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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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I think that while people continue to go to the pub and pay the high prices, then the pub will charge whatever they can get away with.


Not sure that your issue has anything specifically to do with the smoking ban. I'm quite sure the ban has affected the pub trade, but to raise drinks prices dramatically to try to make up for lost profit would be counter-productive in the long run.

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I think that while people continue to go to the pub and pay the high prices, then the pub will charge whatever they can get away with.


Not sure that your issue has anything specifically to do with the smoking ban. I'm quite sure the ban has affected the pub trade, but to raise drinks prices dramatically to try to make up for lost profit would be counter-productive in the long run.


What Oldtrout said :nod:

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Many of you know I went to the Mossbrook recently and complained at the prices.....


3 glasses of wine cost £18.60 and many of you were disgusted..


I failed to mention that 4 of us dined for £40, this included 1 main each plus sides each - no drinks


This means the visit to to the pub is hiked up by the cost of drinks....


I blame the smoking ban... when smoking was allowed, people were happy to pay for grub and grog in all forms - as long as they could have a smoke. Now it has banished those customers and they eat at home.


What do you all think?





utter rubbish, here is probably the main reason.


Take Bacardi Breezer, in a pob/bar it costs between £2.50 - £4 for one bottle.


If you go to morrisions, you can get 8 bottles for £6.


So if you want to get tanked up on say 8 bottles, you can go to morrisons, pay just over £7, or you can go to the pub and pay nearly £32

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The cost of service



average UK salary £25000

working days per year 230 (standard year minus weekends and holidays)

salary per day = 25000 / 230 = £110 (approx)


Cost per hour (assume 8 hour day) 110 / 8 = £13.75


if you only paid the minimum wage then its £6.00 (approx) per hour


Add on to this business rates, tax, insurance, and other overheads

and you can quite easily have a cost of £20 to £30 per hour per employee


The above figures can be manipulated to suit a particular situation

but I'm sure you understand the general priciple


So whatever job you do, your weekly wage or yearly salary has to be funded by

someone or the business goes bust, that's the capalist system.


Everyone who works in the public sector is essenially funded by the private sector

through the taxation system


State benefits and state pensions are essenially funded by the private sector


Private sector pensions are funded by the private sector



So if your favourite restaurant is paying all the proper wages/ salaries/ and overheads

and delivering a reasonable quality of service then there's nothing to complain about,

on the other hand if your favourite restaurant has staff who are not well turned-out,

cannot speak English then HMRC should be informed.





You should also rememeber 20% of the bill in your favourite restaurant is VAT

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you have not taken holiday pay into account in your calculation. whilst the number of working days are obviously smaller than the number of actual days in the year, people do tend to get some holiday pay included in their contract of employment. even when working in a bar!

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Can i say, even if youre a smoker (im not , never have been) were you happy to sit in an eating place with the smell of smoke wafting over into your direction whilst your eating? were you happy to light up and breathe over everyone, possibly inc your kids, while theyre eating? were you happy to go out on a night, then come home with your hair & your clothes reeking of stale smoke? do you not realise how unattractive that is? im glad smoking is banned in pubs etc, it needs to stay banned. Im happy to pay the extra to cover the costs of smoking being banned...it works out cheaper than paying for medical treatment & time off work for my asthma when im troubled by cigarette smoke

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you have not taken holiday pay into account in your calculation. whilst the number of working days are obviously smaller than the number of actual days in the year, people do tend to get some holiday pay included in their contract of employment. even when working in a bar!


Read it again ;)

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Too much entertainment and conversation online these days. Who wants to sit in a pub?


There's probably a lot of truth in that.


However in Denmark, small owner run bars can elect to allow smoking. There's been a boom in these bars and they are always busy.


Germany and Holland have also relaxed their bans to allow smoking in similar bars as too many of them were closing, which sounds familiar. I'm not a smoker, but I'd be all for allowing bars which are owner run to allow smoking in this country.

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