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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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If you 'don't' want to stop smoking, you won't.

I'm a smoker and have never tried to stop. I 'don't' want to.

If you 'want' to stop smoking, do it. Don't buy fags


Just my penneth.


You are right to a degree, but I find that people who say they don't want to stop often do want to, but haven't got the will power or self discipline to do so.

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I smoked on and off and i was not what you call a regular smoker. If i had a cash i would only buy 10s. I tried will power but that was in short supply so i started with the chewing gum and then patches then both of them and i eventually stopped. Its the best thing i have done and now stopped for 7 years now. If you want to stop you will but it is hard.

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Any assistance gratefully received:D:idea::confused:


I stopped about 15years a go and I have never regretted it make sure before you try get in as many things to help ie patches gum inhalers and I have even seen a imitation cig that actually smoke comes out of wish that had been on sale when I stopped just keep trying you will manage it one day

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I have spent the last two weeks at the Northern General chest clinic with my mum. Had part of her lung removed 16 years ago, lung cancer. You would have thought she would have stopped but no. She is now in hospital tonight waiting to have the remainder of her lung removed, with a 1 in 25 chance of surviving. She is terrified, we all are.


I stopped myself 13 years ago when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, you can do it and please try because being in those clinics and on the wards with people who can barely breathe is horrendous.


Sorry to make this grim, good look stay positive I am sure you can do it if you really want to xx

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