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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Good morning,

deciding to quit is the best decision you have made :) But it is not enough to take the pills, the really hard work is done by you! So my advise is, set a stopdate, tomorrow, and stop. You will find it a lot easier than you think. Drink a lot of water, go for walks and suddenly you have not had a fag for days. Good luck - you can do this:)

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I agree with Inger. But also don't worry as sometimes they take longer to work for some people - for me it was around 16 days, I waited until I felt they were working and then set my quit date. A couple of days before it I was forcing myself to smoke and didn't enjoy it anymore, was just a habit. That was a year ago. Good luck you can do it.

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Hi All

My story goes like this....been smoking for 27yrs and i have tried to quit twice before 1st on patches ( didn't really try that time ) 2nd time on gum last year. So went to Docs on the 9th may and told how i fell off the wagon using the gum and he suggested tablets to which i replied i never heard of such a thing.

So started the tablets on the 9th and smoked as usuall, by day 7 Champix had kicked in but still smoked outta habit really. By day 9 was down to 2-3 ciggs per day and decided not to set a quit date as i didn't want the added pressure, even though buy this stage the taste was very unpleasant and wasn't getting the hit anymore.

Day 14 and still hadn't set a quit date and was due at the Docs the next day to see what was next. Monday morning off to Docs and told him the only side effects was a little more tired than usual and the dry mouth at times, he did say that i had to take the leap of faith an quit which kinda frightened me really but walked out with the prescription for 28days 1mg @ twice aday.

You know wat ? got to tea time that day and had forgot to smoke ( i know that sounds daft ) so that was my quit date.


Day 18 on Champix and on day 4 without the ciggarettes and feeling fine at the Mo


The Doc did give me some nicorette gums which i did use about 2 a day when had craving a little but did think Champix dulls the cravings so why take nicotene substitute which kinda defeats the object.


anyway me done for now.......good luck all ;)

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Thankyou for your supportive words Inger and Gemini65. Much appreciated.

Good to read your experiences as well Lightstar.


Well, today has surprised me quite a bit. The day got off to a rocky start after a very bad and painful night's lack of sleep. I admit to smoking 3 cigs with a couple cups of tea first thing but after that I haven't smoked many at all. I have thought about it at the "weakest" points....after lunch etc, but only smoked half of one then.

I really feel as if the champix kicked in for me today. I felt so calm and not at all like a craving lunatic.

I've also decided upon a designated smoking area now as well.........by the back/conservatory door. If I can stick to that it just makes things that little bit more inconvenient.


Onwards and upwards......maybe tomorrow I won't want any at all. ;)

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;);)Good morning rothschild

I know your feeling and thoughts, if I quit smoking today, I will never ever smoke again. I wait another day before i quit. Just set a day and stop. These feelings and those thoughts will never go away as long as you keep smoking - in my exprerience. I had som problems sleeping after starting with Champix, and i took only half a pill at night and slept like a baby, but with the fantastic dreams.

Anyway good luck, I know you can do this and become a nonsmoker:thumbsup:

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yes set a quit date - how about Monday? You will be surprised, it won't be as bad as you think. I remember feeling a little bit "lost" but no real cravings! Good luck, I'm going away for a few days but will check in on your progress next week.

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Welcome Lightstar & Rothchild and good luck to you both.

Lightstar - you have stopped in the same way as I did by letting the tablets work their magic. ................ for me that was 2 and a half years ago. I'd smoked for nearly 40 years so you can imagine how chuffed I was.

Hi Gemin & Inger - glad to see it's easier for you both this time.

Keep up the good work everyone


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