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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Hi Selphie. My quit day was June 12th too so congratulations on day 20 of being smoke free! I too read Allen Carr's book and constantly listen to his CD in my car. I'm also on Champix (day 35) which helped incredibly but if I had to say which has helped me the most I'd say Allen Carr. He really is brilliant and helps you to explode the myths about smoking and realise that you really do not need nor want it ... he is my guru and think his books should be available at NHS stop smoking clinics!


Anyway well done to all you quitters out there .... one day at a time :)



Congrats and well done too. Allen Carr is really good and I agree that the NHS should prescribe it. It would be alot cheaper than patches/gum/inhalators!!

Not sure about listening to the CD in the car though, it makes me fall asleep lol!!!

Once again, well done and keep at it x

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Ended up relapsing. Four days an just felt so weird today, crying at every little thing nasty, you name it I was like it, going to try again Monday, anyone any relapsing tips?


You just need to get on the horse and try again. The weirdness is nicotine leaving the body and it will be better after a not so nice period. Drink a lot of water, go for walks when ever the cravings are there. And make a list of all the good things that will happen to a smokefree body :hihi: Good luck

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Hi all


new to the forum and looking for some advise

Ive quit with champix and stopped taking the tablets 2 weeks ago after 11 weeks, as soon as i stopped taking them i was hit with severe anxiety and depression so on searching the net i find that i should have weaned off them, i went to see my doctor last week, it was the first time he had heard of any issues but thought i should be fin in a couple of days, he prescribed me some beta blockers to help with the anxiety, i took 2 the first day and didnt sleep at all that night so have not touched them since


yesterday i was having memory lapses and felt very foggy, today im anxious again


do you think i should start taking the champix again and wean off them slowly or am i over the worst of it now 2 weeks in?


any advise appreciated


quick update


i weaned off the champix but as soon as i stopped the anxiety came back, i felt terrible in my self and decided i would start smoking again if i didnt feel better soon but i had beat the habit to smoke so 1 month ago i decided to try nicorette quickmist and since starting to take that i feel 100 times better

crazy i know after quitting for 9 months but worth it for how i feel,

i dont think there are any serious problems with nicotine its self so its something i will just have to put up with and hopefully try and wean myself off it as the months go by


good luck to all the current quitters, may i suggest if it does get too hard and you crack, try nrt instead of having a fag and you will still be going in the right direction

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Afternoon, I've been stopped for about 6 weeks now and it's the worst I've felt. Not much energy, coughing still, stomach making noises all the time.


I naively thought after a month I'd be like new. I keep having the remind myself that I never felt like this before I stopped, so all these symptoms must be a result of my body cleaning itself.


Think its good to read other people's withdrawal symptoms as it doesn't make you feel so alone, and in a nice but weird way, it's good to know your the same as everyone else.


Good luck all, and remember starting to smoke again will not help in the long run.

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Afternoon, I've been stopped for about 6 weeks now and it's the worst I've felt. Not much energy, coughing still, stomach making noises all the time.


I naively thought after a month I'd be like new. I keep having the remind myself that I never felt like this before I stopped, so all these symptoms must be a result of my body cleaning itself.


Think its good to read other people's withdrawal symptoms as it doesn't make you feel so alone, and in a nice but weird way, it's good to know your the same as everyone else.


Good luck all, and remember starting to smoke again will not help in the long run.


Hi strikerPaul :)


Started out on Champix but that is a long story!!!


I too have stopped for 6 weeks on Friday and have had the worst week ever :loopy:. I have had a very positive time (mentally) until now. Not an easy one physically tho!!!!


So unfair to feel this low and unhealthy :( at this stage but when I put 'quit smoking 6 weeks' into Google, I was surprised by how many others feel like this at the 6 week stage.


Trying to hang on in there. Strange but sharing negative experiences on here does help. Must stay strong cos smoking will not resolve anything either.



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So unfair to feel this low and unhealthy :( at this stage but when I put 'quit smoking 6 weeks' into Google, I was surprised by how many others feel like this at the 6 week stage.


Trying to hang on in there. Strange but sharing negative experiences on here does help. Must stay strong cos smoking will not resolve anything either.




Hi Stoman. I agree 6 weeks seems to be a bit tricky and I relapsed at this stage in a previous quit attempt. I am at nearly 4 weeks now so getting prepared for the 6 week mark. I have been reading lots of stuff on whyquit.com It's very useful especially the articles on maintaining your quit attempt ... it's very inspirational and gives some very good practical advise.


Hang on in there .... it is so worth it and like you said smoking will not help anything. Good luck! :)

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Hi Stoman. I agree 6 weeks seems to be a bit tricky and I relapsed at this stage in a previous quit attempt. I am at nearly 4 weeks now so getting prepared for the 6 week mark. I have been reading lots of stuff on whyquit.com It's very useful especially the articles on maintaining your quit attempt ... it's very inspirational and gives some very good practical advise.


Hang on in there .... it is so worth it and like you said smoking will not help anything. Good luck! :)


Thanks for the supportive comments. I have relaspsed so many times too but I will make a breakthrough if I just keep on trying lol!!!


I put whyquit.com up on a previous thread. It gives those of us who need more depth when trying to understand nicotine addiction. Good luck to you too and everyone else trying to quit!!! :)

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Hi all, so great to see this thread still supporting others stop smoking for me is 3 years on the 7th Nov, never ever believed I would ever be a non smoker, looking back it was tough you need to remember even if you fail this time or have a set back NEVER GIVE UP GIVING UP!!.

Always look for support on this forum read back post read journey of others

And remember giving up smoking is like thowing away your best friend they where always with you when you where happy sad lonely hungry frustrated annoyed always there ready to comfort you give you time out ........you will grieve for them but remember all that support comes at a price $$$$ and most importantly you health.

By letting them go you will find strength that you never thought you had and also control control over your choices and it will change so many things in you life.

Light and Love to you all


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