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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Well done Gemini, glad you have stuck with it. I have also tried WW and now on SW and still having trouble shifting the weight but at least I am still not smoking, 2 years at the end of October. I don't miss it at all and feel much healthier.


Keep at it everyone because being an ex smoker is really worth it.



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So very nice hearing from you again.

I also fall off the wagon, started with Champix again....and 1 am on my 200 smokefree days today. This time I am sure it is for good.

It is very little activity on this thread so I guess very few stop smoking or they do without any problems:clap:



All the best from Inger (Oslo Norway)

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Hi all


I'm on Champix and have a query.


I'm on my 11th day of not smoking and stopped on day 8 of starting Champix. I'm really pleased with myself and happy that I don't stink any more.


But, how come I think about fags most of the day? I know I don't really want to smoke but when does the 'I want a fag' thoughts diminish please? And, when there is a smoker on the street in front of me when will I stop wanting to smell his/her neck! :loopy:


Help! :help:

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Hi all


I'm on Champix and have a query.


I'm on my 11th day of not smoking and stopped on day 8 of starting Champix. I'm really pleased with myself and happy that I don't stink any more.


But, how come I think about fags most of the day? I know I don't really want to smoke but when does the 'I want a fag' thoughts diminish please? And, when there is a smoker on the street in front of me when will I stop wanting to smell his/her neck! :loopy:


Help! :help:



I do not know how long you have been smoking, but I have used so much time as a smoker to plan when I should or could smoke etc, so I thought about sigarettes all the time in the beginning. I still do from time to time, after more than 200 days without. I think it has been a habit for so long that it will take a while before we forget. I still think a newly lit sig. smells good - when i smell it in the street :hihi: You are not alone:D

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Hi all


I'm on Champix and have a query.


I'm on my 11th day of not smoking and stopped on day 8 of starting Champix. I'm really pleased with myself and happy that I don't stink any more.


But, how come I think about fags most of the day? I know I don't really want to smoke but when does the 'I want a fag' thoughts diminish please? And, when there is a smoker on the street in front of me when will I stop wanting to smell his/her neck! :loopy:


Help! :help:


Hi, It does get alot better but never quite goes away. If I didn't sometimes think of smoking I probably wouldn't be on this forum still!

Most of the time I don't think about it but just now and again it comes back. I have had a few minor health issues as a result of smoking/ quitting and since about 9mths after stopping have had to use asthma preventative medicine twice a day otherwise I do have problems breathing. Weird really as never had any real problem whilst I smoked for 35+ years though I nolonger cough for England as I used to and not just in the mornings..

So although I tend to forget about the cigs (or small cigars as it was for last 10yrs) I do have a daily reminder that they have had a permanent effect.


Put on some weight too but thats not such an issue, despite the fact not gone away. Strangely, for me the worst effects arrived 9/12mths after quitting, in retrospect the Champix side effects and withdrawl although dire at the time, were just transient.

So its not been plain sailing for me but I am determined not to smoke again, I don't need it now despite that 'empty feeling' still being there some of the time.

So for all of you who are now on the path of quitting or enduring the side effects of nicotine withdrawl - just keep going - one day at a time and you will do it. :)

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I went through a 12 week course of Champix in October 2007 and stopped on 29th Oct 2007, but foolishly started again while on holiday in June this year.


Luckily, the doctor has given me champix again to see if I can get off within the two week pack I have been prescribed.


I thought I could handle the odd fag while on holiday but it carried on when I got home.


I remember how the sickness was a side effect of the tablets was back in 2007, and have just read through my old posts.


So today is day 1, took my first tablet at 1pm and had nausea all afternoon, one good thing is did not want to light up as much today.


I'll keep posting and keep you all up to date.



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I went through a 12 week course of Champix in October 2007 and stopped on 29th Oct 2007, but foolishly started again while on holiday in June this year.


Luckily, the doctor has given me champix again to see if I can get off within the two week pack I have been prescribed.


I thought I could handle the odd fag while on holiday but it carried on when I got home.


I remember how the sickness was a side effect of the tablets was back in 2007, and have just read through my old posts.


So today is day 1, took my first tablet at 1pm and had nausea all afternoon, one good thing is did not want to light up as much today.


I'll keep posting and keep you all up to date.




Heh, thats scary - to have stopped for nearly four years then go back on after a few smokes. Nicotine is a powerful drug you wouldn't expect even hard drugs to grip you again so fast...

You will know the champix route as well as anyone on here but having done it before you also know you can do it again and the benefits.


I take it as a warning to any complacency I might develop that I could handle the occasional smoke. I know I could start again if I wasn't so careful.


thanks for posting, it is a real reminder to us all who think we have quit just how easy it is to slip even after years of non-smoking.

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Hi all, sorry for the very late reply, I've been away.


Still on the Champix, still not smoking. I'm very proud at being away for a week and not smoking at all. Still thinking about smoking a lot though .....


Re the above post about having a fag on holiday, I wanted to believe me. But the thought of having to go through the first two weeks again for a three minute fix did the trick. I used distraction techniques too which helped a lot.


Yay, we're all doing well


Sorry, forgot to add I've been smoking since 1973 so it's no wonder I think of fags a lot!

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I went through a 12 week course of Champix in October 2007 and stopped on 29th Oct 2007, but foolishly started again while on holiday in June this year.


Luckily, the doctor has given me champix again to see if I can get off within the two week pack I have been prescribed.


I thought I could handle the odd fag while on holiday but it carried on when I got home.


I remember how the sickness was a side effect of the tablets was back in 2007, and have just read through my old posts.


So today is day 1, took my first tablet at 1pm and had nausea all afternoon, one good thing is did not want to light up as much today.




OMH that is really scary being quit for so long and then starting again. My mum gave up last April with Allan Carr and I am sure she has started smoking again recently because I can smell that horrible smell but there is no way I am going to ask her. It is her decision. Thankfully I know I don't every want to smoke again, it is just not going to happen. I feel so much better. I used to be asthmatic since I was born, I no longer have to reach for an inhaler because I am not out of breath. My two year milestone will be the end of October and I am really looking forward to it.


Anyway keep at it you know you can do it as you have done if before.

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Hi all. It's day 5 of champix and cigs are staring to taste really horrible. I've dropped from 20 a day to about 13/14, set my quit day for this Thursday, tablets are starting to work already thank goodness. Hope you are all well and i'll be joining you all soon as a non smoker again, I can't wait :)

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