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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Ok, I'm an Ex-Smoker and have nothing against smokers or non-smokers.


I am also an ex-licencee of Pubs.


How things work in pubs is quite simple.


The golden rule is: Attract Women and men will follow, it's human nature!


However, when Smoking was aloud in pubs my profits were much higher as it's predominantly a social habit.


I had 2 rooms and 3 different area's. A tap room which was the busiest for ale, sport and smoking.

And a lounge/dining area. 2 area's a smoking area, and a non-smoking area. The non smoking area was the biggest as I didn't believe in smoking around food tables but you have to give the customers the option, it's only fair! My Food trade was a huge success with meal deals and decent cask/premium ales, Lagers and Wines. The service was always top notch. I was proud of the business i had built. The nights were always busy and entertainment was affordable...then........


The Smoking Ban came in!


I lost the majority of my Tap room to Home drinking and WMC next door. The food trade began to slow down as I couldn't keep my prices low due to the loss of income from the Tap room/smoking area's.


I eventually gave it up, there was no money in it anymore and that is exactly where the pub business is going now. Into the Supermarkets and Restaurants.


I agree with OP.


It maybe Healthier (which is debatable as I haven't seen a decline in the numbers of Cancer Deaths after the Smoking ban in public buildings, nor do I think a blanket ban would help) but it is detrimental to the Social business which in itself brought in a huge amount of taxes and revenue to the Government.

People will complain when Taxes go up due to this loss as the pub trade dies a death.


Personally, Nicotine is not only a drug, it's a chemical that wasn't meant to be brought into the human body, otherwise we would have been born with a fag in our hands. Cancer, imo, is direct result of a mixing of several chemicals that are brought into the body in all shapes and forms.


Having said all that. People who drive CANNOT complain at people who smoke, both have the same effect on the lungs of everyone and Driving has a much higher death rate.


Interesting debates that are sparked by the same topic, don't you think?

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Many of you know I went to the Mossbrook recently and complained at the prices.....


3 glasses of wine cost £18.60 and many of you were disgusted..


I failed to mention that 4 of us dined for £40, this included 1 main each plus sides each - no drinks


This means the visit to to the pub is hiked up by the cost of drinks....


I blame the smoking ban... when smoking was allowed, people were happy to pay for grub and grog in all forms - as long as they could have a smoke. Now it has banished those customers and they eat at home.


What do you all think?


the thought of dining when someone in the same room is smoking turns my stomach, good riddance to smokers, its a filthy disgusting habit, that bears no positive offering.

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As some one who has never smoked, my reply to the question by the op, "Smoking ban now shows the real effect". The effect to me seems that it has closed many pubs, who on earth in their right mind wants to go out and then have to go outside their chosen boozer/eatery to have a fag.



A complete knee jerk reaction by the Government to "ban" smoking. It should have been left to the owner, manager or licensee to make their own decision. Another action by our Masters that has caused havoc to our hard pressed boozers.




Angel, who has NEVER smoked.


I have never smoked and I agree it should of been down to the individual pub to decide to ban smoking or not.


It hasn't stopped as many people smoking that is for sure and I know a lot of young people who have just started smoking! All the smoking ban meant is people like me who don't smoke now have to go outside to chat to the people who do. Also all the pubs and clubs stink of alcohol. Plus its not really a ban anyway as cigs are still being sold.


As for the OP I think he needs to go somewhere else to eat though as those prices are OTT and nothing to do with smoking ban.

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It wasn't supposed to stop people smoking, it was supposed to stop smokers harming the other 60% of the population.


and it wasn't really for that reason either. The legislation was set out, I believe to ensure that employers provide a "smoke free" environment for their staff. Not sure that this is actually possible in some work places whether smoking is banned or not.

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I hate the stinking habit and have never smoked,but I think smoking in pubs should be aloud its been going on for ever a pint and a fag is the norm, I don't think non smoking pubs is a good idea at all,non smoking rooms don't work ether as the non smokers like me end up in a little back room some where when the smokers get to stand around blowing there smoke every where I went in pubs more when they were smoking than I do now that's mainly due to the outrages price of a pint of beer in pubs now days. PS if you had a pub that had 2 rooms same size and same price drinks one was a non smoking room and the other was non smoking what room would do the most busyness?

Edited by Shogun
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I hate the stinking habit and have never smoked,but I think smoking in pubs should be aloud its been going on for ever a pint and a fag is the norm, I don't think non smoking pubs is a good idea at all,non smoking rooms don't work ether as the non smokers like me end up in a little back room some where when the smokers get to stand around blowing there smoke every where I went in pubs more when they were smoking than I do now that's mainly due to the outrages price of a pint of beer in pubs now days


the fact that tax has massively increased on alcohol hasnt got anything to do with the smoking ban...

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If the Govt were so against smoking, why didn't they just make it illegal? I agree with Angel in that it should have been left to the licensee to make their own decision, then everyone would be able to find what they want from a pub ... a smoking or a non-smoking place.


I never agreed with smoking in a restaurant anyway and even as a SMOKER, I do find the smell awful when in confined spaces, so can well imagine how non-smokers feel about the subject.


Sadly, the smoking ban in public places has caused many pubs to fail.


I totally agree that landlords should have been able to have the choice whether to allow smoking in pubs.


I am a "social" smoker, and used to enjoy a quiz night with friends , some of whom smoke. When the ban came in, we used to find the "fun and friendly" people outside having a cig.....until winter arrived, then the cosy nights in the pub ended. Leading to so many pubs closing due to lack of business.


I also cannot stand smoke in a confined space, even at home I sit by open patio doors!

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I totally agree that landlords should have been able to have the choice whether to allow smoking in pubs.


I am a "social" smoker, and used to enjoy a quiz night with friends , some of whom smoke. When the ban came in, we used to find the "fun and friendly" people outside having a cig.....until winter arrived, then the cosy nights in the pub ended. Leading to so many pubs closing due to lack of business.


I also cannot stand smoke in a confined space, even at home I sit by open patio doors!


Should managers who work in offices be able to decide if smoking is allowed? Bus drivers? Supermarkets? The legislation is because the pub is a work place.

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Should managers who work in offices be able to decide if smoking is allowed? Bus drivers? Supermarkets? The legislation is because the pub is a work place.
I understand what you say but legislation has taken the choice away from managers in pubs and most pub managers I know smoke. Edited by Shogun
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