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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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It is a bit quiet on here. Has everyone started smoking again:hihi::hihi::hihi:


How is everyone doing with their quit. best thing I ever did was to give up and every day it just gets easier and easier. It will be two years come the 30th October. Still trying to get rid of the weight but at least I feel much better and calmer in myself.


Hello Everyone, I’m still around too, not had a smoke since 21st January 2010. That’s over eighteen months now – thank-you Champix.

Not all been a simple path though, I think it genuinely took about a year before I forgot about nicotine and the regular cravings went away. I still occasionally have that feeling of something missing but I no-longer associate it directly with cigarettes or cigars.


I haven’t been on this site for ages but that’s because most of the time I don’t think about smoking and therefore tend to forget the champix forum. Sorry people.

I’ve been meaning to come on last week on my 18 month anniversary but didn’t - so I’m here today.


Not all been easy though as giving up the smokes was a problem for my lungs. I was fine for about 7 months breathing much better than when I was a smoker, I could go up several flights of stairs without even getting puffed.

Then I started to suffer from Asthma and now need to use a steroid preventer twice daily in addition to the more normal Ventolin puffer when I need a top-up - the type alot of asthma sufferers use.


In real terms I have messed my lung capacity by smoking over a long period.


Good news was as part of Doctor’s diagnosis I had a chest scan and everything was good no obvious shadows or problems of any kind, just this dam asthma...


Still need to loose a few kg ‘s too. I didn’t put on any weight all the time I was on Champix but after the 13 weeks course I did. It has not gone away but I don’t think I eat any more than I did when I smoked.


Anyway, hello to everyone - Lynn, Taimah, Luby et all. To all the newbies it can be done – there are side effects but that almost takes the focus off the nicotine..

Just don’t take the first smoke and you will get there. It only gets easier just get through the initial difficult period then keep going.:)

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My last cigarette was smoked on the 11th April last year, I have put on weight but was underweight anyway. Now my blood has thinned I bleed a lot easier, and I feel pain more than I did when I was on the fags. I feel a lot better, I can climb hills without getting breathless, and can smell things that I couldn't previously smell, sometimes that is not so good. :hihi:


Other folk smoking near to me has no effect on me, I don't miss having to stand outside places to have a smoke one bit. Now that I am retired I reckon that two months of living costs are paid for from stopping smoking.


I'm still smiling, and with a lot whiter teeth. :thumbsup:

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Hello All


Still not smoking without any aids. Defintely getting easier but we all know that it can come back round again. 66 days now and have saved over 300 pounds chuffed!!!

Hope everyone is still smoke free and happy :-)

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Day 51 today and still smoke free. Still taking Champix but only 1mg a day in the morning and starting to think about reducing that with view to stopping altogether sooner rather than later. Started a diet today as I have put on 12lbs in the 7 weeks that I have quit and feel really uncomfortable. I don't want this to be a reason to start again! Feeling a lot better. The good days are getting far more and the bad days far less but still totally aware of how powerful nicotine addiction is and taking one day at a time. Good luck fellow quitters .... one day at a time and you'll succeed :)

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Day 51 today and still smoke free. Still taking Champix but only 1mg a day in the morning and starting to think about reducing that with view to stopping altogether sooner rather than later. Started a diet today as I have put on 12lbs in the 7 weeks that I have quit and feel really uncomfortable. I don't want this to be a reason to start again! Feeling a lot better. The good days are getting far more and the bad days far less but still totally aware of how powerful nicotine addiction is and taking one day at a time. Good luck fellow quitters .... one day at a time and you'll succeed :)



I too have gained weight :(. Back at the gym now but hard work. Nothing has moved yet lol. I am paranoid about my weight so I cannot let this get to me -started smoking again before cos of this issue. I agree that quitting smoking is the one of the hardest things that I have ever done (again). I cannot continue to give up time and time again. This has to be the FINAL attempt!!


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I too have gained weight :(. Back at the gym now but hard work. Nothing has moved yet lol. I am paranoid about my weight so I cannot let this get to me -started smoking again before cos of this issue. I agree that quitting smoking is the one of the hardest things that I have ever done (again). I cannot continue to give up time and time again. This has to be the FINAL attempt!!



Dont let the weight gain be a reason for you to start smokng again. I too put on about 2 stone after quiting the fags. I too am extremely paranoid about my weight but but I have joined slimming world on line (after being unsuccesful with weightwatchers) and am starting gradually to lose it. I must admit that I have a sweet tooth as well so am finding it quite hard. I would rather be a big podgy than smell like a dirty ashtray. Keep up the good work everyone you know you can do it. Don't give in to the nictotine monster.



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hi all im a new poster im alan and 28 from glasgow . i found your forum while looking up side effects for champix. Just started them today and wanted to share with others.I have read about all sorts of positive and negative effects and just dont want to feel alone while im going through this.I smoke about thirty a day and really desperate to get of the cigs.Many thanks for any help and support.

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hi all im a new poster im alan and 28 from glasgow . i found your forum while looking up side effects for champix. Just started them today and wanted to share with others.I have read about all sorts of positive and negative effects and just dont want to feel alone while im going through this.I smoke about thirty a day and really desperate to get of the cigs.Many thanks for any help and support.


Hi Alan

I quit with Champix on day 15. I'm now day 52 of being smoke free and apart from gaining a bit of weight I feel absolutely wonderful. Champix is a great drug and works a treat but you do need to use your mind as well to overcome the nicotine triggers. I was lucky as I only had a few mild side effects of mainly feeling sick (always take the tablet with food), a bit spaced out and a little bloated too. Nothing too serious and certainly worth it for the help they gave me in quitting. As soon as I actually quit all the side effects went way. I have actually reduced my dose down to 1mg daily in the morning now and am starting to think about reducing it more and stopping altogether soon. I smoked 25 a day for 33 years and had several failed attempts to quit behind me. This is now my longest quit and I intend to keep it that way! I'm not sure if I could have done it without Champix. I also read Allen Carr's book and use whyquit.com ... both of these put you totally in the right frame of mind and teach you about what nicotine addiction really means while Champix helps you overcome the physical withdrawal.

I wish you the very best of luck Alan but with Champix you probably wont need it! You will feel so much better without that little nicotine monster ruling your life ... go for it! :)

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