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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Are people still banging on about Champix? It's an alternative nicotine delivery system. It's a drug. The way to stop smoking is to stop putting nicotine in your body.


Why not get your facts right before posting. As Champix is not a nicotine delivery system ............

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Well done to everyone, nice to see the old faces still here and all the second timers as well. Inger I think I was on it for five months but only something like half a white tablet every other day in the last weeks, I think its best to cut down gradually and not too soon.

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Thanks for the advice Gemini, more than 70 days today so I am so pleased. Do not want to rock the boat by stopping to early.

As for White Rose, I remember her from the last time. Probably being a little bored and wanted to se her "own voice" in print :-)

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That's great Inger, well done. Did you find it different this time? I found it easier, I guess I knew what to expect this time and also I knew where I went wrong last time, but in general it was just easier and I have not been tempted at all like I was last time. I also know that if I ever have one cigarette then I will be hooked again and I know that I never want to have to give up again as it is so horrible. Almost a year for me this time and very rarely think about it, only when I see somebody smoking!

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Why not get your facts right before posting. As Champix is not a nicotine delivery system ............


No its not love, its basically like going cold turkey with a little help with the willpower, No nicotine in the pills, some people should do some research before mouthing off :hihi:

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I found it easier this time and like you i know where I failed the last time and partysmoking is a everlasting no no. It was just one the last time, and even today I cannot understand why I did it. Maybe to prove I had some sort of control :gag: and you know what I did not have any at all :rant:


So never againt:banana:

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No its not love, its basically like going cold turkey with a little help with the willpower, No nicotine in the pills, some people should do some research before mouthing off :hihi:


Every forum as at least one "knows it all" person, here it is the white rose. Just to be ignored:hihi:

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Every forum as at least one "knows it all" person, here it is the white rose. Just to be ignored:hihi:


Yeah and I love it even more when they are stubbed out, no pun intended:hihi:

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I found it easier this time and like you i know where I failed the last time and partysmoking is a everlasting no no. It was just one the last time, and even today I cannot understand why I did it. Maybe to prove I had some sort of control :gag: and you know what I did not have any at all :rant:


So never againt:banana:


For me the first time was really hard and I craved the whole 6 months until I gave in. At first just a few a day but gradually back to a pack a day. But I didn't enjoy smoking once I had started again, I didn't like the way it ruled my life. However it was hard to stop again, mainly the build up to actually deciding to stop, not the actual stopping. I think we have both done well and I don't think we will smoke again :D

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Yeah and I love it even more when they are stubbed out, no pun intended:hihi:


I certainly agree with you:rant:


Are people still banging on about Champix? It's an alternative nicotine delivery system. It's a drug. The way to stop smoking is to stop putting nicotine in your body.


People definitely need to get their facts right before ranting on about what they know nothing about (White Rose). :rant::rant::rant::hihi::hihi::hihi:


Champix was the best "NO NICOTINE" drug I have taken. At least I can say I have managed to quit even if it does mean taking some sort of drug.


Well done to everyone of you on this forum who have managed to quit, you are all doing really well and need a big pat on the back.



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