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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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13 weeks i think, its says on here my quit days was 23rd feb so must have been, im shocked, didnt think it was that long ago


Fantastic, and that's a good sign that you don't think about it anymore as well, you are now a non smoker!! Be a year for me soon, can't believe its been that long either.

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Wow....this is my first time back on this forum for a while & it seems to have changed a bit, BUT once again I am attempting to give up smoking (gave up for 3 months a few years ago, but then caved in during a very stressful time in my life...have regretted it ever since).

I am on day 11 of Champix, no real side effects except a bit of nausea with morning tablet but this soon disappeared once I started taking 1/2 slice bread & half glass of milk with it. Still smoking about 7 a day but all tasting bitter & nasty!

I have smoked for 23 years and now want to give up a.s.a.p. (OH smokes like a chimney but is very supportive, and I am hoping that if I give up it may give him a little push to give up too)

Hoping to quit for good tomorrow, hence why I have returned....this forum was so inspirational & encouraging last time & I hope it will be again. It is amazing to reaad everyone's stories - the low's the highs, the successes and the failures.

Would love to know if there is anybody else due to give up soonish too as it would be great to have a quitting buddy



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Good luck Co Co, there are quite a few "second timers" on at the moment, myself included but the forum has been quiet for a little while lately. I stopped for 6 months the first time, and am almost a year stopped this time and finding it a lot easier this time around.

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Fantastic, and that's a good sign that you don't think about it anymore as well, you are now a non smoker!! Be a year for me soon, can't believe its been that long either.


well done thats brill, im still gettin bad cravings lately, so thinking of asking for longer o champix i keep forgetting to take thrm

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