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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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So nice to meet you again Lyn and you are motivating.

It is a somewhat different forum now, not so many active user and not so many incredibly funny users. But the main thing I am a nonsmoker and I think I will stay a nonsmoker.

Have a great weekend!

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Hi Lyn.......thankyou for your welcome.


Day 12 for me now and I've not smoked a single full ciggie today. I have had about 6 but after a couple of puffs I've not wanted anymore. Thats amazing for me. lol.

My quit date is set for Monday but if it doesn't happen then it will be Tuesday etc. I've no plans for it not working but neither am I going to stress over it. On past attempts at stopping I've set a day and when it arrived I was so stressed out at knowing today was the day that all it did was set me up to fail.

This time I know it will be different though because of the champix. I feel so totally relaxed about the whole thing which is really massively helpful.


The doc has issued a repeat prescription for me which I picked up today so I know I have another months supply to hand. :)


Inger.......it was pain that disturbed my sleep not the champix. I've been extremely lucky in experiencing absolutely no side effects whatsoever. I did have weird dreams on the first or second night but I get those anyhow so I can't blame the champix. lol. Sometimes my dreams are so vivid and in glorious technicolour that it's like being at the pics. I can usually remember them as well. :hihi:

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Hi Lyn.......thankyou for your welcome.


Day 12 for me now and I've not smoked a single full ciggie today. I have had about 6 but after a couple of puffs I've not wanted anymore. Thats amazing for me. lol.

My quit date is set for Monday but if it doesn't happen then it will be Tuesday etc. I've no plans for it not working but neither am I going to stress over it. On past attempts at stopping I've set a day and when it arrived I was so stressed out at knowing today was the day that all it did was set me up to fail.

This time I know it will be different though because of the champix. I feel so totally relaxed about the whole thing which is really massively helpful.


The doc has issued a repeat prescription for me which I picked up today so I know I have another months supply to hand. :)



You need to set a quit date and stick to it. I know it sounds scary but trust me you will be surprised once the day is here how easy it is to do. Just chuck all smoking related items straight in the dustbin.


Hi to everyone else surfing this forum. I have been quit just over a year and a half and I cannot believe how I feel. I used to have asthma and had a smoke and then had a puff on the inhalers (what a pratt I was) Now after giving up I don't need to take them even after exercising so my lungs must be repairing themselves.


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Hi Taimah, you are absolutely right.

rothschild you need to set a date or believe me, you will never stop. You will just get used to the horrific taste of the sigs pluss champix.

I my opinion, you know we have all been where you are and have had the same thoughts, excuses and feeling. You can do it!

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Hi Rothschild, sorry to say this but they are right, set that quit date. I stopped last November, last fag on 12/11/10 was supposed to stop on 13Th, but to tight to buy some tobacco for 1 day. By George don't I feel great now, swimming with the kids etc... not out of breath no more. Wish they could produce a pill for a bad back now and then wow I could enter the Olympics! HA HA.

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Hi Rothschild, sorry to say this but they are right, set that quit date. I stopped last November, last fag on 12/11/10 was supposed to stop on 13Th, but to tight to buy some tobacco for 1 day. By George don't I feel great now, swimming with the kids etc... not out of breath no more. Wish they could produce a pill for a bad back now and then wow I could enter the Olympics! HA HA.


Well done you Keep up the good work :cool::cool::cool:

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On pack 3 of Champix and I think it is the most amazing drug ever. I have tried cold turkey (lasted 2.5 years but started again), patches four times, hypnotherapy and now Champix. Stopped smoking without thinking about a quit day, just went off them. Usual side effects, irratic sleep, sickness in morning sometimes, sweating and a little irritable but all worth it :loopy:.


The best thing about this drug is you can stand back and analyse it whilst smoking. When addicted, you just DO it and cannot look at it objectiviely. Reading Alan Carr is helping to reinforce the mindset whilst smokefree too.


Read some 'scare stories' on the Internet that has had a negative affect on me but I am going to go by my own experience and I have asked family to monitor my behaviour just in case I start to become mentally unstable :loopy:.


It is great to share this experience with everyone on here. So proud of myself after trying to get here time and time again. I must do it for good this time before I reach 50 :)!!!

Keep up the effort all, it is so worth it!!! :D

Edited by stoman
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Hello all you wonderful quitters.

I've joined the champix brigade now.......I've just completed day 10.

I've got very mixed feelings just now to be honest.


I've read a lot of these posts but not all. I followed jabbers progress from when he first started this thread and in some ways it put me off going to the docs because I was scared of any ill effects I might suffer.

I've also read loads of the posative threads as well where the pills have really helped people.


Right.....here's my experience so far. Apart from feeling rather calm (that alone is alian to me) I've had no ill effects whatsoever. No nausea or vivid dreams or any of the other side effects mentioned on here. I actually wish that cigs tasted vile to me now but they don't. I'm not smoking quite as many because I don't seem to think about them as often. When I do though I want one and usually give in. I just wish that each puff would leave me feeling really ill.......but it doesn't. :(


Besides wishing I'd never started smoking all those years ago (about 40 now), and wishing I could stop now, the choice is being removed from me because I have to stop for health reasons.

A hospital appointment today probably came at a bad time given that I'm just into week two of the champix, but there we go. It knocked my duck off a bit but I'm not going to give up trying.

I'm still hoping and praying that tomorrow will be the day that I get up and find cigs totally revolting.

Maybe I'm more of a habitual smoker rather than a nicotine craving addict? I can hope can't I? lol.

I've got one of those electronic fags and I've tried it and I have to say it's good. It does help to replace the habit side of smoking because you can inhale and exhale smoke except that it's vapour and not smoke.

Maybe I should be concentrating more on making efforts to address the craving and only have a cig when I actually crave one?

I suppose I've been waiting for the champix to kick in and it doesn't seem to have done so yet.


Maybe I'm going to be one of those people where it doesn't help at all?

Hellllllp.......am I a lost cause? :(


I did not stop smoking until day 14 and I could have had one that day at least 4 times. You will do it once you make yur mind up to. early days for me too.


stoman :)

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Thankyou to all you lovely peeps for your support. If you look back though you will see that I had set my "quit" date for May 30th....Bank holiday Monday.


That was today....yesterday now......and I also said that if it didn't happen then I wouldn't beat myself up but try the following day instead.


Well......it did happen. ;) I stopped smoking and haven't had so much as a sniff of a fag all day.

I won't say it's been easy but neither has it been hard. Best of all was that we had some wonderful news this evening which made me automatically want to light up but I didn't.

In fact my packet of cigs is within easy reach of me but I haven't so much as looked at them all day. I have had several drags on my electronic ciggy thing though and that is really good. No nicotene whatsover.....just vapour but it does replicate smoking and helps to satisfy the habit side of smoking. I can highly recommend them.

In all honesty I can't say that I've felt any real cravings for nicotene itself.......just the habitual side of smoking. I miss actually lighting up and drawing back.......but not that much. I thought I would be climbing walls today but I haven't. Most of the time I haven't even thought about smoking to be honest, which is really strange.

After a meal I did think the fag is the next thing but I don't do that now so it soon went out of my head. I don't know how champix works on the brain but right now I feel happy that whatever it's doing is helping me.


I will tell you something though......it's a very long time since I went a full day without smoking and now that I've done it again I intend to keep it up.

I won't congratulate myself just yet because it's early days but I know that if I can go a week without killing anybody and feeling as relaxed as I do now.....then I will have cracked it. There will be no looking back. ;)

Edited by rothschild
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