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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Hi All

Just dropped in to see how things were going, glad to see there are so many new quitters on here (as well as a couple of the oldies ).

I am now on week 36 of no cigarettes and feeling great still, so much healthier ( haven't noticed any wealthier really despite smoking 20 -30 a day ) and my gorgeous grandson who is the reason I gave up is 6 months old tomorrow and I actually pushed his buggy from the bottom of a huge hill to the top wihout gasping for breath last week, I was so proud of myself. Still doing SW and despite a few blips its not too bad.

My doctor prescribed Champix to me without any necessity for counselling etc and gave me repeat prescriptions without seeing me, stopped taking them in the middle of the 3rd month and not had a cigarette or craving since.

For those of you who are struggling or concerned about not making it I really can't put into words how amazing it is not to be addicted to nicotine and the sense of wellbeing ( ok and smugness occasionally ) that comes from being a non smoker.


Good luck to you all from someone who took their first Champix saying ' look I love smoking and don't really want to stop but I'll give it a go ' and now is sooooooooooooo grateful that she did x

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Im hoping it does, not enjoying smoking really, just think im doing it out of habit really. another thing thats hindering me i think is for the next 3 weeks ive got odd night shifts popping up so its just best time to take the tablets really. :)


Am I pleased you said that, cos I am on day 16 and still having one or two out of habit although it is considerably less than the 30 a day habit that I had.....had three today as had bad day at work, need to grab the bull by the horns and go for it.........

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Hello All


Week 6 and stopped Champix. Fantastic drug but I have decided to stop it today. Too many side effects and I feel so well motivated to not smoke again because I dont want to do it anymore. Anyone else felt like this?


Very poorly with an ear infection and taking so many painkillers and antibiotics (+ side effects from these) that I cannot cope taking Champix as well. Lowered dose last week to 0.5 so not much point continuing with them.


I plan to get healthy back in the gym as soon as I am well enough. Please let me know if anyone has stopped Champix early and what experience you had.

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Hello All


Week 6 and stopped Champix. Fantastic drug but I have decided to stop it today. Too many side effects and I feel so well motivated to not smoke again because I dont want to do it anymore. Anyone else felt like this?


Very poorly with an ear infection and taking so many painkillers and antibiotics (+ side effects from these) that I cannot cope taking Champix as well. Lowered dose last week to 0.5 so not much point continuing with them.


I plan to get healthy back in the gym as soon as I am well enough. Please let me know if anyone has stopped Champix early and what experience you had.


Well done to you:) Hope you feel better soon.

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Well done to you:) Hope you feel better soon.


Thanks, I hope I get better soon too :).


Hope you get there. Something needs to click and I have tried so many times before - at last it has. Hope this is your turn to beat it!!! :)

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Hi all, I seem to have developed another possible side effect - dizziness. Started a few days ago and is worse if I look up quickly! Has anyone else experienced this? Did it settle eventually?

Thanks x x x

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Hello everyone


I was just scanning the internet tonight and thought I would see if this forum was still going. I used this regularly (but not since about page 50) to help me quit. I smoked 30 + cigs a day and was heading for professional status. I tried everything to stop and had all but given up hope until Champix. It was my last chance so I used it while talking to other folk on this Forum (including Jabberwocky) and downloaded a quit counter. I managed to stop and have now been smoke free for 3 and a half years.


I know it is a bit of a cliche but I can honestly say that if I can stop, anyone can. Plus, two of my friends who were even better smokers that me, have also done it. I had a puff 2 months ago and although I could taste the remnants of what I liked, the taste and feeling had gone. It would take some work to be a smoker again.


Glad to see so many of you still stopping and I wish you all the best because it is worth it. I feel better, smell better and have more dosh, although I waste it on other things instead now.


Good luck and keep talking to each other.

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Hello All


I have now stopped smoking for one month and 2 days. Stopped Champix last week as well so still off them all on my own too lol.


I do wish that those in the 'stop smoking profession' would be more honest about how some of us can get quite poorly after stopping around this time (recovery). I have been very unwell with an ear infection that was raging. It has taken draining and another load of super-antibiotics to get rid of the infection. Found out that this type of illness is common when you have smoked as long as I have as cilia are reforming and helping to get the body rid of tar and the sinus area is clearing out etc.


Anyway, you cannot smoke for many years and not expect to be unwell. I am sure that the good health I hanker after and felt when I first stopped will return. God, you can tell that I have been on loads of medication.


Keep strong all :-)

Edited by stoman
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Hi all you quitters!! This site meant a lot to me when I was quitting (exactly 2 years now since I last smoked) and to be honest I may have not succeeded without it. Champix is a great drug and it certainly helped me quit. I still think about smoking to this day but not as cravings just thoughts and am so glad and proud I gave it up. Smoking has really had its day, its so last century! I had a cold a couple of weeks ago and no cough/phlegm and it was gone in a couple of days. 2 years ago I would have had it weeks

Good luck, it does take willpower, but anyone can give up if they truly want to

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