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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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nope the smoking ban has just stopped you being sociable.


as long as your fags are worth more to you than the hundreds/thousands of hours of social time your missing


You got it in one. Who needs the type of friends who don't want to come out for a meal with you or to come to pub because they can't have a damned fag inside? Such folks must cast a dark shadow across the room when they enter. The pubs are a much better place without them.

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Thanks Inger, Kazpa.

Another note, past couple of weeks i've noticed that i kinda struggle to catch my breath and find myself having to control my breathing with a couple of deep breaths. Also at about dawn i find myself waking up because my sinus's all blocked.

Sometimes i swear i was fitter when i smoked lol

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No it dosnt . I smoke ,and all the smoking ban has achieved in my case ,is i now buy my booze from the supermarket cheap and i drink in the house instead of going to the pub.


I used to go to the pub four or five nights a week ,so the £80- £100 i spent in my6 local every week ,now goes in the supermarkets pocket instead.


The ban hasnt made me stop smoking ,and nor will it .


I pity you.

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why do i have an image in my mind of a bloke sitting on a grubby sofa, on the arm is an ashtray overflowing with fag ends floating in lager.

no friends, a badly lit room with tatty curtains and a grim slightly greasy wife.



then there's the rest of us. In the pub with our mates laughing at jokes, admiring the pretty girls and breathing the good clean air.

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why do i have an image in my mind of a bloke sitting on a grubby sofa, on the arm is an ashtray overflowing with fag ends floating in lager.

no friends, a badly lit room with tatty curtains and a grim slightly greasy wife.



then there's the rest of us. In the pub with our mates laughing at jokes, admiring the pretty girls and breathing the good clean air.


Until you go outside and breathe in all the lovely car fumes!

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Are you suggesting that workers in 'social places' should have fewer rights to a safe working environment?


No I never said that - but it always came with the territory and if you choose to work in an enviroment which might damage your health then that is upto you, there not forced to work there, they choose to! this applies to any number of jobs out there where your health might be at risk, but people still do them.

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I was in china when they banned smoking in hotels ,restaurants and indoor public places.


trouble is nobody told the chinese.


everybody just ignored it:hihi:


It is hardly relevant though is it. In China they took exactly the same approach as we did here. The ban was implemented followed by a changeover period where no one was prosecuted but were just advised. The success of a smoking ban is not judged on the day it is introduced but a year or so down the line when it is being enforced and the health benefits monitored.


The Chinese authorities have a reputation for clamping down on those who flout their laws.

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