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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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I'm sure most of them would have opted to remain smoking, defeating the point of the ban.


I disagree. The majority of people who have posted on this thread are non-smokers. I think its pretty much split evenly.


But the pubs have always had the choice to be non smoking if they chose.

Very very few ever made that choice though as it wasn't going to help them.

Since the non smokers had no choice anyway by staying a smoking establishment a pub was on a level playing field with every other place. Ban 40% of their customers and they've just shot themselves in the foot.


It's possible that it could have been a licensing condition and the council could have managed it, but it's a dirty habit anyway and should be kept in private or in the open air where it can't hurt anyone else.

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You may be correct, but have you also noticed that since the smoking ban the amount of piracy of the horn of Africa has risen steeply. That's a fact as well.

Maybe you can see my point, correlation is not the same as causation.

This was happening before the smoking ban actually wasn't it.

A self defeating tactic of course, expensive drinks drive away drinkers, the pub stays empty and profits drop.


Maybe you could find out the price of wine in that particular venue before the smoking ban, then I might concede that it's related. As it stands you've offered nothing that actually links the two facts.


I actually wrote a review on The Mossbrook around the time of the Smoking Ban and believe me, the wine was no where near the same price as today, even taking inflation into account!!

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I actually wrote a review on The Mossbrook around the time of the Smoking Ban and believe me, the wine was no where near the same price as today, even taking inflation into account!!


And the only thing you can think of that has changed since then is the smoking ban?

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Can i say, even if youre a smoker (im not , never have been) were you happy to sit in an eating place with the smell of smoke wafting over into your direction whilst your eating? were you happy to light up and breathe over everyone,


YES . No problem what so ever.:thumbsup:

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I actually wrote a review on The Mossbrook around the time of the Smoking Ban and believe me, the wine was no where near the same price as today, even taking inflation into account!!


Same wine was it?


And what was the price back then?


And assuming that you manage to establish that the price has gone up, how does it implicate the smoking ban as the cause?

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Just to add, i dont see many smokers moaning now that they have to go outside, and if they do moan, it doesnt stop them going outside all weathers!:confused: So all you smokers who did moan, has it stopped you smoking? Have you carried on regardless, or is that in defiance rather than thinking about your health or others health?

In my opinion smoking should be banned everywhere. you cant expect someone eating ina pub etc, to take their plate and sit elsewhere inc outside, just because you want to smoke inside...and i imagine some smokers do even think that!

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Hi All

I'm still around too. 44 weeks today since I had my last cigarette, I loved smoking I even made it my new years resolution to smoke to the best of my ability in the face of all adversity when the ban etc was introduced but I have got to stand up and be counted and say stopping is the best thing I have ever done!! As many of you will know I gave up in anticipation of the birth of my first grandchild and he is now 34 weeks old, I love not having to worry about my home, car etc smelling of smoke when he is coming to visit, love the fact that he won't avoid kissing me because I smell of fags when he's older ( my kids always moaned about their nana smelling of smoke ) and feel tons healthier and more energetic than I ever remember when smoking, I even sleep better.

In short I love the fact that I am no longer a slave to cigarettes and Champix along with my gorgeous grandson is the best thing that ever happened to me.


Keep on trying to those of you struggling it is worth it!!

Just do it for those of you thinking about quitting it is worth it

Enjoy feeling healthier and wealthier for those of you who have managed to quit!

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