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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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you must be walking around with your eyes closed if you cant see the number of pubs closeing down as for these new style witherspoon type establishments they are overpriced and half full of possers who go out for there half pint of beer and make it last all night however when a smoker goes outside for a fag they cant move for non smokers because you must get fed up with your own non smokeing boring company


Well you must be totally blind as well as a liar. Wetherspoons sell beer far cheaper than most other pubs for a start, and have a typical cross section of the pub going community. Certainly in the Wetherspoons I've been into you don't find folks spending all night over a half. It seems to me as though you've lost the argument and are just resorting to blatant lies and insults in order to try to bolster up a lost cause.

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Well you must be totally blind as well as a liar. Wetherspoons sell beer far cheaper than most other pubs for a start, and have a typical cross section of the pub going community. Certainly in the Wetherspoons I've been into you don't find folks spending all night over a half. It seems to me as though you've lost the argument and are just resorting to blatant lies and insults in order to try to bolster up a lost cause.


mmm, posted yesterday....



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Yes I see what you mean... Quote from the thread you link to..


I go into The Francis Newton quite rugular and love it, when the weather is nice to sit outside is fantastic. I don't know about the new prices but last week I went into The Swim and paid £1.45 for a pint of Ruddles, where can you beat that?

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Yes I see what you mean... Quote from the thread you link to..



I go into The Francis Newton quite rugular and love it, when the weather is nice to sit outside is fantastic. I don't know about the new prices but last week I went into The Swim and paid £1.45 for a pint of Ruddles, where can you beat that?



Thanks for that, a good example of the rising prices of Wetherspoon's drinks!

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Even with the increased prices, Weatherspoons is still one of the cheapest pubs available. I don't see how they can be called over priced.


It is also an abomination, a cross between a park bench and a creche (and I don't mean an accident on Knightsbridge).

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No it dosnt . I smoke ,and all the smoking ban has achieved in my case ,is i now buy my booze from the supermarket cheap and i drink in the house instead of going to the pub.


I used to go to the pub four or five nights a week ,so the £80- £100 i spent in my6 local every week ,now goes in the supermarkets pocket instead.


The ban hasnt made me stop smoking ,and nor will it .



nope the smoking ban has just stopped you being sociable.


as long as your fags are worth more to you than the hundreds/thousands of hours of social time your missing

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