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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Because it's enjoyable (a nicotine rush is a pleasant feeling) and unfortunately, addictive. I used to smoke, not loads, mainly when out drinking (back in the days when you could!) and not for very long, a few years or so. I started purely out of curiosity, then found it was quite nice, then it just became a habit. I stopped smoking about, I don't know, 5 years ago or something.


The only time I miss it is when I'm stuck in a traffic jam!

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I started smoking when i was 16 i think they called them Consulate or something like that. I have been stopped about 7 years now, best thing i ever did.


My friends and I used to think Consulate were dead sophisticated. I started smoking (Nelson/Embassy) in the early 60s, then went on to B&H. Cigs used to be comparatively cheap! Had the odd Sobranie at Christmas, just ;)because I loved the coloured papers.


My OH and I stopped about 15 years ago, me when my mum died, and him when he had a heart attack. We've never had a cigarette since. I quite like a whiff of a fresh cig being lit, but I now really dislike being near a heavy smoker on the bus or tram. The stale smell isn't pleasant.


We're retired now, so taking up smoking again wouldn't be an option, as we prefer to use our money to keep our house warm, food in the fridge and the car on the road. It would cost us about £70 a week between us! Thats a lot of money to send up in smoke.

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A smoking thread without Bonzo77 posting? Tsk, he's slacking.


I bet almost no one starts smoking over the age of 25, it's all to do with peer pressure when young. Once people start they find it very hard to stop due to the addictive nicotine. Then they begin to believe they smoke because they want to, or they enjoy it. When in reality they just can't stop or find it very hard to.

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I do enjoy smoking roll ups, but I don't see the point in smoking 10-20 a day. Some days I'll not even think about smoking. I actually don't think it's any more addictive (to me) than chocolate, which I also enjoy and would miss if I couldn't get hold of any.


I accept that for some people it's 20 a day or nothing (with nothing usually being out of the question!), but for me I have tried not to form a particular habit around how much I smoke per day.

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