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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Glad I popped in for a read of this thread.


I've been stopped 6 weeks today and like others, it's been a hard week because I've really felt like a smoke at times.

I haven't though and now I will tell myself it's normal.


I think it might have something to do with the exertion of quitting catching up a bit. Even though it's been relatively easy with the champix, it's still taken effort and concentration.


I'm a bit chesty at times but no coughing and thats after smoking 20 - 30 a day for years and years. My lungs must be made like a blast furnace. :hihi:


Keep up the good work folks........we're all in this together. (Sounds much more appropriate a statement here then coming out of cameron's chops.)

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want to stop but dont want to put weight on!


You cope with one thing at a time Stellak. If you REALLY want to give up then go for it - being overweight doesn't cost you money or make you smell like an ashtray .

Good Luck

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Hi All


47 days!!!!!!!! It has been a very tough couple of weeks as stopped champix at six weeks due to cardiovascular irregularites on the gym equipment.


The next stage has been visiting whyquit.com and now websites that show smoke related diseases - first time I have ever looked at the damage it does in the 39 years I have smoked. It really has helped motivate me and I am now aiming at '2 months' as my next milestone :-).


Keep strong everyone!!!!

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It is a bit quiet on here. Has everyone started smoking again:hihi::hihi::hihi:


How is everyone doing with their quit. best thing I ever did was to give up and every day it just gets easier and easier. It will be two years come the 30th October. Still trying to get rid of the weight but at least I feel much better and calmer in myself.

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hey guys not posted in ages as too ashamed, i started AGAIN, ive been smoking again a few months now, ive had champix twice, last year i stopped for 14 weeks, this year for 13 weeks, does anyone know if ill be allowed it again, it works for me but when i stopped the pills im too weak to control it, grrrrr gutted and feel really poorly again now

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I'm still here and I'm still a quitter. :)


Seven weeks now but I could still strangle for one at times. :roll:


Hi Rothschild,


Well done seven weeks is a fantastic achievement, just hang in there as it really does get easier with each day.

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I'm still here .... day 38 and still a quitter. A bit suprised that week 5 so far has been the hardest of all. I thought it would get easier not harder! Keep having junkie thoughts about just one smoke :loopy: I know what that will lead to but just having a hard time fighting them off this week. I relasped on a previous quit on week 6 so maybe that's on my mind. Anyway I won't give up. Keep going everyone :):)

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I am still not smoking 53 days now but without Champix.

Week 6 was my worst.

I am on annual leave sitting around getting the new boiler done so hard as bored!!!!

I have to keep reading the websites about smoking damage to keep me motivated!!!!!!


I have done 8 weeks and no cough still but have seen hairs (cilia) in my nostrils for the first time in years. Anyone at this stage had no clearout symptoms, cough etc?


Smoked 39 years!!!!

Edited by stoman
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I'm at nearly three months now.


Ever since I stopped I've had lots of wind and my stomach making noises every time I lay down. Never had any stomach noises before I stopped, unless I was hungry, not there all the time!


Will this ever stop?

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