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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Smoking is a strange habit,I watch people who smoke and think what do they get out of it,there seems no rhyme or reason to it,what a way to live having to pay that money out and be gagging for another and another all the time do they ever look at them self's in the mirror and wounder what they are doing to them self's or do they all live in denial,surly by now they must know the health risks involved in smoking,I'm glad I have never smoked in my life at all,one thing that upsets me is when you see a young girl smoking that's a customer for the next 40 years or so for the fag industry what a shame to see it.

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Very true. You have to laugh really when you realise how detatched from reality some people are. The days of smoking in public enclosed spaces are gone and there is no way on this earth that this will change. The ban on smoking was all part of the government's long term strategy on smoking. Last year they announced plans to reduce the number of smokers in the UK to 10% by 2020, and the long term goal is for it to disappear from the UK totally by 2040. So anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together must realise that nothing is going to happen that might actually lead to a reversal of the decline in smoking.


So now you say we aren't a free democratic society as the Government are taking away the smokers right to do with their body what they want, as well as telling them what they can and can't do in their homes too.


Is there also plans to reduce and abolish Fat and Sugar along with petrol and oil? as well as fast food restaurants and gas guzzling cars, lorries, bus's and such?


Or are these an acceptable risk at the moment?


We should NOT be wrapping people up in cotton wool, if you don't like what you hear, smell, taste, see....... Move!!! It's not difficult, Jeez

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Smoking is a strange habit,I watch people who smoke and think what do they get out of it,there seems no rhyme or reason to it,what a way to live having to pay that money out and be gagging for another and another all the time do they ever look at them self's in the mirror and wounder what they are doing to them self's or do they all live in denial,surly by now they must know the health risks involved in smoking,I'm glad I have never smoked in my life at all,one thing that upsets me is when you see a young girl smoking that's a customer for the next 40 years or so for the fag industry what a shame to see it.


It is indeed. Last year the government announced its plans to halve the number of smokers in the UK by 2020. It is part of a strategy that would see smoking disappear totally in the UK within 40 years. So you have to feel sorry for anyone stupid enough to be taking up smoking now.

What the future hold for such people is massive increases in tax on tobacco, massive restrictions on where it can be smoked, and massive reductions in the places where it can be obtained. So the idea that someone is going to bring in concessions regarding special smoking pubs is clearly wide of the mark. It is more likely that the restrictions will be extended to outdoor areas as well as indoor ones. I can even see smoking breaks being restricted in the work place as measures to reduce tobacco consumption are implemented. I can even see employers not offering jobs to smokers. Who would bet against a smoke free public sector within 25 years?

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So now you say we aren't a free democratic society as the Government are taking away the smokers right to do with their body what they want, as well as telling them what they can and can't do in their homes too.


Is there also plans to reduce and abolish Fat and Sugar along with petrol and oil? as well as fast food restaurants and gas guzzling cars, lorries, bus's and such?


Or are these an acceptable risk at the moment?


We should NOT be wrapping people up in cotton wool, if you don't like what you hear, smell, taste, see....... Move!!! It's not difficult, Jeez



Hey don't shoot the messenger. But you are the one who mentioned a non democratic society not me. I don't see what is undemocratic about the smoking restrictions anyhow. The government aren't telling anyone they haven't got the right to smoke. All they are doing is protecting non smokers from those who choose to poison themselves.


Regarding your rant. Food labelling and healthy diets are being encouraged which is why people like McDonalds are introducing more healthy meals.


With regard to gas guzzling cars the government is clamping down on them in exactly the same way. You may have noticed that they have more expensive road tax and it increases year on year. Presumably heavier taxing of non essential goods like tobacco will cut down on the need to transport it too.


I'm pretty happy with it all. You clearly aren't. But if you don't like what you hear, smell, taste, see....... Move!!! It's not difficult, Jeez. Apparently there are no smoking restrictions in Afghanistan.

Edited by purdy
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It is indeed. Last year the government announced its plans to halve the number of smokers in the UK by 2020. It is part of a strategy that would see smoking disappear totally in the UK within 40 years. So you have to feel sorry for anyone stupid enough to be taking up smoking now.

What the future hold for such people is massive increases in tax on tobacco, massive restrictions on where it can be smoked, and massive reductions in the places where it can be obtained. So the idea that someone is going to bring in concessions regarding special smoking pubs is clearly wide of the mark. It is more likely that the restrictions will be extended to outdoor areas as well as indoor ones. I can even see smoking breaks being restricted in the work place as measures to reduce tobacco consumption are implemented. I can even see employers not offering jobs to smokers. Who would bet against a smoke free public sector within 25 years?


And that would indeed be a huge loss in revenue to the Governments coffers as well as make nicotine an illegal substance.


Now tell me, are we winning the war on drug cartels and the like?


OR, are we reducing the number of bobby's on the beat so we can't implement any of these proposed changes that you predict.


The argument, as much as it is a huge achievement from the Anti-smoking/PC brigade, is seriously flawed and you can't stop people from being unhealthy if that is what they wish.


This country can't cope with petty crime now, ne'er mind adding to it!

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And that would indeed be a huge loss in revenue to the Governments coffers as well as make nicotine an illegal substance.


Now tell me, are we winning the war on drug cartels and the like?


OR, are we reducing the number of bobby's on the beat so we can't implement any of these proposed changes that you predict.


The argument, as much as it is a huge achievement from the Anti-smoking/PC brigade, is seriously flawed and you can't stop people from being unhealthy if that is what they wish.


This country can't cope with petty crime now, ne'er mind adding to it!

Most of what you say is OK but when it comes to loosing the tax revenue on fags,I can assure you the national heath spends more on treating long term smoking related illness then they get in tax from fags.

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Hey don't shoot the messenger. But you are the one who mentioned a non democratic society not me. I don't see what is undemocratic about the smoking restrictions anyhow. The government aren't telling anyone they haven't got the right to smoke. All they are doing is protecting non smokers from those who choose to poison themselves.


Regarding your rant. Food labelling and healthy diets are being encouraged which is why people like McDonalds are introducing more healthy meals.


With regard to gas guzzling cars the government is clamping down on them in exactly the same way. You may have noticed that they have more expensive road tax and it increases year on year. Presumably heavier taxing of non essential goods like tobacco will cut down on the need to transport it too.


I'm pretty happy with it all. You clearly aren't. But if you don't like what you hear, smell, taste, see....... Move!!! It's not difficult, Jeez. Apparently there are no smoking restrictions in Afghanistan.


NO, what they are doing is punishing the smoker by charging them more in terms of taxation, while the numbers drop to make up the shortfall coming into the coffers. When they have finally abolished it totally, where will the Tax be coming from?


But will they be banishing Sugar and Fat? is what I asked, not ranted as both are "supposed" to be bad for you and are causing numbers to "rise" in terms of patients within the NHS ( not that thats got nothing to do with the foreign policy really :huh: ). Replacing them with the lovely stuff called Candarel with the disgusting after taste and the "Diet" drinks that taste fowl!


Gas Guzzling cars, lorries, etc are being heavily taxed, yes! But it's a blanket tax on ALL goods not just nicotine products. What do we do, stop lugging all goods around the country?

How do Lorry companies get around the Levy, if introduced? Fill the lorry with 80% food and a crate or 2 at the back of the wagon of Nicotine products.


NO, I'm not happy with the regime of nosy neighbours syndrome!

I don't like being told by some do-gooding PC Brigade loving idiot what I can and can't do with my body.

I'm an English BORN and BRED citizen, War Veteran and have fought for this country and for it's democratic rights. I shouldn't be forced to move abroad to practise my democratic rights.


This isn't a democratic country, it's bullying. Just cause someone chooses to be in the minority doesn't give you or anyone else the right to tell them they can't buy what they want with their money, do what they want with their body or what they want to watch, eat or do with their time.

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And that would indeed be a huge loss in revenue to the Governments coffers as well as make nicotine an illegal substance.


Now tell me, are we winning the war on drug cartels and the like?


OR, are we reducing the number of bobby's on the beat so we can't implement any of these proposed changes that you predict.


The argument, as much as it is a huge achievement from the Anti-smoking/PC brigade, is seriously flawed and you can't stop people from being unhealthy if that is what they wish.


This country can't cope with petty crime now, ne'er mind adding to it!



You seem to be getting ever more desperate with your rants. No one has ever proposed making smoking illegal. However local councils do have enforcement officers who do checks on premises, but their activities are largely self funding out of the huge fines they are allowed to impose. In places like Australia and Canada they have extended their restrictions to include private cars if there is someone under 18 inside. It is rather like the seatbelt or mobile phone laws in cars. If a cop sees someone breaking the law they pull them over and give them an on the spot fine. If a 5 minute pull costs £60 it doesn't exactly put a strain on the country's coffers.


You seem to be drifting ever further from the topic of this thread with your ranting. Does your nicotine patch need changing by any chance?


I'm nipping across the road to the wine bar. You probably should do the same.

Edited by purdy
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NO, what they are doing is punishing the smoker by charging them more in terms of taxation, while the numbers drop to make up the shortfall coming into the coffers. When they have finally abolished it totally, where will the Tax be coming from?


But will they be banishing Sugar and Fat? is what I asked, not ranted as both are "supposed" to be bad for you and are causing numbers to "rise" in terms of patients within the NHS ( not that thats got nothing to do with the foreign policy really :huh: ). Replacing them with the lovely stuff called Candarel with the disgusting after taste and the "Diet" drinks that taste fowl!


Gas Guzzling cars, lorries, etc are being heavily taxed, yes! But it's a blanket tax on ALL goods not just nicotine products. What do we do, stop lugging all goods around the country?

How do Lorry companies get around the Levy, if introduced? Fill the lorry with 80% food and a crate or 2 at the back of the wagon of Nicotine products.


NO, I'm not happy with the regime of nosy neighbours syndrome!

I don't like being told by some do-gooding PC Brigade loving idiot what I can and can't do with my body.

I'm an English BORN and BRED citizen, War Veteran and have fought for this country and for it's democratic rights. I shouldn't be forced to move abroad to practise my democratic rights.


This isn't a democratic country, it's bullying. Just cause someone chooses to be in the minority doesn't give you or anyone else the right to tell them they can't buy what they want with their money, do what they want with their body or what they want to watch, eat or do with their time.


That's an amazing amount of vitriol against a piece of legislation that has benefited so many people.

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You seem to be getting ever more desperate with your rants. No one has ever proposed making smoking illegal. However local councils do have enforcement officers who do checks on premises, but their activities are largely self funding out of the huge fines they are allowed to impose. In places like Australia and Canada they have extended their restrictions to include private cars if there is someone under 18 inside. It is rather like the seatbelt or mobile phone laws in cars. If a cop sees someone breaking the law they pull them over and give them an on the spot fine. If a 5 minute pull costs £60 it doesn't exactly put a strain on the country's coffers.


You seem to be drifting ever further from the topic of this thread with your ranting. Does your nicotine patch need changing by any chance?


I'm nipping across the road to the wine bar. You probably should do the same.



I don't smoke and haven't for years!


So get your insults right! :rant:


I just don't agree with people who have never experienced the habit telling people that it's bad for them and easy to kick if the prices get too high!


It's bullying from the government telling people it's going to cost them to smoke and will only get worse. Due to some jumped up Health conscious heart attack waiting to happen.


I can't wait for when it's got rid of altogether. They'll be front page news Headlines of: Nicotine barons jailed for 15 years for supplying old addicts.


You are clearly one of these people that have NO Respect for anyone and accuse people of being selfish when actually it YOU that's being selfish.

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