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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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You usually have to have a letter from a smoking cessation councillor that you take to your GP, and they will then prescribe it.


I have heard that some GP's just routinely prescribe it, but unless things have changed, that isn't supposed to happen. Champix was only supposed to be issued in conjunction with counselling support.


NICE guidelines:




My doctor rang me to discuss a health issue with me and it was then that he offered me Champix.

I decided to give it a go but I've never been to a cessation clinic. I've also had repeat prescriptions issued without seeing the doc. I definately mustn't let him down because he's put his trust in me.


I have just completed 28 days of taking the pills........of which I haven't smoked for 14 days now.

I still can't quite believe it especially as I haven't suffered any bad side effects.

There are times when I could kill for a fag but it soon passes. I still think about them a few times per day as well but not for long.


Yesterday we had a friend visit who smokes and it really didn't bother me in the slightest. I wondered if I would be climbing on his shoulders in order to steal a bit of second hand smoke but to be honest I could hardly even smell it. It's as if the champix has removed the ability to smell smoke because I could hardly smell the smokers outside of Morrisons either.


I think Champix have made me feel tired at times but the overall feeling I've had since taking them is a weird calmness which is totally alian to me. I think it's this calmness which has allowed me to approach stopping smoking without feeling stressed at all.

I'm not celebrating just yet though......still very early days. But I am looking forward to the day when I don't think about smoking at all. Thats when I'll really begin to believe that I've cracked it after over 30 years of smoking.


Viva la Champix and good luck, health and happiness to all quitters whether champix driven or not. :)

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Well I'm through the month barrier and still feeling great most of the time. Unfortunately I have started getting nausea with my morning tablet despite taking it with food and a drink. I'm wondering it it's psychological as I sit waiting for it to arrive! However I know that a bit of nausea is a small price to pay for being smoke free.

The really good news is that my husband, who has been a heavy smoker for 35 years, has been so impressed by my success (so far ) that he has decided to make an appointment with our practice nurse next week to start Champix himself. Great news for both of us!


It's great to read how everyone is doing ((((hugs to all )))))

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You have to bear in mind, a lot of symptoms that are listed as side-effects are also the general effects of nicotine withdrawal. Now you've quit smoking your body is going through a bit of an upheaval, so it's natural there's going to be a few 'symptoms' along the way. Don't worry, unless they get unduly bad in which case try not to give up giving up, but rather go see your Doctor/Counsellor.

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Hi :)


Tomorrow will be two weeks off the cigarettes! Feel like celibrating but avoiding alcohol for a while longer.

Once Sunday comes, you will just stop. Urges will come alittle and then possibly a little more after a few days of stopping but you just push through them. However, everyone is different and this may not be a problem for you. I do think about cigarettes every day still (naturally) but I just ignore it and carry on.

Good luck for Sunday but you might even stop before then :)


Just thought I'd give a quick update on my quit!


I had my last smoke at 11pm on Saturday night and started my quit on Sunday (day 15 of Champix). Sunday was a bit strange. I felt that time went really slowly. I kept looking at the clock adding up how many fags I would have smoked by then! I've got to say that the 2 weeks of reading Allen Carr and listening to hios CD in the car has stood me in good stead ... I certainly know how to change negative thoughts around and how to react to habit smoke triggers ... I think Allen Carr together with Champix has given me the best chance possible. It's day 4 smoke free today and I visited the NHS stop smoking clinic this morning. My Carbon Monoxide reading has dropped from 24 to 2 which I was advised is the same as a non smoker. The only reason it is 2 is because I live in a city and the 2 is down to background pollution. I feel really good and in control. Most of the champix side affects have gone since I actually quit. I know this is very early days but I feel positive ... after all there is only one person that can make me smoke again and I'm not going to let that happen!


Good luck to all quitters out there ..... it's so worth it! :)

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Well I'm through the month barrier and still feeling great most of the time. Unfortunately I have started getting nausea with my morning tablet despite taking it with food and a drink. I'm wondering it it's psychological as I sit waiting for it to arrive! However I know that a bit of nausea is a small price to pay for being smoke free.


Hi and congrats, you are doing fine. You know what I have been off the cigs 115 days today, and I never took a full dose of the pills. The morning pill was fine (I felt like I was pregnant and took a bisquit before I got up in the morning - just in case) And it worked like it did 40 years ago. The pill in the evening gave med a sleepless night, so I started taking 0,5 instead. Got my sleep back and the fantastic dreams. So that worked for me for like 90 days and then I started with 0,5 in the morning too and slowly went down to zero. Here in Norway the doctors say. you need more than 12 weeks, you can go on for another 12 weeks. And that was my plan. But I started forgetting the pills, so I figured that it was the right time to quit the pills too.


So continue the good work out there and enjoy being smokefree, I do:hihi:

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Inger - my doctor took the same view as yours although I'm here in UK. He was happy to give me a second course if I needed it which I had convinced myself I would :roll:

Like you, after 11 weeks I cut down to half morning and evening for a couple of days, then half morning only which I kept forgetting so stopped altogether.


Good Luck everyone


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Inger - I must say I have considered dropping my morning dose but am worried that its a bit early to risk cravings! Have already dropped my evening dose due to nausea. I'll persist for a bit longer and see how things go. Hopefully one day I'll be able to say I have been smoke free as long as you.

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I really do feel for all of you that have suffered side effects. I've been so very lucky in not suffering any at all. I suppose the strange calmness that I feel must be a side effect but it's a very welcome one.

I don't know if my lovely/sometimes weird dreams are champix driven because I've allways been a vivid dreamer anyhow.


So......I am now entering day 18 of being smoke free and day 31 since starting out on the champix journey. As mentioned before, I feel calm for most of the time. I feel as if I've accepted that I won't be smoking again though I still don't quite believe it. I am resigned to the fact but that still doesn't stop the odd desperate feeling that I NEED a fag, from cropping up. Nonsense of course and thankfully my brain soon accepts that. I could so easily give in as well because I have quite a few packets upstairs in my wardrobe. Various friends have offered to buy these fags off me at a discounted price (cheapskates and opportunists!) but I won't sell them until I'm fully convinced that I am no longer a smoker. I suppose it's a bit like a test for me and I feel really good to have passed it. If that lifeline was removed then I might start behaving like a desperado and that wouldn't do would it? lol In all honesty though I haven't been tempted by them so far........well I have once or twice but I soon abolished such filthy idea's from my head. :D


So far so good then.....and long may it continue. I actually think that as each day goes along I am actually thinking less and less about the vile weed. I still have my electronic ciggy but I don't use it very often. A very good substitute for habit replacement though......you get the feel and the "smoke" which is actually vapour, and nicotene isn't involved at all. I find it quite nice and it does help.


I actually eat brekky now.......only a very small bowl of cornflakes and I only eat them because of the champix. No doubt they do me some good but I've only ever eaten brekky before when I was a child, when I was pregnant or when we'd paid for bed and breakfast. lol.


So, besides stopping smoking I am also eating healthier by having some daily cereal. My body is now nicotene/carbon dioxide etc, free. My house smells much sweeter and I don't have a stinky ashtray to wash up.

What other benefits are there??? Oh yeh.....all that dosh and a longer life expectancy. One day, 16 hours and 50 minutes so far, according to a quit clock. That will be very welcome just as long as I'm able bodied and not relying on somebody to wipe my posterior and clear the dribble from my face. ;)


Keep up the good work quitters.......I fully intend to and this forum will certainly help us all in sharing our highs and lows. x

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Hello All


Been catching up on all the updates and positive vibes from all of you non-smokers. I am still off the cigs, 3 weeks tomorrow. Had some more problems though with erractic heartbeat and palpitations which stopped me from sleeping (when I was not suffering from insomnia). Getting very hot (like hot flushes but finished with them 3 years ago).


Noticed BMP was going through the roof after short bursts of excercise. Went to doctors, had ECG and blood pressure checks which were all OK. Told it was side effects from the Champix which was probably due to my petite size. Hence, I had to lower both the morning and night doses now. Going back to the gym tomorrow to have my programme changed to accommodate the stress I am experiencing due to Champix. Bit early, at week 5, to have to do this but had no choice.


Luckily, I feel motivated enough to stay a non smoker.


Keep going everyone!!!! There are bound to be problems from the little nicotine monster!!

Edited by stoman
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