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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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That's not about me being selfish, it's more about me going about my business as I see fit.


Isn't that pretty much the definition of being selfish? Going about your business as you see fit with no thought to how it affects anyone else.

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So its ok for you to pollute the country air with your car? You can't have it both ways, smokers can't smoke inside so naturally they will smoke outside.


Trying to shift the blame to car drivers is the sort of attitude you'd get from a naughty five year old child who's just been chastised and is trying to defend it with "the other boys were doing it too".


It just reinforces the weakness of your argument, the two are not comparable or linked in any way - I can't remember ever having come home from the pub and having my clothes smelling of petrol fumes, nor did I find it hard to get into the pub because of all the cars standing round the entrance.


It would be equally pointless if I said "So its ok for you to pollute the country from power stations when you use electricity in your house?".


Yes, car pollution is an issue that needs addressing, but this isn't the thread for it.

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Trying to shift the blame to car drivers is the sort of attitude you'd get from a naughty five year old child who's just been chastised and is trying to defend it with "the other boys were doing it too".


It just reinforces the weakness of your argument, the two are not comparable or linked in any way - I can't remember ever having come home from the pub and having my clothes smelling of petrol fumes, nor did I find it hard to get into the pub because of all the cars standing round the entrance.


It would be equally pointless if I said "So its ok for you to pollute the country from power stations when you use electricity in your house?".


Yes, car pollution is an issue that needs addressing, but this isn't the thread for it.

I heard smokers are good for the country,they pay loads of tax for there fags most of them peg out with some disgusting illness before they can claim a pension, its a win win all round for the tax man.

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Trying to shift the blame to car drivers is the sort of attitude you'd get from a naughty five year old child who's just been chastised and is trying to defend it with "the other boys were doing it too".


It just reinforces the weakness of your argument, the two are not comparable or linked in any way - I can't remember ever having come home from the pub and having my clothes smelling of petrol fumes, nor did I find it hard to get into the pub because of all the cars standing round the entrance.


It would be equally pointless if I said "So its ok for you to pollute the country from power stations when you use electricity in your house?".


Yes, car pollution is an issue that needs addressing, but this isn't the thread for it.


I suppose I'm blaming Flowers because pollen is also a contributory factor and has been linked to Cancer also......


Rubbish, it's the usual Journo's, Government, "experts" pinning ALL the blame on 1 product when it's a handful of products combined that cause these problems, otherwise every single smoker would gain the effects. But they don't, so the argument you present is also flawed.

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I always thought that our pubs were closing because they were taken over by slobs and druggies. That's certainly what happened to the ones around Arbouthorne, Norfolk Park and Castle Market. Didn't they all disappear long before anyone even thought of a smoking ban?

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I suppose I'm blaming Flowers because pollen is also a contributory factor and has been linked to Cancer also......


Rubbish, it's the usual Journo's, Government, "experts" pinning ALL the blame on 1 product when it's a handful of products combined that cause these problems, otherwise every single smoker would gain the effects. But they don't, so the argument you present is also flawed.


Who cares if lame brains like you want to deny the truth and claim black is white. The only idiots who will believe you are the others hudling round the outdoor heater in the pouring rain. The government certainly won't be fooled by the tripe you want to claim, and therefore the smoking restrictions are only going to be tightened, but if it helps you get through the day just keep believing your own fables.

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I suppose I'm blaming Flowers because pollen is also a contributory factor and has been linked to Cancer also......


Rubbish, it's the usual Journo's, Government, "experts" pinning ALL the blame on 1 product when it's a handful of products combined that cause these problems, otherwise every single smoker would gain the effects. But they don't, so the argument you present is also flawed.


How many hours of research have you put in to come to your conclusions?


Just wondered if you've considered submitting it to The Lancet?

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Who cares if lame brains like you want to deny the truth and claim black is white. The only idiots who will believe you are the others hudling round the outdoor heater in the pouring rain. The government certainly won't be fooled by the tripe you want to claim, and therefore the smoking restrictions are only going to be tightened, but if it helps you get through the day just keep believing your own fables.


Lol, they aren't fables and I won't be outside with a heater in the pouring rain because I DON'T SMOKE!


I can just see both sides of the equation.


Smoking is bad for your health like other things. Why doesn't the Government also ban these other things? because they have to balance the books after the loss in revenue to their taxation coffers.


Like I said way before, you'll all be moaning when they stick the taxes up because they aren't getting the revenue from Nicotine, Alcohol and other licencing costs.

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Lol, they aren't fables and I won't be outside with a heater in the pouring rain because I DON'T SMOKE!


I can just see both sides of the equation.


Smoking is bad for your health like other things. Why doesn't the Government also ban these other things? because they have to balance the books after the loss in revenue to their taxation coffers.


Like I said way before, you'll all be moaning when they stick the taxes up because they aren't getting the revenue from Nicotine, Alcohol and other licencing costs.


The 'other things' that you mention are either not just dirty addictions, or only harm yourself. Harming yourself is your right. Other things like driving a car aren't habits, they're vital to the economy, which doesn't mean that there hasn't been a huge amount of legislation aimed at cleaning up the air.

The clean air act for a start.

Catalytic converters

Constant requirements to improve the emissions of vehicle engines.

Requirements that industry filter or stop harmful emissions.


And so on.


The simple fact remains that just because some activities are harmful, doesn't in any way justify other harmful activities. So driving doesn't somehow justify smoking.

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