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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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The money that the NHS gets whether it comes from fags or any thing else is wasted on cover the cost of treating self inflicted smoking related illness,


Many smokers work and pay into the system like myself. Who are you to say who can get treated or not, God

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Most injuries are self inflicted at the end of the day. From sports, from accidents, from bad decisions...


Illness is less often self inflicted, but smoking is comparable to playing football in that you're likely to need hospital treatment at some time.

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There is a difference between being encouraged to do something and being told what to do. Even the most paranoid non-smoker can't seriously think getting a whiff of cigarette smoke in the street or park will cause them everlasting damage, yet smoking outdoors could be restricted. As for not employing anyone who smokes is this what a fair democracy is all about. You seem happy living with ever increasing restrictions and legislations? Do you work for the council by any chance?


Well not really. There are already jobs advertised as smokers need not apply so it's already here. It is pretty obvious when you think about it. Smokers keep stopping work to nip out for a puff. Regarding outdoor smoking, I think the issue is as much about litter and obstruction as it is about smoke. People discard a dog end and it can polute a water supply, choke wildlife or start a fire. You only have to look at the piles of cigarette ends outside pub doorway or for that matter outside the Hallamshire Hospital to see the problem. Indeed the area outside the hospital is a designated no smoking area it is just that the selfish and ignorant ignore the signs, and it is that sort of lack of consideration for others that led to the ban in the first place.


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And that's just in down town Toronto!


Yep. Too dangerous to go into the countryside. You have to dodge the arrows and bullets from all those people playing cowboys and indians. How did this get away from smoking in public? Oh, I know. After they've played their c & i games, they smoke the pipe of peace. :hihi:

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Hey don't joke about it. I was in Wistler last year and there were moose wandering down the main street. One took the door mirror off the hire car. Very tasty thing mirrors.:(


When I lived in St John's, Newfoundland, moose regularly stumbled into the city. One even went up our street, closely followed by a posse of kids on bicycles and an RCMP car,

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I was brought up in New Zealand as a kid and the licence laws were crazy there,they called them grogg houses and they would only open for one hour at night from 5pm till 6pm not on Sundays at all,they would take jugs and flagons and all sorts to fill up, the rush to the bar as the doors opened was like a stampede the bell would sound and the bar would shut leaving who had not been served stood there, it was called swill hour, latter on they changed the laws to our sort of opening times and there was drunken blokes all over the place for a few months until they got used to it.

Edited by Shogun
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When I lived in St John's, Newfoundland, moose regularly stumbled into the city. One even went up our street, closely followed by a posse of kids on bicycles and an RCMP car,


Up the road a little in St Anthony, moose was just a hazard on the road but it was different when a polar bear hitched a ride on an ice burgh and visited the town.



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