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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Hi, I did not have sudden cravings after I stopped with the pills, but a couple of weeks later I had some moodswings (according to hubby :-) ) but that passed pretty quick. I drank a lot of water when I stopped with the pills, think thar was wise. Good luck, it is a fantastic feeling being a non smoker with no Champix to help.

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Should managers who work in offices be able to decide if smoking is allowed? Bus drivers? Supermarkets? The legislation is because the pub is a work place.


But we are not talking about workers in pubs, the above you have mentioned are not social places, they are work places, pubs are for people to go in and socialise, how many people do you know meet up on the local bus, supermarkets etc for a pleasent evening out, I have never seen that!


Like I said before I am a smoker and yes there are pros and cons to having a smoking ban in pubs, I dont agree with smoking where food is served but why does it have to be a complete ban??? Landlords should have a choice and if they choose to lift the ban on smoking there should be guidlines to follow so smoking does not affect the non smokers...everyone is happy then. :)

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It wasn't supposed to stop people smoking, it was supposed to stop smokers harming the other 60% of the population.


It's actually done both. Following the smoking ban there was an immediate 7% reduction in UK tobacco sales and since the ban a 10% reduction in heart attack admissions to hospitals.


I'm not even convinced that there has been any effect whatsoever on our pub trade. There may have been a few run down boozers closed, but there have also been a large number of larger Wetherspoons type establishments opened up. This is not to mention the dozens of cafe bars and wine bars that have opened in towns and cities across the country.


But as you said the law was changed to protect public health. It doesn't matter if a few folks stop going to pubs. I'm sure an equal number who didn't go in the smoke filled stink days have replaced them, and anyhow I've never noticed any shortage of pubs for those that want to use them.

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But we are not talking about workers in pubs, the above you have mentioned are not social places, they are work places, pubs are for people to go in and socialise, how many people do you know meet up on the local bus, supermarkets etc for a pleasent evening out, I have never seen that!


Like I said before I am a smoker and yes there are pros and cons to having a smoking ban in pubs, I dont agree with smoking where food is served but why does it have to be a complete ban??? Landlords should have a choice and if they choose to lift the ban on smoking there should be guidlines to follow so smoking does not affect the non smokers...everyone is happy then. :)


Are you suggesting that workers in 'social places' should have fewer rights to a safe working environment?

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It's actually done both. Following the smoking ban there was an immediate 7% reduction in UK tobacco sales and since the ban a 10% reduction in heart attack admissions to hospitals.


I'm not even convinced that there has been any effect whatsoever on our pub trade. There may have been a few run down boozers closed, but there have also been a large number of larger Wetherspoons type establishments opened up. This is not to mention the dozens of cafe bars and wine bars that have opened in towns and cities across the country.


But as you said the law was changed to protect public health. It doesn't matter if a few folks stop going to pubs. I'm sure an equal number who didn't go in the smoke filled stink days have replaced them, and anyhow I've never noticed any shortage of pubs for those that want to use them.


you must be walking around with your eyes closed if you cant see the number of pubs closeing down as for these new style witherspoon type establishments they are overpriced and half full of possers who go out for there half pint of beer and make it last all night however when a smoker goes outside for a fag they cant move for non smokers because you must get fed up with your own non smokeing boring company

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you must be walking around with your eyes closed if you cant see the number of pubs closeing down as for these new style witherspoon type establishments they are overpriced and half full of possers who go out for there half pint of beer and make it last all night however when a smoker goes outside for a fag they cant move for non smokers because you must get fed up with your own non smokeing boring company


Come again?

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Restricting the chances to smoke means people have more disposable income and can afford to spend more.


No it dosnt . I smoke ,and all the smoking ban has achieved in my case ,is i now buy my booze from the supermarket cheap and i drink in the house instead of going to the pub.


I used to go to the pub four or five nights a week ,so the £80- £100 i spent in my6 local every week ,now goes in the supermarkets pocket instead.


The ban hasnt made me stop smoking ,and nor will it .

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