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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Hi all

I'm a newbie and this is my first post although I have spent several days on and off reading the mammouth amount of posts and have found it totally un-missable reading!

I'm 47 and have been smoking since I was 14. I have tried a few times to give up and the most successful was in Nov 2009 following a health scare. I had hypnotherapy and it seemed to work for a while (8 weeks) but then my mind seemed to over-ride the message and because I thought I'd cracked it I just had to try one to prove to myself I could handle 'just one' ... the rest is history and I was back up to 25-30 a day within the month. The thing is that the original health scare has not gone away. I had a blocked artery that resulted in me having angioplasty. The consultant said he would not expect to see an artery blocked so badly in someone my age ... usually it happens in your 60's/70's. That combined with losing a father at 53 and brother at 49 to smoking related illnesses I have been told that I MUST stop. Despite that I have carried on after my last failure but with a constant black shadow hanging over me about giving up again.


Well I made the decision that I'm NOT giving up ... I'm going to STOP forever (that's the Allen Carr way of looking at it!) I have signed up to my local quit clinic and have been prescribed Champix.


I am now on day 9 but am still smoking. I have had various side affects including nausea, a vacant feeling, a few odd dreams, fealing like I'm going to faint and terrible bloating and wind! None of these are unbearable if they help me reach my goal I can tolerate them. Coffee tastes odd and some cigarettes do taste odd but not all of them. My main worry now is will I know if it's worked or do I need to just take a leap of faith and quit. I have a BIG fear that it wont work for me. My quit date is day 14 which is this coming Sunday. Any advice would be greatfully received and well done to all you quitters ... you are truly an inspiration! :)


It sounds to me like the tablets are working just as they should so you have nothing to worry about. Just go for it either on Sunday or Monday - it won't be as bad as you think. I was amazed, I just felt a bit lost and didn't know what to do without my "friend", however the strong cravings that I was expecting weren't there. Good Luck, you can do this.

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It sounds to me like the tablets are working just as they should so you have nothing to worry about. Just go for it either on Sunday or Monday - it won't be as bad as you think. I was amazed, I just felt a bit lost and didn't know what to do without my "friend", however the strong cravings that I was expecting weren't there. Good Luck, you can do this.



Gemini is right. Just relax into the tablets and go for your quit day.

Good Luck , you CAN do it


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Gemini is right. Just relax into the tablets and go for your quit day.

Good Luck , you CAN do it


Just remember that the quitter is actually you, the pill is a little helper :hihi:

108 smokefree days to day and I have finally let go of Champix too.

I feel pretty good as a nonsmoker I must say. Have a great evening, here in Oslo, it is finally warm and summery, hope you have the same where you are

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Some very inspiring encouragement on here, thank you. Day 1 of tablet taking, felt a little lightheaded, but maybe cos I didnt (and dont) usually bother with breakfast.....maybe that is a habit I need to get into. Other half got his prescription this morning, and starts his tablets tomorrow.



I am still on track and the side effects are easing. Three weeks on Champix ths Friday and two weeks not smoking. I have had some very difficult days and nights but it does settle down (not all side effects are down to the tablets). Stay strong and know that things will get better.


I started the gym on Monday again after being away for months. This has helped my fear of weight gain and I feel wonderful but still get very fatigued due to poor sleep some nights.


Feeling better healthwise and my skin and hair are improving after only two weeks. Have breakfast as it will help with the lightheadedness or milk with the tablets as this will help to avoid feeling sick. Good luck to you both :) stoman

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Whats your views on having a fag only when you go out boozing?

Been there done that, Just one at a party, it did not take long before it was a whole lot of celebrations going on:hihi: and I was a smoker again. So for me, no partysmoking ever:rolleyes:

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Been there done that, Just one at a party, it did not take long before it was a whole lot of celebrations going on:hihi: and I was a smoker again. So for me, no partysmoking ever:rolleyes:


thats like me, its all in the mind isnt it

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I am still on track and the side effects are easing. Three weeks on Champix ths Friday and two weeks not smoking. I have had some very difficult days and nights but it does settle down (not all side effects are down to the tablets). Stay strong and know that things will get better.


I started the gym on Monday again after being away for months. This has helped my fear of weight gain and I feel wonderful but still get very fatigued due to poor sleep some nights.


Feeling better healthwise and my skin and hair are improving after only two weeks. Have breakfast as it will help with the lightheadedness or milk with the tablets as this will help to avoid feeling sick. Good luck to you both :) stoman


Thank you, and well done. Will take the advice and have breakfast. On day three and have two nights of rubbish sleep, where body is tired but brain is on overload, but hoping that settles down eventually. Gym is a very good idea, need to get back on to that myself. Cheers!!:)

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