely sometimes I think mmmm might have 1 or a puff but I know its that nicotine devil havng a last breath so I just say get and stay behind me satan.


Lif e is better without smokes more enjoyable cleaner and cheaper and last longer


Love you all and NEVER GIVE UP GIVING UP!!



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Happy days are here again, proper people posting proper stuff, proper problems to vent and air in a positive manner with positive people, its been 5 months, still have cravings for a weed now and again, i think this will continue for a long time yet, maybe years (I never had these weired dreams, have i or did i miss anything) tashant32, birds? feathered or none feathered varieties?

Oldshirty, I just went to taking 2 a day to just one in the morning (as i used to smoke more during the day than at night)

diggerd, once a smoker always a smoker, but just now and for ever, you no longer want to participate.

As you said as a none smoking participant, life smell cleaner and costs less

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