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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Can i say, even if youre a smoker (im not , never have been) were you happy to sit in an eating place with the smell of smoke wafting over into your direction whilst your eating? were you happy to light up and breathe over everyone, possibly inc your kids, while theyre eating? were you happy to go out on a night, then come home with your hair & your clothes reeking of stale smoke? do you not realise how unattractive that is? im glad smoking is banned in pubs etc, it needs to stay banned. Im happy to pay the extra to cover the costs of smoking being banned...it works out cheaper than paying for medical treatment & time off work for my asthma when im troubled by cigarette smoke


WELL SAID! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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No I never said that - but it always came with the territory and if you choose to work in an enviroment which might damage your health then that is upto you, there not forced to work there, they choose to! this applies to any number of jobs out there where your health might be at risk, but people still do them.


No employer should have the discretion to put the health of their employees at risk.


Which is exactly why the smoking ban became law.

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Ok, I'm an Ex-Smoker and have nothing against smokers or non-smokers.


I am also an ex-licencee of Pubs.


How things work in pubs is quite simple.


The golden rule is: Attract Women and men will follow, it's human nature!


However, when Smoking was aloud in pubs my profits were much higher as it's predominantly a social habit.


I had 2 rooms and 3 different area's. A tap room which was the busiest for ale, sport and smoking.

And a lounge/dining area. 2 area's a smoking area, and a non-smoking area. The non smoking area was the biggest as I didn't believe in smoking around food tables but you have to give the customers the option, it's only fair! My Food trade was a huge success with meal deals and decent cask/premium ales, Lagers and Wines. The service was always top notch. I was proud of the business i had built. The nights were always busy and entertainment was affordable...then........


The Smoking Ban came in!


I lost the majority of my Tap room to Home drinking and WMC next door. The food trade began to slow down as I couldn't keep my prices low due to the loss of income from the Tap room/smoking area's.


I eventually gave it up, there was no money in it anymore and that is exactly where the pub business is going now. Into the Supermarkets and Restaurants.


I agree with OP.


It maybe Healthier (which is debatable as I haven't seen a decline in the numbers of Cancer Deaths after the Smoking ban in public buildings, nor do I think a blanket ban would help) but it is detrimental to the Social business which in itself brought in a huge amount of taxes and revenue to the Government.

People will complain when Taxes go up due to this loss as the pub trade dies a death.


Personally, Nicotine is not only a drug, it's a chemical that wasn't meant to be brought into the human body, otherwise we would have been born with a fag in our hands. Cancer, imo, is direct result of a mixing of several chemicals that are brought into the body in all shapes and forms.


Having said all that. People who drive CANNOT complain at people who smoke, both have the same effect on the lungs of everyone and Driving has a much higher death rate.


Interesting debates that are sparked by the same topic, don't you think?


Enough said I think on this subject - Just believe it from someone who knows (Guzzrate) instead of trying to quote what we think is the truth......:)

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No I never said that - but it always came with the territory and if you choose to work in an enviroment which might damage your health then that is upto you, there not forced to work there, they choose to! this applies to any number of jobs out there where your health might be at risk, but people still do them.


H&S applies to a great many jobs and sets rules which protect the employee's, probably at the expense of the employer. Why should pub workers get less protection than those working in other potentially dangerous environments?

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I find the whole arguement of banning one drug from a place that sells a different drug quite amusing.


Personally, as a smoking tea-totaller, I think they should ban alcohol from pubs as I don't want my evenings out ruined by drunken people throwing up, spoiling for a fight, etc, etc. Fairly sure it would be safer for the staff too as H&S is being mentioned :)

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What makes his opinion more valid than anyone else's?


He is an ex-licencee of a pub before and during the banning of smoking, does that not make him have first hand experience - or have I not read his post properly, have you :confused:????? I am presuming that you also have experience in this area because of the way you are questioning me and you seem to know alot about the subject?????

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H&S applies to a great many jobs and sets rules which protect the employee's, probably at the expense of the employer. Why should pub workers get less protection than those working in other potentially dangerous environments?


Dont work there if you dont like it, as this has been quoted many times before in other posts...

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I find the whole arguement of banning one drug from a place that sells a different drug quite amusing.


Personally, as a smoking tea-totaller, I think they should ban alcohol from pubs as I don't want my evenings out ruined by drunken people throwing up, spoiling for a fight, etc, etc. Fairly sure it would be safer for the staff too as H&S is being mentioned :)


Yes, but its been proven a glass of red wine is good for you, as is guiness. In fact, just about any alcoholic drink in strict moderation.


You can't say that for smoking.

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H&S applies to a great many jobs and sets rules which protect the employee's, probably at the expense of the employer. Why should pub workers get less protection than those working in other potentially dangerous environments?


Dont work there if you dont like it, as this has been quoted many times before in other posts...


Nice attitude

Edited by SnailyBoy
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