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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Not many years back I was sitting in a pub enjoying a bar meal when a chap decided to plonk himself down at the table where we were eating. I've no problem with that as it was a pub after all. However he then took out his pipe, lit it up and smoked it continuously for the next half hour.


To me that sums up the situation before the restrictions were put in place. Had it not been for the selfish attitude of smokers, who thought everyone needed to benefit from their habit, there could have been self regulation. But in the few pubs that did have non smoking rooms or areas you invariably found smokers who took no notice of the signs. This happened not only in pubs but in airports, restaurants and many segregated entertainment establishments. So when the government looked into the health implications of passive smoke they had no alternative but to bring in a blanket ban. And they voted overwhelmingly for that ban.


The ban on smoking in pubs, AND ALL OTHER ENCLOSED PUBLIC PLACES, came in 4 years ago. It has dramatically improved the health of the nation and isn't going to be reversed. Indeed I have heard talk of in being extended to cover many outdoor places as well as areas close to pubs. So it is perhaps time that smokers got used to the situation. It seems they have a few alternatives. The vast majority are quite happy to smoke outside and not impose their smoke on others. The rest can either put up with it, quit smoking or stay at home.

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To me that sums up the situation before the restrictions were put in place. Had it not been for the selfish attitude of smokers, who thought everyone needed to benefit from their habit, there could have been self regulation.


You've definetly hit the nail on the head. You only have to see the way smokers stand around blocking the entrance to places and throw their fag ends on the floor to show there's a problem with their mindset and no amount of reasoning will get through to them.


I'm sorry if you're a considerate smoker but I'd guess you're in a minority and the majority really are doing you no favours.

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You've definetly hit the nail on the head. You only have to see the way smokers stand around blocking the entrance to places and throw their fag ends on the floor to show there's a problem with their mindset and no amount of reasoning will get through to them.


I'm sorry if you're a considerate smoker but I'd guess you're in a minority and the majority really are doing you no favours.



I had been a regular at the Wheatsheaf at Parkhead. There was a sign on the bar indicating that the bar area was a no smoking area. This was a magnet for smokers who simply stood at the bar all night forcing everyone else to push through them or reach over them to get served. I threw away several jackets that had cigarette burns though them, and on another occasion returnrd to the bar to collect the remainder of my round only to find ash floating on the top of one of the drinks.


The fact is that even in pubs that had no smoking areas you couldn't go out for a drink without arriving home smelling like an ashtray.

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I had been a regular at the Wheatsheaf at Parkhead. There was a sign on the bar indicating that the bar area was a no smoking area. This was a magnet for smokers who simply stood at the bar all night forcing everyone else to push through them or reach over them to get served. I threw away several jackets that had cigarette burns though them, and on another occasion returnrd to the bar to collect the remainder of my round only to find ash floating on the top of one of the drinks.


The fact is that even in pubs that had no smoking areas you couldn't go out for a drink without arriving home smelling like an ashtray.

Smokers don't have any respect for there own health so they certainly don't have any for anyone else, smokers standing in pub doors smoking is most annoying as most of the smoke gets dragged in the pub every time someone opens the door,you just can't get away from the stink of ignorant smokers.

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No smoking areas wouldn't work even if all smokers observed them as the smoke can't read and floats around everywhere.

Yes I can remember non smoking rooms and areas, usually a dark room at the back of the pub next to the toilets or something,wile all the smokers stood around the bar,I think cigars were the worst stink, clouds of smoke every where that smoke always seemed to linger in the air and follow me about like a poisonous gas cloud.

Edited by Shogun
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A few weeks ago me and the missus went for a drive in the country in one of my old cars, and we decided to stop at a nice little pub for a bite to eat,£2.85 for a pint of John Smiths and £2 50 for a glass of wine, OK so I'm out supposed to be enjoying myself so I ordered some food,it was a nice sunny day so we took our food out side to eat, sat there was a load of smokers blowing smoke all over the place so we went back inside to have our food,the pub was empty inside but no one was eating out side ,seems strange when you have to eat in side for the sake of smokers.

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A few weeks ago me and the missus went for a drive in the country in one of my old cars, and we decided to stop at a nice little pub for a bite to eat,£2.85 for a pint of John Smiths and £2 50 for a glass of wine, OK so I'm out supposed to be enjoying myself so I ordered some food,it was a nice sunny day so we took our food out side to eat, sat there was a load of smokers blowing smoke all over the place so we went back inside to have our food,the pub was empty inside but no one was eating out side ,seems strange when you have to eat in side for the sake of smokers.


So its ok for you to pollute the country air with your car? You can't have it both ways, smokers can't smoke inside so naturally they will smoke outside.

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A few weeks ago me and the missus went for a drive in the country in one of my old cars, and we decided to stop at a nice little pub for a bite to eat,£2.85 for a pint of John Smiths and £2 50 for a glass of wine, OK so I'm out supposed to be enjoying myself so I ordered some food,it was a nice sunny day so we took our food out side to eat, sat there was a load of smokers blowing smoke all over the place so we went back inside to have our food,the pub was empty inside but no one was eating out side ,seems strange when you have to eat in side for the sake of smokers.


So where do you suggest smokers go?

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