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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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Hi Everyone, have been reading this forum for days. I am on day 15 of Champix, quit day should have been yesterday, but I have had a few. Its only when I am at home that I feel the urge to have one. Each time I have one I wonder why I bothered as they now taste foul and I dont get the "hit" anymore. Hoping to make tomorrow my quit day, fingers crossed. By the way, I am 44 and have been a 20 - 30 a day smoker for 25 years! Long enough and time to quit.

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YaY!!! 34 hours since I had the last ciggie of my life! Early days but am determined. No major side effects from Champix so far, dry mouth and a craving for fresh orange juice. Thanks to everyone who has posted on here, past and present. You are all an inspiration to me.

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Hi Everyone

I'm still off them 17th Oct 2010 was my quit day and I have got to say that I never really think about them although the other day I walked past my co workers stood huddled outside in the wind and cold and thought there but for the grace of........................

For those of you starting out good luck, for those of you who have quit well done and for those of you who are thinking about it just do it, it is so worth it.

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Hey up all


I packed in in '06, I never thought I would stop and at the time I was going through 50 a day :gag:


There was a drive to stop smoking at work and the stuff to help you stop smoking was given free..


Because I occasionally operated machinery I wasn't allowed any pills so I opted for patches, I had to stop with the patches after three days as they were taking my skin off with them (neat circles of open flesh :mad: )..


I went back and explained so they gave me the inhalers, these were fantastic as they really took the craving away!

I realised that at some stage I was going to have to ignore the craving (without any aid) so I just went cold turkey...


Strangely, the craving went fairly quickly and the only time I really could have used a fag was when someone got my back up...


Anyhow at present if anyone lights up while i'm in the room, I have to go out as the smell makes me want to puke!!


The wife smokes still and I really hate the pong of stale cigs so I may have to trade her in against a non smoking model (will have to do the same wirth my car :hihi: )




Biggsy :D:D


PS, only kidding about trading the wife in :P



I'll give her away if someone will take her :D

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