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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Another hi to quitters out there. I have had a lot of help from this forum. Both the first time I stopped:rant: and thought I could be a partysmoker.......

This time I know better 130 days smokefree today and enjoying myself. I stopped Champix after 14 weeks and had a couple of difficult weeks after that I stopped, but now I feel fine .

Wishing you all good luck and have a great summer. And use the forum a lot, it helps when the days are difficult.


All the best from Oslo, Norway:clap::banana::wave:

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Hi Everyone,

I am new to this forum, I am on my 3rd week of CHAMPIX and my 10th day of no cigarettes, but the side effects are horrendous, endless nausea, horrendous headaches, inflamed sinuses... The left hand side of my face feels like it's going to explode, swollen face, gum infections, mouth full of ulcers, flatulence,bowel problems, the list just goes on and on. But I will be damned if I am going to throw in the towel and go back to fags. Spoke to my doctor about all the side effects and he said if I can't handle them then I should stop the CHAMPIX, no way!!!!!!!!!!!! So I thought maybe if I joined a forum like this I may get the support and encouragement to get thorough the next 9 weeks even if I am still suffering all these side effects. Would someone on here like to buddie me for the next 2 months it would be much appreciated. Thanks

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Hi shelle222, I did not have that many side effects, but I had problems sleeping and took half a dose at night and that worked for me. Maybe you should take half a pill instead of 1, to try and see if that helps

Good luck

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Hi Everyone,

I am new to this forum, I am on my 3rd week of CHAMPIX and my 10th day of no cigarettes, but the side effects are horrendous, endless nausea, horrendous headaches, inflamed sinuses... The left hand side of my face feels like it's going to explode, swollen face, gum infections, mouth full of ulcers, flatulence,bowel problems, the list just goes on and on. But I will be damned if I am going to throw in the towel and go back to fags. Spoke to my doctor about all the side effects and he said if I can't handle them then I should stop the CHAMPIX, no way!!!!!!!!!!!! So I thought maybe if I joined a forum like this I may get the support and encouragement to get thorough the next 9 weeks even if I am still suffering all these side effects. Would someone on here like to buddie me for the next 2 months it would be much appreciated. Thanks


Hi shelle222 :)


I had the same terrible side effects that continued to escalate though :loopy:.


I stopped Champix on week 6 (very dodgy i know - brilliant drug :)) but the final straw on top of the difficulties with Champix was a terrible ear infections for two weeks (just ending now). Too much pain, too many side effects and then too many tablets, something had to give.


Still off the cigarettes tho - 32 days :). I have an NHS quit app on my iphone which helps to motivate me. Saved £150.73 too :).


Quitters on here are very positive and helpful with advice but there are many different ways to stay a non smoker and it is finding what is right for you.


Happy to help if I can. I have good and bad days like everyone.

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Hi everybody.


I really do feel for you both...stoman and shelle 222. It's hard enough stopping without suffering side effects and being ill as well. You are both very strong and determined and because of that I'm sure you will succeed.


I'm on day 31 of being smoke free but I've been extremely lucky in not suffering from any bad side effects. If anything the champix have allowed me to handle quitting in a very calm manner. In the past when I've tried to stop I've ripped heads off like flicking a switch. lol. Now I'm just calm and collected and it's wonderful. In fact I think I'll stop on the pill for life. lol.


I was tempted to try champix when I first learnt about it through this thread and jabberwocky's experiences. Unfortunately I was put off because of reading so many bad reports.

It was my doc that suggested trying it a couple of months ago and I found myself saying yes. BUT......I have flatly refused to read the leaflet with all the possible side effects listed. I'm really glad that I did agree to give it a go anyhow because I honestly don't think I could have done it without the champix.


I still think about the old fags on a daily basis and sometimes I could strangle for one.......but it soon passes. I've still got my supplies upstairs in the cupboard so I could easily get one if I wanted, but I haven't done. I have thought about it though but having got this far I am not going to take a step back now.


One day at a time is my motto.......and quitters are for life. :thumbsup:

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Hi everybody.


I really do feel for you both...stoman and shelle 222. It's hard enough stopping without suffering side effects and being ill as well. You are both very strong and determined and because of that I'm sure you will succeed.


I'm on day 31 of being smoke free but I've been extremely lucky in not suffering from any bad side effects. If anything the champix have allowed me to handle quitting in a very calm manner. In the past when I've tried to stop I've ripped heads off like flicking a switch. lol. Now I'm just calm and collected and it's wonderful. In fact I think I'll stop on the pill for life. lol.


I was tempted to try champix when I first learnt about it through this thread and jabberwocky's experiences. Unfortunately I was put off because of reading so many bad reports.

It was my doc that suggested trying it a couple of months ago and I found myself saying yes. BUT......I have flatly refused to read the leaflet with all the possible side effects listed. I'm really glad that I did agree to give it a go anyhow because I honestly don't think I could have done it without the champix.


I still think about the old fags on a daily basis and sometimes I could strangle for one.......but it soon passes. I've still got my supplies upstairs in the cupboard so I could easily get one if I wanted, but I haven't done. I have thought about it though but having got this far I am not going to take a step back now.


One day at a time is my motto.......and quitters are for life. :thumbsup:


Good for you rothschild :),


We are all very different so I am not surprised by the differences on here. I was also put off by reading about Champix before taking it but I am glad I did as it helped me on the road to giving up. Dont think I could have stoppped without it. Up to me now but I think I will be fine.


Great to have this site to share all of our experiences no matter what they are!!! :)

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hello Annaleigh - more than 4 months smokefree with the help of Champix. But I must admit I think about a sig mostly every day, but I choose not to smoke. And my health is so much better, no more coughing, and I can even run a mile or two, have not done that for years. I fokus on all the positiv effects and all the money saved when I am having a not to easy day. Not many bad days anymore, mostly good days when I pat myself on the shoulder telling me how good I am

But we are good aren't we :-)

My English is not that good, but hope you all understand me.

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