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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Hi Taschant, not been around for a few days and sorry to hear that you have been feeling down but hoping that things are better now. Must admit that I myself felt and still do feel a bit down at times. A few tips that I tried that seemed to work was (and your gonna love this or hate it!!!) eating marmite or better still yeast extract which is very similar as apparently this puts back what the Champix takes away :suspect:. I also tried St Johns Wort which I think helped a bit. I think a lot of the time we maybe blame the champix or the stopping smoking but it could have just been your hormones or something maybe (she said ducking in case Taschant threw something at her lol).


Anyway, you have done so well please don't give up and I hope you are feeling better.


Good to see OS also still doing well and to see Sitting Bull, Diggerd, Lyn etc still around. Its nearly a year for me and I still have annoying moments out of the blue when I think about smoking but there are too many positive reasons not to now.

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Totally agree with you Oldshirty can't be trusted to play nicely when left alone lol!

Hi everyone it's now 26 weeks since I had a cigarette and it's heaven not to be a slave to fags anymore!! I love the fact that I can sit in a restaurant and not worry that if I go out for a fag I'm going to lose trck of the conversation, went to the theatre last week for the first time since I stopped smoking and it was so relaxing at the interval not dashing out for a cigarette then trying to get a drink and then going for a pee and upsetting everyone else on the row when arriving back in my seat 1 minute after the show had restarted.

Also I have always said I won't be one of those moany reformed smokers but omg don't cigarettes smell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway well done to those of you who are keeping the faith, good luck to those of you who are just starting out and please keep trying to those who are struggling, it is worth it in the end.

Till next time x

PS Now need a weight loss magic pill although have rejoined Slimming World and lost 13lb in 3 weeks

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flipping heck, 13lb in 3 weeks, that's amazing. Its taken me 6 months to lose that amount with Weightwatchers!!


Lol I know I'm thrilled lost 5lb the first week and 4lb each time since, I know it won't carry on like that but it's a great incentive. My son who only weighed 12st 13lb has lost 1st 6lb in 11 weeks and he has been having the odd treat eg pint, curry etc.

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Helloooooooo everyone thought it was about time I replied. Ok here we go.


For goodness sake! I leave you all alone for five minutes and all hell breaks loose :confused: :hihi:I need to catch up on what's been happening...



lol First of all, you sound like my mother hehehe oh it takes me back!


Tashant, is your mental state due to cutting down your tabs? I'm still taking my tabs but have reduced to half in the morning half at night. I went through a few days of a sort of gnawing anxiety that I couldn't quite put my finger on (and still have the occasional bad day). The dreams are back for me too...and not all that pleasant this time round. I'm thinking about cigarettes more but fortunately when that happens I just reach for my ENIC which seems to stave the desire for all of...oh...30 seconds :-)



Yes it most definitely is OS, so back to a full one in the morn and half in the eve. Going to do this for another week then try again on half twice a day - fingers crossed eh.


Sorry you're feeling so bad but you've made it to 8 weeks (I wish I had a banana to post here!). That's pretty damn good, I think.



Ohhhhhhhh I totally agree and so proud too, hope you feel the same too? Oh and here's a banana for both of us lol


I'm going to go back and see what I missed now....<gulp>


OS I wouldn't bother if I was you... It just became a forum to berate Pica chew for having a husband who is suffering. :(



Hi all and glad to see this board still kicking

I have read lots of negative post on the last 2 pages I think most of you can see past them .....yeah champix can and does have side effects I had a little of all but they passed a very few are unlucky and they dont pass and if they are on board we all encourage them to seek medical advise ...............so please look after each other and support and listening is what will help.



Trish you are so right people do need support, I totaly agree.


If it wasnt for this forum no way would I have been successful I quit nov 7th 2008 dont miss them .......well some times but very rarely sometimes I think mmmm might have 1 or a puff but I know its that nicotine devil havng a last breath so I just say get and stay behind me satan.



lol loving the satan reference too.


tashant32, birds? feathered or none feathered varieties?


Oh My God!!!!!!!!! Sittingbull don't even get me started on the birds arrgghhhhh lol. Definitely the bloody feathered variety by the way, however, if I could get my hands on them they would be BALD as Coots by the time I had finished lol Every sodding morning for... (can't even remember now for how long) they have woken me up between 4.30ish and 5.30ish, chirping their scrawny little heads off. Now I realise I may sound a little harsh, but at 5.10 this morning I seriously could strangle the buggers. I NEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDD some sleep. I've even bought some ear plugs, which would be fine if they stayed put. But they don't - I despair :help:


Hi Taschant, not been around for a few days and sorry to hear that you have been feeling down but hoping that things are better now. Must admit that I myself felt and still do feel a bit down at times. A few tips that I tried that seemed to work was (and your gonna love this or hate it!!!) eating marmite or better still yeast extract which is very similar as apparently this puts back what the Champix takes away :suspect:. I also tried St Johns Wort which I think helped a bit. I think a lot of the time we maybe blame the champix or the stopping smoking but it could have just been your hormones or something maybe (she said ducking in case Taschant threw something at her lol).



:thumbsup: Cheers for that Geminini and I do think maybe homones weren't helping either. Now as for the marmite :gag: I have tried it as a drink and didn't go down too well, so next plan is to eat it - do you just spread it on bread etc ( can you tell I've never tried it before?) and I already take St Johns soooooooooooooooo I went to speak to the Herablist in town today and he has given me a vitamin B complex as well as Rescue Remedy to spray on my tongue whenever I get that urge lol I'm hoping all this will work as i'm going to Spain on Sunday and I don't know about you but I used to smoke double the amount whenever I was on holiday - I now feel a little more armed and prepared anyway :)


Hi everyone it's now 26 weeks since I had a cigarette and it's heaven not to be a slave to fags anymore!! I love the fact that I can sit in a restaurant and not worry that if I go out for a fag I'm going to lose trck of the conversation, went to the theatre last week for the first time since I stopped smoking and it was so relaxing at the interval not dashing out for a cigarette then trying to get a drink and then going for a pee and upsetting everyone else on the row when arriving back in my seat 1 minute after the show had restarted.

Also I have always said I won't be one of those moany reformed smokers but omg don't cigarettes smell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway well done to those of you who are keeping the faith, good luck to those of you who are just starting out and please keep trying to those who are struggling, it is worth it in the end.

Till next time x


Well done Kazpa you are doing really well and I have to agree about the smell, not good is it?


Ok all answered - I hope I haven't missed anyone. Speak to you all in a week or so and please play nicely.


Tashant x

Edited by Tashant32
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Cheers for that Geminini and I do think maybe homones weren't helping either. Now as for the marmite I have tried it as a drink and didn't go down too well, so next plan is to eat it - do you just spread it on bread etc ( can you tell I've never tried it before?) and I already take St Johns soooooooooooooooo I went to speak to the Herablist in town today and he has given me a vitamin B complex as well as Rescue Remedy to spray on my tongue whenever I get that urge lol I'm hoping all this will work as i'm going to Spain on Sunday and I don't know about you but I used to smoke double the amount whenever I was on holiday - I now feel a little more armed and prepared anyway


Lol, yes you do just spread on toast or bread, but only a tiny amount, by the sounds of it I don't think you are gonna like it though!!


Must admit I was really worried when I went on holiday but I was fine, and the best bit is realising that you don't need to chain smoke before you enter the airport and the fear of not smoking for hours on the plane etc. isn't there either.


I have been really stressed with my kids this weekend and more than once thought about smoking after nearly a year off them. But once I calmed down I realised that it wouldn't have helped anyway, strange isn't it, wonder if the feeling will ever go away.


Anyway, have a fantastic holiday you deserve it.

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23 weeks stopped this sunday but i must admit over the past few weeks i have had a couple of sneaky cravings for a fag- i guess its a combination of old habits and the weather- this time last year i would have sat outside and had a pint and a fag.


Keep strong everyone- once you have done the first few weeks your body doesn't NEED them anymore- everything else is just a battle in your brain!

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