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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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In short I love the fact that I am no longer a slave to cigarettes and Champix along with my gorgeous grandson is the best thing that ever happened to me.


Keep on trying to those of you struggling - it is worth it!!

Just do it for those of you thinking about quitting it is worth it

Enjoy feeling healthier and wealthier for those of you who have managed to quit!


I agree wholeheartedly. I am 6 months smokefree and am now enjoying every day, feeling so much better and looking so much better. And the feeling of achievement is fantastic. So good luck all of you quitters, even if it is hard from time to time it is worth it :-)

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Hi All :)

I am a smoker this is my choice, I am the same as everyone else have a right to live my life the way I want too...But I do not and have not inflicted my smoke on anyone else not even my family (I smoke outside my own home)


I do think that the smoking ban and other reasons have affected our pubs and I also think that the price of booze has increased since the ban, but I do think pubs could have a choice of having the rules relaxed slightly say after a certain time at night the banned was lifted? it keeps people in those places buying more drinks. Before anyone starts killing my comment it was only an idea, I dont care less if I have to go outside, it sometimes benefits me when I dont want to talk to some drunkard I can say im just popping outside to have a smoke and then never return lol. :)

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Give me a traditional pub where you can smoke before one of the "new" pub restaurants which are full of screaming kids running round and doing your head in .

How the hell have we got into a situation where kids are allowed in licenced premises. ? Pubs should be for over 18`s only ,and if people want to take their irritating ,noisy kids out for a meal they should take them to MaCdonalds.

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well I failed :( epicly! I stopped for 5 months then on a night out i 'forgot' i was a non smoker and accepted a cig off the landlord and it started from there! I was becoming very irritable and 'bitchy' and even my 4 year old came up to me and said 'mummy why are you so grumpy?' well as you can imagine that felt like a slap in the face so i started again but now even though i think of the money i saved and the more healthier i felt I am no longer the 'bitch' and the weight i put on was disgusting im now trying to work it off but its proving very difficult I know I need to go back to docs and try again but im just scared of becoming a monster. I was on champix btw hey ho one day when my will power has returned I will quit again

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The Mossbrook is hardly new, it's probably been there for over a hundred years, nor is it new to allow children into licenses premises at certain times.




The wine list at the Mossbrook. £6 certainly isn't the cheapest large glass of wine on offer, and the OP might have been better off buying a bottle for £10.95 if he was that concerned at the price. I wonder how they managed to order wine by the glass, that wasn't the house wine, without having noticed the price first...


It's at least 3 years since I've been in there myself, and I didn't buy wine when I did go in, but it was a fairly expensive place even 3 years ago.

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In my opinion I would rather pay more for my meal and drinks and be able to have a meal out at the pub without being surrounded by everyone elses smoke. Also I know a lot of smokers and they haven't stopped going out just because of the smoking ban

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There's probably a lot of truth in that.


However in Denmark, small owner run bars can elect to allow smoking. There's been a boom in these bars and they are always busy.


Germany and Holland have also relaxed their bans to allow smoking in similar bars as too many of them were closing, which sounds familiar. I'm not a smoker, but I'd be all for allowing bars which are owner run to allow smoking in this country.


Last time I went to germany we went in one of these bars. I'm probably the worst non tolerant - non smoker, an ex smoker. I found it disgusting. I agree pubs are alot better now they are non smoking.

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