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The Stop Smoking Megathread [ including Champix]

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I presume a hotel can set whatever rules they like. If they say no smoking allowed, then it's up to you to accept that or not, they are not obliged to rent the room to you. Some even have a policy whereby they say if they find evidence of smoking (ie smell or dog ends or whatever) they will charge you a premium for ridding the room of whatever.


As far as smoking in rented property, again that depends what it says in the tenancy agreement.

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If you rent a hotel room are you legally allowed to smoke in it because you are renting the room? Same as if you rent property to liv ein are you legally allowed to smoke in there?


It is not illegal to smoke in rented hotel rooms however the hotels which don't allow smoking in their rooms use the usual " it is against the law to smoke etc" signs instead of having the balls to tell customers that they don't actually want their custom.

I always tell them that their signs are wrong and that if they don't want smokers then give them the real reason instead of hiding behind useless signs.

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I stayed in a hotel last month where there was a clause that said if you did smoke in the room there would be a £200 cleaning charge plus the cost of one nights stay.


I wonder if this would be as enforceable as the parking fine/invoice bill?

I see these notices all over and do not for one minute believe it would cost that much to open the windows and spray some air freshener, after all, that's probably about as much extra cleaning it would get.

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I was led to believe that allowing customers to smoke in the rooms also affected the insurance premiums so if a hotel allowed smoking their insurance premiums would be quite a bit higher that is why most hotels do not allow it

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it is legal as in law the hotel room that you stay in is effectively your home for that duration

hotels and guest houses do not like you to smoke in them as somebody has already said due to insurance costs and no i do not smoke

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